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QuestionHow to Repeat execution of AT commands to read SMS from Mobile? Pin
Md. Ali Naser Khan2-Jun-09 23:27
Md. Ali Naser Khan2-Jun-09 23:27 
Questionhow can i capture the mouseup event everytime in VC# based on WinCE platform and arm9 hardware? Pin
zh.again1-Jun-09 3:09
zh.again1-Jun-09 3:09 
QuestionHow to receiving an incoming SMS message? in C# PinPopular
Md. Ali Naser Khan31-May-09 23:42
Md. Ali Naser Khan31-May-09 23:42 
QuestionA problem when I open file help with html format Pin
nvphap29-May-09 5:18
nvphap29-May-09 5:18 
AnswerRe: A problem when I open file help with html format Pin
PavanPareta6-Jun-09 8:09
PavanPareta6-Jun-09 8:09 
QuestionEDB from C# in Windows Mobile Pin
vijaywithu26-May-09 19:09
vijaywithu26-May-09 19:09 
AnswerRe: EDB from C# in Windows Mobile Pin
efarr9-Jul-09 10:20
efarr9-Jul-09 10:20 
GeneralRe: EDB from C# in Windows Mobile Pin
Patrick Blackman14-Jan-10 10:19
professionalPatrick Blackman14-Jan-10 10:19 
ManagedEsent on or just lookup on google esent/esent.dll (this is the dll to manage edb files ) its on all versions of windowsRose | [Rose]
QuestionGPS using GPRS for windows mobile PDA.....need addon feature ideas Pin
Vivek Vijayan26-May-09 7:59
Vivek Vijayan26-May-09 7:59 
AnswerRe: GPS using GPRS for windows mobile PDA.....need addon feature ideas Pin
Joel Ivory Johnson28-May-09 7:41
professionalJoel Ivory Johnson28-May-09 7:41 
GeneralRe: GPS using GPRS for windows mobile PDA.....need addon feature ideas Pin
feras khiami6-Jul-09 4:18
feras khiami6-Jul-09 4:18 
QuestionSelectionList.Selection.Value for mobile Pin
jaroho26-May-09 1:13
jaroho26-May-09 1:13 
Questionerror Msg:: Not enough storage is available to complete this operation. Pin
Le@rner25-May-09 20:29
Le@rner25-May-09 20:29 
AnswerRe: error Msg:: Not enough storage is available to complete this operation. Pin
Matt Holland27-May-09 6:06
Matt Holland27-May-09 6:06 
Questionimage.fromfile problem Pin
Nirmit Kavaiya23-May-09 21:22
professionalNirmit Kavaiya23-May-09 21:22 
AnswerRe: image.fromfile problem Pin
Joel Ivory Johnson28-May-09 7:43
professionalJoel Ivory Johnson28-May-09 7:43 
QuestionVB snippet Pin
Nirmit Kavaiya23-May-09 21:15
professionalNirmit Kavaiya23-May-09 21:15 
AnswerRe: VB snippet Pin
Joel Ivory Johnson26-May-09 12:07
professionalJoel Ivory Johnson26-May-09 12:07 
Questionstructure mapping for wm_copy_data Pin
sliver8020-May-09 4:01
sliver8020-May-09 4:01 
AnswerRe: structure mapping for wm_copy_data Pin
slumberparty29-May-09 3:29
slumberparty29-May-09 3:29 
Questionwhether there is another way to debug more quicky? C# ARM device Pin
zh.again19-May-09 23:08
zh.again19-May-09 23:08 
AnswerRe: whether there is another way to debug more quicky? C# ARM device Pin
Joel Ivory Johnson20-May-09 3:31
professionalJoel Ivory Johnson20-May-09 3:31 
GeneralRe: whether there is another way to debug more quicky? C# ARM device Pin
zh.again20-May-09 14:43
zh.again20-May-09 14:43 
QuestionTransparent Image Pin
Nirmit Kavaiya19-May-09 20:30
professionalNirmit Kavaiya19-May-09 20:30 
AnswerRe: Transparent Image Pin
mysparkle22-May-09 9:00
mysparkle22-May-09 9:00 

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