Typically your databases on Express are set to the Simple recovery model. This keeps only the transaction logs required to roll back active transactions. It rapidly overwrites the log records once the corresponding transaction is committed.
In contrast databases on the true server editions of SQL Server default to the Full recovery model, which logs everything that's done and keeps log records until the log is backed up, in order that recovery can occur to the point of failure if the data files are lost (and you restore a full backup). If you're not backing up the transaction log through a SQL Server-aware product, they simply keep growing. This may well take longer to scan on opening a database.
Also, SQL Server Express Edition only actually opens databases and performing the roll forward of logged committed operations and rollback of logged uncommitted operations when that database is accessed (this is the 'auto close' option). The full editions of SQL Server open and recover all database at service startup.
The time to perform recovery is also affected by the disk subsystem you're running the process on - it will be directly proportional to the read speed of the disks. If you're running on RAID 5, check that you haven't got a failed disk - your read speed will have gone through the floor. You will also get a complete failure if another drive fails.
Arun.Immanuel wrote: 5 lakhs of rows
Which means?
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* Glasgow: Mock Objects, SQL Server CLR Integration, Reporting Services, db4o, Dependency Injection with Spring ...
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Never write for other people. Write for yourself, because you have a passion for it. -- Marc Clifton
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Colin Angus Mackay wrote: Reporting
I think it means he's of the Indian persuasion.
Yes, You are right.
Arun Kumar.A
I have 5,00,000 rows in the table tableName
Arun Kumar.A
This one creates a column that takes about 13 bytes:
select replace(convert(nvarchar(10),getdate(),108),':','') <br />
from tblName
While this one casts the result into an integer (which takes just 4 bytes):
select replace(convert(nvarchar(10),getdate(),108),':','')*1<br />
from tblName
The second is probably only faster because SQL Server can store the results in less space (or the data takes less packets to pass across your network.
I want to alter a table using sql query.In that i want to insert new field between other fields,not at the last position.How to do that?
Why do you want to add the column inbetween?
What problem do you face when you add the column at the last?
No matter where the column positions are.
Always try to include the column names along with the statements like:
<br />
select col1,col2 from tblName<br />
<br />
<br />
insert into tblName(col1,col2) values(val1,val2)
Arun Kumar.A
In general you can't, unless you are willing to destroy all the columns that are to come after the new one, then add them back.
In most cases, column order at definition time is not particularly relevant. Unless they are part of a clustered index, the definition order has no relation to the storage order on disk. The only impact is if you do a query of the form "select * from tablename", the definition order becomes the default order for returning the columns. This is bad practice anyway, since it usually means you are fetching more data than you really need; "select col3,col1,col2, col4 from tablename" is the recommended approach, and in that case you have specified whatever return column order you desire.
Does anybody know how I can get the SQL Connection DialogBox to show up in C#?
You know, the one that comes up when you open query analyzer. I think that I need to use Microsoft.Data.ConnectionUI which I need to install another SDK to use. Does anybody know which SDK this is?
Any help would be appreciated
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont.
I am new to sql and don't know much. what does the @ mean ?
FOr ex: select * from table where column= '@param '
thnks !
It indicates a parameter in so-called parameterized queries (as opposed to adhoc queries). Parameterized queries are safer than adhoc queries because adhoc queries are sensitive to SQL injection.
@ is used for variables. You used it in parameters coming in on a stored procedure. You can declare local variables "Declare @cnt as int" You can also declare table variables.
In your example above it is a parameter that is being used to pass in the column.
emiralp wrote: what does the @ mean ?
In general it indicates that this represents a parameter name. However, in the example you've given it means nothing as you've enclosed it in apostrophes and has become part of a string literal.
Upcoming events:
* Glasgow: Mock Objects, SQL Server CLR Integration, Reporting Services, db4o, Dependency Injection with Spring ...
* Reading: Developer Day 5
Never write for other people. Write for yourself, because you have a passion for it. -- Marc Clifton
My website
kubben wrote: In your example above it is a parameter that is being used to pass in the column
Re-read his example. He's put the "parameter" inside single-quotes making it a string literal. In the context he has presented it means nothing.
Upcoming events:
* Glasgow: Mock Objects, SQL Server CLR Integration, Reporting Services, db4o, Dependency Injection with Spring ...
* Reading: Developer Day 5
Never write for other people. Write for yourself, because you have a passion for it. -- Marc Clifton
My website
Dear Friends,
I want to connect to the SQL server 2000 from my second PC so what should I install client or server and how to connect to the server and with what setting.
Please help.
http://www.connectionstrings.com[^] will give you a list of connection strings for various databases. Hope this helps
"The clue train passed his station without stopping." - John Simmons / outlaw programmer
hi all,
i have a table which i wanna insert current time to sql table please tell me how to do it i wanna insert time in the following format
Use GetDate() or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function to get current datetime in standard format.
The following statement gives the current date and time.
select getdate()
You can covert it to print date only:
For eg., select convert(nvarchar(10),getdate(),101)
Change the value 101 to 108 to print time.
select replace(convert(nvarchar(10),getdate(),108),':','')
--displays hh:mm:ss
To remove semi-colon, use replace() function.
select replace(convert(nvarchar(10),getdate(),108),':','')
select replace(convert(nvarchar(10),current_timestamp,108),':','')
Hope you got it.
thx Harini, i got it. thx a lot.
I use mysql on my project and I can connect to mysql with my IP,this is a good thing.
But the problem is that I can't create a user.
My sintax is:
cmd1.CommandText = "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test .* TO 'myuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword' WITH GRANT OPTION;"<br />
cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery()<br />
<br />
cmd1.CommandText = "flush privileges;"<br />
The problem is that when I connect to mysql with localhost this command works and when I connect with my IP it doesn't work.
Thank .
-- modified at 1:21 Monday 11th June, 2007
What is your problem you are having? You have to log in as root to create a user...
"The clue train passed his station without stopping." - John Simmons / outlaw programmer
Hi All,
Please help on how to connect Remote Database with ASP.NET application.
i.e My application is deployed in one place and the database is placed abroad. I want to run my application connecting with that database. The database is SQL Server.
Thanks in advance.