I am using AT command to read sms from Mobile.
I am using 1> AT, 2> AT+CMGF, 3> AT+CSCS, 4> AT+CPMS, 5> AT+CNMI, 6> AT+CMGL commands to read sms. All are working. But when I try to execute the 1> AT command after 2/3 minutes later it is not working? What I have to do to repeat the execution of the AT command?
I try to use Touch Screen control some motors, and motors run when received mousedown event ,and stop it when received mouseup.(picturebox control)
but i find that sometimes when My finger lifted form touch screen the motor do not stopped,and that means mouseup envent not always Captured by WinCE.
and what should i do to resolve it?
I am using AT command CNMI to enable forward incoming message to computer.How I can I receive incoming message? I need an example in C#
I am writing a program on pocket pc. A problem happened when I want to show a file help
with html format. In html file contains some images, and when I show them, system showed a messenger that could not show. No image was showed. In properties of image, I chose "content" in Build action item and "copy if newer" in copy to output item. Please recommend me that how I have to do ? Thanks
Gi nvphap,
please refer this link see[^]
Pavan Pareta
How do we open and read data from an .edb file using C# in windows mobile.
I have been trying that but i could nt do it in C#.
Can Anybody Help me in this regard with a helpful code snippet
Thanks in Advance.
Did you ever find an answer? I find myself in the same unfortunate position.
ManagedEsent on www.codeplex.com or just lookup on google esent/esent.dll (this is the dll to manage edb files ) its on all versions of windows
Friends...im a final year MCA student...im now doing a 4 month full time project...for which i have selected mobile technology....i ve created an application which uses Google Maps with its API...and gets the current location from the tower from which mobile gets the signals..and then set it as current location in google maps...thereby giving an effect of using GPS....but now i see it is still to small from a evaluator's point of view....so i hv decided to add more features to it to make it a "Traveller's Tool"...like giving info on weather,bus n train timing,hotel informations etc....but i dont anyone giving free services like this....guys...can u help me out...what all things can i add to it (which is doable) so that it becomes big enough for a main project???
also if u have any alternate project titles....it also is appreciated as i still have almost all the 4 months left
expecting a fast response...as i have to present my new ideas this week itself
thanking you
This code was posted by me...
i'm doing a very Similar thing for my final project but i've just got the cell id and i'll use it to get just location not exact cordinates i'm trying to use it in a sales force managemnt application.
i don't know but i think we could help each other scince poth of us have same ideas
we could comunicate by email
feras khiami
good luck
Hi there,
I am developing an ASP.NET MOBILE using ASP.NET 2.0.
My page has a selectionList control from which i can select an item.
I want to test if the item i have selected using if statement and then display the result (add) to another control (tEXTBOXT)
After clicking the command button, ON postback i get error:Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Below is my code:
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Test.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<mobile:Form id="Form1" runat="server">
<mobile:SelectionList ID="SelectionListTest" Alignment="Center" Runat="server" SelectType="DropDown">
<Item Text="Jakech" Value="Robert" />
<Item Text="WAP" Value="Mobile" />
<mobile:TextBox ID="ShowTextBox" Runat="server" Alignment="Center"></mobile:TextBox>
<mobile:Command ID="CommandShow" Runat="server" Alignment="Center" OnClick="OnClick_CommandShow">Show</mobile:Command>
//code Behind
protected void OnClick_CommandShow(object sender,EventArgs e)
if (SelectionListTest.Selection.Value == "Robert")
ShowTextBox.Text = SelectionListTest.Selection.Value;
Hi all,
i m getting this error Msg when i create a process through CeCreateProcess();
like this::
for(int i=0;i<25;i++)
CString CMDdata;
if (!CeCreateProcess(
HRESULT hr = CeGetLastError();
LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
(LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
MessageBoxA((LPCTSTR)lpMsgBuf, _T("Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION );
LocalFree( lpMsgBuf );
CeCloseHandle( pi.hProcess);
CeCloseHandle( pi.hThread);
please tell me how can i release memory of mobile phone.
if possible please explain me with example.
please help me for this.
thanks in advance.
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream;
not only plan, but also believe.
Looking at your code you are trying to create 25 processes. Which iteration is this failing on? Did you know that unless you are running CE6 kernel you can only run 32 precesses maximum and several of these are taken up by the core OS and other processes added by OEMs.
How many processes are running already.
Can anyone help whats the problem behind the following error
PictureBox1.Image() = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile("/Storage Card/sample.bmp")
it gives error :
Fromfile is not member of system.drawing.image
i am coding a windows mobile 6.0 form in VB .Net
Thanks in advance
If you look at the MSDN documentation for the Image class you'll see icons next to methods that are supported on mobile devices. That method is not supported.
MSDN Image class documentation[^]
Can anyone help me how to use the 'transparent image' snippet in VB .Net to use in Windows Mobile.
Please give a simple sample code for it
Thanks in advance
Hi, i've two mobile application, one in c++ and the other in c# that exchange a structure with wm_copy_data.
If i have a simple int inside the struct, everything work fine, but i have problem with the correct struct definition in c# code.
Here is the c++ app code:
typedef struct tagMYRECASR
char roName[100];
char roRole[100];
char rpName[100];
char *roName;
char *roRole;
char *rpName;
CString rp = _T("rp_it-it");
CString vbRoName = rp;
vbRoName += "/";
vbRoName += grmName;
CString vbRoRole = _T("");
CString vbRpName = _T("");
strcpy(MyRec.roName,(const char*)roName);
strcpy(MyRec.roRole,(const char*)roRole);
strcpy(MyRec.rpName,(const char*)rpName);
MyCDS.dwData = 1;
MyCDS.cbData = sizeof( MyRec );
MyCDS.lpData = &MyRec;
HWND window = ::FindWindow(NULL, _T("ManageWindow"));
if(window!=NULL) {
::SendMessage(window, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)(HWND) window, (LPARAM) (LPVOID) &MyCDS );
In c# i tried to define the structure in this way:
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
struct UserData
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 100)]
public string roName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 100)]
public string roRole;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 100)]
public string rpName;
and in many other way, but it doesn't work
any idea? consider me a newbye.
thanks in advance
Try to use StringBuilder to convert from character arrays.
i write code in C# based on WinCE, and hardware is ARM
each time, i need to debug code when linked with my ARM device,it's very slowly.
whether there is another way to debug more quicky?
If your CE device has WiFi and if it is connected to the same network as your PC then you may want to turn the WiFi adapter off. If it is on then many times debugging will occur over the WiFi adapter instead of the USB connection and that makes debugging extremely slow.
thanks,but my device hasn't WiFi .........
How to load an image and make it transparent in VB .Net Windows Mobile 6.0 SDK Form
Please help
The snappiest way involves some platform API calls. Check out the VERY good IPhone clone articles here on CodeProject. The guy has made the code for this very easy to reuse.