Vipin dev wrote: when we use group by clause??
ORDER BY clause is used to sort the records based on certain fields.
GROUP BY clause is used to find SUM ,AVG ,MAX ,etc.,
for each group of a field.
For more information Click Here[^]
Arun Kumar.A
Hi All,I would like to copy my database to my folder..how can I open that database.how can I do that?help me,please..
Hi,Im Razana
hi ,
ok i thought it was as simple as putting the path to the db into AttahDbFileName , but it does'nt work.
I get "<path+database> is on a network path and this is not supported"
I tried messing with the surface area cfg , no change. Could someone give me a pointer as to what i have to do to add a database that is on a network??
Also , The "server" computer that does have the database has SQLSERVER 05 exp. installed. But "client" computer that tries to connect to this "server" also has SQLSERVER 05 exp. installed , so maybe its using the wrong instance of the service?
My connection string looks like this:
"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=\\Gidlaptop\data (e)\Gid\My Creations\Hotel Management Studio\HotelManager.Core\bin\Debug \DataServices\HTLDATA.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True";
[using C under .NET 2.0]
Thanks so much!
Thank you! for the reply, but because of my ms access background i did'nt realize how i need to connect to a database that is on a locally connected computer. I did'nt want to use the DB from a UNC path , i just wanted to connect to it!
I thought , naively , i could just use attachDbFile and specify the UNC location. But it seems i had to "Attach" the database on the "server" first[^]
Then i was told to use either one of these connection strings:
Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername; Password=myPassword; OR
Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=SSPI;
(Where myDataBase is the name i used when i "Attached" the database.)
Also, i needed to allow remote connections.[^].(Dont forget to enable the sql browser service, its off by default)
I hope this helps someone else , if they had the same mis understading i had!
Thanks in advance….
I have table and having Full text catalog implemented. I want to drop the Full text catalog by using script (Tsql) and then again generate the same Full text catalog on the same table.
I can drop the table Full text catalog successfully but when I execute the script to recreate the Full text catalog it through the following error.
## "File 'sysft_adm_groups_full_text_new1' cannot be reused until after the next BACKUP LOG operation."
Below are the script that I am using to recreate.
CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG [adm_Test_full_text]
IN PATH N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.5\MSSQL\FTData'
Thanks again
Hi folowing my query is not considering the datepart function in where condition...,
How to make it proper plz any one hlp me...,
SELECT dbo.tblEmployeeMaster.empId,dbo.tblEmployeeMaster.empName,
dbo.tblMonthHourDetails.SDate, dbo.tblTimeCardmain.shift,
FROM dbo.tblEmployeeMaster INNER JOIN dbo.tblMonthHourDetails
ON dbo.tblEmployeeMaster.empId = dbo.tblMonthHourDetails.EmpId
INNER JOIN dbo.tblTimeCardmain
ON dbo.tblMonthHourDetails.EmpId = dbo.tblTimeCardmain.empid
AND dbo.tblMonthHourDetails.SDate = dbo.tblTimeCardmain.carddate
WHERE dbo.tblmonthhourdetails.projectid=100 And
(dbo.tblMonthHourDetails.MedicalLeave <> 0) OR
(dbo.tblMonthHourDetails.AnnualLeave <> 0)
and datepart(mm,sdate)=5 and datepart(yyyy,sdate)=2007
Advance thanks...,
Magh_M wrote: and datepart(mm,sdate)=5 and datepart(yyyy,sdate)=2007
It is because of And has higher precedence than Or.
Try this:
<br />
WHERE dbo.tblmonthhourdetails.projectid=100 And<br />
<big>(</big>(dbo.tblMonthHourDetails.MedicalLeave <> 0) OR<br />
(dbo.tblMonthHourDetails.AnnualLeave <> 0)<big>)</big><br />
and datepart(mm,sdate)=5 and datepart(yyyy,sdate)=2007
along with the column list and check the expression evaluates like you expect.
If you still find the same problem,
try to include the exressions
along with the column list and check if the expressions evaluate like you expected.
Arun Kumar.A
Thank u
Keep in touch
Hi Can any one give the code for importing text file or excel sheet of say 10k records into sql database and then searching those 10k records with the existing database whether record exixt or not and give the status of records found in data grid.all this has to be developed from front end application in vb6.0..Please help
Thanks Sandeep
I have a table which has a field ItemsReceived of type datetime. I have a grid view which has two columns.
In first column i have to show the data from field ItemsReceived and in second column I have to show
difference between Currenttime and date from ItemReceived. How can I do that.
ItemRecieved Difference
6/13/2007 12:38am 1d 21h 45m
6/13/2007 3:54pm 1d 06h 10m
6/15/2007 12:26pm 34m
So the second coulmn displays the difference of current time minus ItemRecieved. the format shouild be <mintues>m,
or<hours>h, <mintues>m, or <days>d.
How can I do that.
Thanks in advance
Hi All,
I have to make search routine which can search against each field of the table, and user can search with these option example, there is a field Name in the table, user can select from combo "Equal","Contains","Starts With","End With" then type something in the text box, system willl search according.
I am thinking to use freetext search facilities of SQL server 2005, please confirm , can we implement search like explained above using freetext search.
if yes please suggest me an article, other option is obviously is like query.
Second Question
and one more thing, each record will have a pdf document, i m intended to store these doc into the database, and give search facilitess against them as well, please suggest from where i have to start to store pdf doc in binary, and give search facilites against the docs.
Please take in cosideration , that there is thousands of records in each table.and document size can be upto 50MB.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Many Thanks & Best Regards,
Many Thanks,
Adnan Rafiq
How can I delete last 20 rows or records from a table.
If you have an ID column on the table, you could use the following.
FROM Table
How would this WHERE caluse return no results?
WHERE UniqueID = 'C7B411C6-E17D-454a-9B7B-1A170F33A072'
OR UniqueID != 'C7B411C6-E17D-454a-9B7B-1A170F33A072'
There are items in the IS catalog, if i remove the WHERE clause they are returned. If I do a similar query using Contains() then its fine too.
WHERE Contains(UniqueID,'C7B411C6-E17D-454a-9B7B-1A170F33A072')
Now I don't want to jump the gun and suggest there is something fundimentally wrong here without fully understanding IS and its Sql Query language but equality is pretty basic, it's either equal to or not equal to.
Is this a case where FILE_NOT_FOUND might come in?
Any insight into this wierd behaviour would be great.
EDIT: Forgot to mention this is on Windows Xp Pro, where UniqueID is a cached VT_LPSTR, 40 length.
(Yes I know I cross posted ... naughty me :P but I'm really not sure usre how much user cross over the OS and Sql forums get )
I have a sql statement where I am trying to pull all records that have a value as well as those records that do not have a value for a particular attribute in a table. To pull the values that were Null I used the following condition "OR cd.BCAT IS NULL" (where BCAT is the attribute) When adding this condition to my sql statement none of the records that have NULL values are returned. When checking the design of the table in SQL Server, I noticed that whoever set the table up, specified the default value for this particular attribute to '' (which I assume is nothing as opposed to null). Knowing this I changed the condition to "OR cd.BCAT IS ''". However, when doing this it seems like the query takes for ever, does not return anything, and basically hangs up. Is there a difference between NULL and ''. If so how can I return records that have '' as the value? Thanks in advance to all that reply.
NULL is the absence of a value. '' is a value - an empty string. Basically, if you have something which does not have a valid value, e.g. an optional date, you would normally use a nullable column. This means that you don't have to store a "magic" value to identify these values.
Deja View - the feeling that you've seen this post before.
Thanks Pete. Making the column's default value NULL should make my sql statement work. However, w/o jeopardizing the integrity of the database (i.e. relationships, data), I am assuming that making this change will only affect the values in this table (and not update other tables where this value may be referenced). Secondly will I need to do an update on existing records such that they now incorporate the NULL value or will making this change apply it to existing records? Is there absolutely any way to check for ''? (if not I will try the suggested) Thanks, again.
Alternatively you could just add WHERE (column IS NULL or column = '') to your query. It's not pretty, but it would work.
Deja View - the feeling that you've seen this post before.
Or WHERE IsNull(column, '') = ''
dboy221 wrote: "OR cd.BCAT IS ''".
Perhaps you mean OR cd.BCAT = '' ?
my boss sent me this, I dont know how to do any kinda SQL
Hey Danny, can you make a data entry form so Jane can type customers' email addresses into our database? It needs to have two fields: store number and email address, and a submit button that inserts into sutherlands_mailing_list. Can you save it as www.webice.net/addresses.asp
and the second email she sent
Either way - you're connecting to a table on the SQL server, which is called sutherlands_mailing_list, not an access database. Look at the data entry pages on www.sutherlandshomedesigncenter.com/manager to see how to connect. Your connection string is already built if you use the file include 'database_connect' - you basically just have to write a simple SQL INSERT statement.
can anyone help me with this?
Does your boss know you do not know SQL? If so you should ask for time to study SQL, especially if you will be in charge of the upkeep of this. If you gave your boss the impression you do know SQL and really don't all I can say is you dug your own hole.
Also it looks like you posted about this in another forum (ASP). Please do not crosspost.
stuff + cats = awesome
sorry about the cross post, and i did not tell her that i knew it or hinted at it. I will have a talk i guess
United States law says that (as long as you did not claim at some point you did know) if you do not know how to do something that is part of your job, the company is required to give you the necessary time and resources (book, class, etc) for you to learn the process in a reasonable amount of time on the company dollar.
stuff + cats = awesome