Have you set the X509Chain.ChainPolicy.RevocationMode to X509RevocationMode.Online?
hi all,
we developed windows application (c#),we created setup file using bellow
it is showing error message at the time of installation
as "object reference is require".
if you have a quesiont about an article, ask the author. If you want us all to try and help, try working out what line has the error, and posting some code. No way could I hope to help you based on this, it's ridiculous.
Christian Graus
No longer a Microsoft MVP, but still happy to answer your questions.
<a href="http://www.codeproject.com/KB/graphics/PanZoom2.aspx?msg=2672101#xx2672101xx">http://www.codeproject.com/KB/graphics/PanZoom2.aspx?msg=2672101#xx2672101xx</a>[<a href="http://www.codeproject.com/KB/graphics/PanZoom2.aspx?msg=2672101#xx2672101xx" target="_blank" title="New Window">^</a>]
How can i activate scrollbars with this project using C#
You may want to ask the author of the mentioned article. There is a message board at the bottom.
"The clue train passed his station without stopping." - John Simmons / outlaw programmer
"Real programmers just throw a bunch of 1s and 0s at the computer to see what sticks" - Pete O'Hanlon
Hello everyone,
I want to monitor all Http traffic from my local computer.
I am interested in the headers/bodies in request/response. Any code samples so that I can easily write one?
Thanks in advance
Himal Rupera.
You can use Fiddler
Few have audacity to speak truth
I am new to C#...I am creating a program that has 2 forms...Inside form1, there's a panel, which has form2...I want data in form2 to be displayed in listbox which is in form1...when i click the form2's save button....form2 in panel will hide....then the one running in the backdrop is form1 with the listbox...how can i update the data in listbox in form1,without using Form1 x=new Form1(); x.Show(); (or how can i activate form1 with updated listbox)...Thanks in advance...
I need to create an application to control some LEDs. I have seen an article on CP which used parallel port. Is there any other example please?
Thanks very much
Please take a look at the following articles:
Hope this helps .
John Adams
ComponentOne LLC
Thanks for your reply but i need to control some electronic LEDs from the pc through a particular port like for example through a USB port.Since I don't have a parallel port.
That is the only article that I have seen on the CodeProject that can do what you are asking, and for that matter, it will probably be the simplest since their is an attached article to the code.
Thomas Stockwell
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
Visit my Blog
Is there a way of changing the actual display size of the ToolstripButton Image? I am not talking about the BackgroundImage.
I can change the size of the ToolstripButton when I make ToolstripButton.AutoSize = false, but it does not matter how big I make the ToolstripButton, the Image size stays 16 x 16.
I have tried getting the Image from the ToolstripButton and change the size and put it back on the ToolstripButton, but it still stays 16 x 16. The size of the image has changed, because I tested it by displaying it in PictureBoxes before and after the resize, but on the ToolstripButton the display size does not change.
This question is old, but I was looking for the same information. I finally figured it out.
Set ToolStripButton.ImageScaling = false, and ToolStripButton.AutoSize = false. Then you can use an image of any size and it won't be resized/scaled. You will be responsible to ensure that the image is the right size for your button size.
Another option is to set ToolStripButton.ImageScaling = true, and set it's containing ToolStrip controll's ImageScalingSize property to a desired size. You can, for instance, add a 48x48 image to a button, leave the button's ImageScaling property = true, and set the containing ToolStrip's ImageScalingSize property to 24x24, and the image will be scaled down to 24x24 (not the default 16x16).
You will also want to set the ToolStripButton.AutoSize property to true (otherwise, modifying the ImageScalingSize property doesn't seem to do anything.)
Set Autosize = False, set the size you want, set ImageScaling=None
i am developing a web base application using c#.net with SQL 2005. In my web site i am facing problem in creating Directory structure. i am confused that how to creat directory structure in web base application. I have a little idea to creat directory structure in window base application but in web base i cannot be doit. please help me if any body can. please...
Hoping for good response.
We have an ASP.NET forum. Using server.mappath to get the root is the only extra step you need to create directories on your server. Of course, you cannot create directories on the client with ASP.NET.
Christian Graus
No longer a Microsoft MVP, but still happy to answer your questions.
I'm creating a simple chat application so I started programming with the user interface. Ok here's how I did my layout, I have a split container in a horizontal orientation. The panel that is above the split container has a rich textbox where output or messages pops out including the user's messages. The panel that is below the split container also a rich textbox where the user enters the message. Whenever the user has finished typing the message, they hit the ENTER key, and then the message pops out in the rich text box that is above the split container. After hitting Enter, the rich textbox(input) should be cleared out which was not a problem. Here's the problem on that textbox, after clearing rich textbox, THE I-BEAM pointer should be pointing on the FIRST LINE... well it doesn't after I clear the rich textbox it is still pointing on the second line. Is there a command that I can CONTROL the I-BEAM pointer to POINT on the first line? or is there any other way around?
Can you please post your code?
well.. i can't post the full code cause its going to eat the whole page. Anyways, here's a code snippet of what i've done on clearing the rich textbox.
Hi, I am trying to convert some of my BlitzBasic code over to C# and I cant get the following statment to work?
If paletteRmap[i]=0 And paletteGmap[i]=0 And paletteBmap[i]=0
If (paletteRmap[best]=0 & paletteGmap[best]=0 & paletteBmap[best]=0)
Error Message
The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable, property or indexer?
You are looking at the wrong operator for the error. The equality comparison operator in C# is ==, not =.
However, you probably want to use the regular && operator that does short-cut evaluation, instead of the & operator that always evaluates both operands, regardless if it's needed to determine the result of the operation.
if (paletteRmap[best] == 0 && paletteGmap[best] == 0 && paletteBmap[best] == 0)
Despite everything, the person most likely to be fooling you next is yourself.
And = &&
Or = ||
And = & (bitwise 'and')
Or = | (bitwise 'or')
AndAlso = && (logical 'and')
OrElse = || (logical 'or')
You'll get into problems replacing the bitwise 'And' and 'Or' operators with the logical && and || operators. Conversion problems from VB are caused by the fact that many VB programmers misuse 'And' and 'Or' as logical operators (they will function as non-short-circuiting logical operators, but are designed to be bitwise operators).
David Anton
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