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GeneralRe: converting Strucutre to Byte array Pin
«_Superman_»27-Jun-09 2:51
professional«_Superman_»27-Jun-09 2:51 
GeneralRe: converting Strucutre to Byte array Pin
kumar sanghvi27-Jun-09 3:01
kumar sanghvi27-Jun-09 3:01 
GeneralRe: converting Strucutre to Byte array Pin
CPallini27-Jun-09 4:28
mveCPallini27-Jun-09 4:28 
QuestionDoes it have a part for C++ builder? Pin
favorxx26-Jun-09 21:20
favorxx26-Jun-09 21:20 
AnswerRe: Does it have a part for C++ builder? Pin
CPallini26-Jun-09 23:37
mveCPallini26-Jun-09 23:37 
GeneralRe: Does it have a part for C++ builder? Pin
favorxx27-Jun-09 2:19
favorxx27-Jun-09 2:19 
QuestionHow to read footer at a sector using C++/VC++ Pin
Shiv Murti Pal26-Jun-09 20:51
Shiv Murti Pal26-Jun-09 20:51 
QuestionWrite PE with VC6 [modified] Pin
tuan111126-Jun-09 17:51
tuan111126-Jun-09 17:51 
I want to write to PE run on empty OS.
It help winAPI run on "Empty OS"
Please,full code & guide
Thanks : -D
-D -D -D -D -D -D
by:tuan1111 Smile | :)

modified on Monday, July 20, 2009 9:24 PM

AnswerRe: Write kernel OS Pin
Michael Schubert26-Jun-09 23:52
Michael Schubert26-Jun-09 23:52 
GeneralRe: Write kernel OS Pin
sashoalm27-Jun-09 1:37
sashoalm27-Jun-09 1:37 
QuestionContext sensitive help in MFC app Pin
Sternocera26-Jun-09 10:39
Sternocera26-Jun-09 10:39 
Question[SOLVED] Help needed with Alphablend function [modified] Pin
Rozis26-Jun-09 10:01
Rozis26-Jun-09 10:01 
AnswerRe: Help needed with Alphablend function Pin
PJ Arends26-Jun-09 11:05
professionalPJ Arends26-Jun-09 11:05 
GeneralRe: Help needed with Alphablend function Pin
Rozis27-Jun-09 1:22
Rozis27-Jun-09 1:22 
GeneralRe: Help needed with Alphablend function Pin
PJ Arends27-Jun-09 6:08
professionalPJ Arends27-Jun-09 6:08 
GeneralRe: Help needed with Alphablend function Pin
Rozis27-Jun-09 8:25
Rozis27-Jun-09 8:25 
GeneralRe: Help needed with Alphablend function Pin
PJ Arends27-Jun-09 12:14
professionalPJ Arends27-Jun-09 12:14 
AnswerRe: Help needed with Alphablend function Pin
Rozis27-Jun-09 23:00
Rozis27-Jun-09 23:00 
GeneralRe: Help needed with Alphablend function Pin
PJ Arends28-Jun-09 19:48
professionalPJ Arends28-Jun-09 19:48 
QuestionSetting font.. [modified] Pin
kumar sanghvi26-Jun-09 9:53
kumar sanghvi26-Jun-09 9:53 
AnswerRe: Setting font.. Pin
CPallini26-Jun-09 10:06
mveCPallini26-Jun-09 10:06 
GeneralRe: Setting font.. Pin
kumar sanghvi26-Jun-09 10:10
kumar sanghvi26-Jun-09 10:10 
GeneralRe: Setting font.. Pin
CPallini26-Jun-09 10:25
mveCPallini26-Jun-09 10:25 
GeneralRe: Setting font.. Pin
kumar sanghvi26-Jun-09 17:55
kumar sanghvi26-Jun-09 17:55 
GeneralRe: Setting font.. Pin
kumar sanghvi27-Jun-09 2:26
kumar sanghvi27-Jun-09 2:26 

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