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AnswerRe: Monitor HTTP traffic Pin
bhadeliaimran10-Aug-08 20:23
bhadeliaimran10-Aug-08 20:23 
Questionpopulating listbox with data from other form Pin
maricarguingab10-Aug-08 19:20
maricarguingab10-Aug-08 19:20 
QuestionControlling LEDS Pin
jonhbt10-Aug-08 19:20
jonhbt10-Aug-08 19:20 
AnswerRe: Controlling LEDS Pin
John_Adams10-Aug-08 20:35
John_Adams10-Aug-08 20:35 
GeneralRe: Controlling LEDS Pin
jonhbt10-Aug-08 21:59
jonhbt10-Aug-08 21:59 
AnswerRe: Controlling LEDS Pin
Thomas Stockwell11-Aug-08 1:30
professionalThomas Stockwell11-Aug-08 1:30 
QuestionToolstripButton Image size? PinPopular
kbalias10-Aug-08 18:59
kbalias10-Aug-08 18:59 
AnswerRe: ToolstripButton Image size? Pin
skirkby17-Mar-09 13:56
skirkby17-Mar-09 13:56 
This question is old, but I was looking for the same information. I finally figured it out.

Set ToolStripButton.ImageScaling = false, and ToolStripButton.AutoSize = false. Then you can use an image of any size and it won't be resized/scaled. You will be responsible to ensure that the image is the right size for your button size.


GeneralRe: ToolstripButton Image size? Pin
skirkby17-Mar-09 14:01
skirkby17-Mar-09 14:01 
AnswerRe: ToolstripButton Image size? Pin
navarino30-Jun-11 2:53
navarino30-Jun-11 2:53 
QuestionI have problem in creating directory structure (dirctory & sub-directories) Pin
khalidd10-Aug-08 18:44
khalidd10-Aug-08 18:44 
AnswerRe: I have problem in creating directory structure (dirctory & sub-directories) Pin
Christian Graus10-Aug-08 21:00
protectorChristian Graus10-Aug-08 21:00 
Questionhow? Pin
Silvyster10-Aug-08 15:30
Silvyster10-Aug-08 15:30 
AnswerRe: how? Pin
leckey10-Aug-08 16:10
leckey10-Aug-08 16:10 
GeneralRe: how? Pin
Silvyster10-Aug-08 16:50
Silvyster10-Aug-08 16:50 
QuestionAnd operator in c#? Pin
CopperCircle10-Aug-08 11:17
CopperCircle10-Aug-08 11:17 
AnswerRe: And operator in c#? Pin
Guffa10-Aug-08 11:29
Guffa10-Aug-08 11:29 
AnswerRe: And operator in c#? Pin
nelsonpaixao10-Aug-08 14:15
nelsonpaixao10-Aug-08 14:15 
GeneralRe: And operator in c#? Pin
Dave Doknjas10-Aug-08 14:38
Dave Doknjas10-Aug-08 14:38 
Questionfinal release help [modified] Pin
bfis10813710-Aug-08 10:09
bfis10813710-Aug-08 10:09 
AnswerRe: final release help Pin
Guffa10-Aug-08 11:33
Guffa10-Aug-08 11:33 
QuestionLarge amount of images - ideas needed Pin
Dewald10-Aug-08 8:23
Dewald10-Aug-08 8:23 
AnswerRe: Large amount of images - ideas needed Pin
User 665810-Aug-08 8:49
User 665810-Aug-08 8:49 
AnswerRe: Large amount of images - ideas needed Pin
nelsonpaixao10-Aug-08 14:19
nelsonpaixao10-Aug-08 14:19 
Questiondetect if application is opened on start-up or via user? Pin
DragenGimp10-Aug-08 7:43
DragenGimp10-Aug-08 7:43 

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