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Visual Basic

GeneralRe: Need to copy the results of a msgbox Pin
beeker55336-May-09 17:18
beeker55336-May-09 17:18 
AnswerRe: Need to copy the results of a msgbox Pin
_Damian S_6-May-09 18:04
professional_Damian S_6-May-09 18:04 
GeneralRe: Need to copy the results of a msgbox Pin
beeker55337-May-09 5:59
beeker55337-May-09 5:59 
QuestionVB6 card game question Pin
ymilan6-May-09 9:57
ymilan6-May-09 9:57 
AnswerRe: VB6 card game question Pin
Mycroft Holmes6-May-09 14:26
professionalMycroft Holmes6-May-09 14:26 
AnswerRe: VB6 card game question Pin
riced6-May-09 22:32
riced6-May-09 22:32 
GeneralRe: VB6 card game question Pin
ymilan9-May-09 2:01
ymilan9-May-09 2:01 
GeneralRe: VB6 card game question Pin
riced10-May-09 2:17
riced10-May-09 2:17 
If you're still interested in looking at VB.NET here's a couple of links to a MSDN forum that might be worth a quick look at. The guy is asking about a poker game in VB.NET.

David R
"Every program eventually becomes rococo, and then rubble." - Alan Perlis

GeneralRe: VB6 card game question Pin
ymilan10-May-09 5:14
ymilan10-May-09 5:14 
GeneralRe: VB6 card game question Pin
ymilan9-May-09 3:01
ymilan9-May-09 3:01 
GeneralRe: VB6 card game question Pin
riced9-May-09 6:27
riced9-May-09 6:27 
GeneralRe: VB6 card game question Pin
ymilan10-May-09 5:14
ymilan10-May-09 5:14 
GeneralRe: VB6 card game question Pin
riced11-May-09 5:45
riced11-May-09 5:45 
GeneralRe: VB6 card game question Pin
ymilan15-May-09 11:27
ymilan15-May-09 11:27 
GeneralRe: VB6 card game question Pin
riced18-May-09 6:11
riced18-May-09 6:11 
GeneralRe: VB6 card game question Pin
ymilan18-May-09 9:22
ymilan18-May-09 9:22 
GeneralRe: VB6 card game question Pin
ymilan2-Jun-09 14:26
ymilan2-Jun-09 14:26 
GeneralRe: VB6 card game question Pin
riced3-Jun-09 4:42
riced3-Jun-09 4:42 
GeneralRe: VB6 card game question Pin
ymilan3-Jun-09 5:10
ymilan3-Jun-09 5:10 
GeneralRe: VB6 card game question Pin
ymilan3-Jun-09 6:28
ymilan3-Jun-09 6:28 
GeneralRe: VB6 card game question Pin
riced3-Jun-09 8:06
riced3-Jun-09 8:06 
GeneralRe: VB6 card game question Pin
ymilan3-Jun-09 9:02
ymilan3-Jun-09 9:02 
GeneralRe: VB6 card game question Pin
riced3-Jun-09 10:04
riced3-Jun-09 10:04 
GeneralRe: VB6 card game question Pin
ymilan3-Jun-09 11:54
ymilan3-Jun-09 11:54 
GeneralRe: VB6 card game question Pin
ymilan4-Jun-09 2:47
ymilan4-Jun-09 2:47 

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