JimmyTG wrote: Is there any other way of doing this besides UNC? Just in case.
That's the problem. There's LOTS of different ways of doing this, all of which depend on the type of server he's running, be it Windows Networking, HTTP server, FTP server, TFTP server, web service, ...
Alright I got a hold of him. Hes running Windows XP Home, with some program called wamp. He says it's Apache, mysql, and php put together. Hes not a genius on networking either so hes not really sure what kind of sever that would be.
So I copy my vb.net solution from one computer to another. On the new one I get:
The project includes a password-encrypted key for signing, and I'm supposed to enter it.
I swear I never gave any such thing...
How can I find out what it is?
Open up your project and double-click on My Project in the Solution Explorer. Click on the Signing tab. What's enabled (checked) ??
OK, I had sign the click-once manifests checked. Problem seems to go away if I uncheck that.
Is there a good source for vb.net deployment issues? I'm having a lot of trouble with this part.
cstrader232 wrote: Is there a good source for vb.net deployment issues? I'm having a lot of trouble with this part.
Nope. It's pretty much spread out all over the web. Run into a problem, then Google it.
I have a combo box, it is populated from excel (sheet 1, column A for reference sake). In sheet 1, column B is a flag set for items that must be reported immediately. Once a value is selected from the combo box it is stored in a text field on a form. I now need to find out if the value stored has the flag set in its column B.
If this is possible please let me know.
Combobox has Text & Value Properties.
Bind ColumnA to Text property, and ColumnB to Value property.
<br />
Combo1.DataSource=ds;<br />
Combo1.DataTextField="ColumnA";<br />
Combo1.DataValueField="ColumnB";<br />
...........<br />
Then, use the SelectedText and SelectedValue properties of the combobox.
Hope that helps you.
Arun Kumar.A
Dear Sir
I have created 2 forms on VB .NET.
Form1 has a Panel1 with 25 Buttons inside this panel.
Form2 has a Panel2 which is an emty panel.
My question is that:
If i click on any of these buttons one-by-one (Panel1 with 25 buttons), I want this buttons to be added
one-by-one into Panel2 and hold their sort of reference of click_event.
Im a student and very new to VB .NET
If you can u help it would be very grateful to me...
Kind regards
I already told you you either have to create a SECOND button to put on Panel2, or you have to MOVE the button to Panel2, which I also already showed you how to do.
You CAN NOT have a single button show up in 2 Panels, or any other containers, at the same time!
This is the THIRD time you have posted the same question. One of our members answered you the first time. Just because you don't like the answer, it does not give you the right to keep asking the same question over and over. Behavior like this will result in no one helping you ever.
Bob is my homeboy.
you also can't move the code behind the buttons to form 2.
Posted by The ANZAC : "WWBD, What Would Buffy Do?" : "I don't know man, she's stronger than me"
LAPEC wrote: Im a student and very new to VB .NET
That explains why you're having so much trouble. Buy a book that takes you through the basics and then ease into winforms and so on. What you want to do can be done with delegates, but I can't imagine why you'd do it.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
Metal Musings - Rex and my new metal blog
"I am working on a project that will convert a FORTRAN code to corresponding C++ code.I am not aware of FORTRAN syntax" ( spotted in the C++/CLI forum )
I am haveing trouble converting some vba come code to .net. The function call states that the ITrackCancel need to be there but does not need to be used. However when I don't pass one I get an embedded com error. When I do pass a new ITrackCancel I get a "The method or operation is not implemented. This item has several methods that could be implemented but I would have make it a global object to do this (I think). Does anybody have any suggestions on some things I could do with this to make it work?
The unimplemented functions look like this in the imed window
CancelOnClick = {"The method or operation is not implemented."}
CancelOnKeyPress = {"The method or operation is not implemented."}
CheckTime = {"The method or operation is not implemented."}
ProcessMessages = {"The method or operation is not implemented."}
Progressor = {"The method or operation is not implemented."}
TimerFired = {"The method or operation is not implemented."}
<br />
Private Sub simplerMap()<br />
Try<br />
<br />
Dim strPMFFile As String<br />
strPMFFile = "D:\GIS_SHARED_DATA\Working\Shane\Junk\Applications\Reader\UtilityJunk.pmf"<br />
<br />
Dim pmf As IPMFPublish<br />
Dim mapDoc As IMapDocument = New MapDocument<br />
mapDoc.Open("D:\GIS_SHARED_DATA\Working\Shane\Junk\Applications\Maps\UtilityReaderMapjunk.mxd")<br />
<br />
<br />
pmf = New PublisherEngine<br />
pmf.Publish(mapDoc.PageLayout, mapDoc.ActiveView, pmf.GetDefaultPublisherSettings, False, strPMFFile) 'Set up the publisher engine for packaging<br />
Debug.Print("published")<br />
<br />
Dim pPE As ESRI.ArcGIS.Publisher.IPMFPackage<br />
pPE = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Publisher.PackagerEngine<br />
'Specify the data package location<br />
Dim pSettings As IPropertySet<br />
pSettings = pPE.GetDefaultPackagerSettings()<br />
pSettings.SetProperty("Package Directory", "D:\GIS_SHARED_DATA\Working\Shane\Junk\Applications\Reader\package")<br />
''Set the output data format to compressed and encrypted<br />
pSettings.SetProperty("Vector Type", esriAPEVectorType.esriAPEVectorTypeShapefile)<br />
<br />
''Set the vector clip type to only include features that intersect the data frame<br />
pSettings.SetProperty("Vector Clip Type", esriAPERasterType.esriAPERasterTypeFileGDBCompressed)<br />
<br />
'Put the published map to package in an array<br />
Dim pArr As IStringArray<br />
pArr = New StrArray<br />
pArr.Add(strPMFFile)<br />
'Set Cancel Tracker<br />
Dim pCT As ITrackCancel<br />
pCT = New TrackCancel '******Set Item Here********************************<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Debug.Print("Begin Package")<br />
'Package the published map<br />
pPE.Package(pSettings, pCT, pArr) '********Get Error Here***************<br />
Debug.Print("End Package")<br />
<br />
<br />
Catch ex As Exception<br />
Console.WriteLine(ex.Message)<br />
End Try<br />
You have to create a class that implements ITrackCancel and supply the code to implement the methods. From your code, it looks like you don't know what an Interface is.
Public Class MyTrackClass
Implments ITrackCancel
Public Sub ....whatever methods you MUST code to satisfy
the requirements of the ITrackCancel interface...
End Class
Blizzardice wrote: Dim pArr As IStringArray
pArr = New StrArray
'Set Cancel Tracker
Dim pCT As ITrackCancel
pCT = New TrackCancel '******Set Item Here********************************
The two Dim statements as Interfaces are unneccessary. Assuming that you have two classes that implement these interfaces (as above), what you did is no different than:
Dim pArr As New StrArray
Dim pCT As New TrackCancel
Thanks for your help. I implemented the class and of course had to implement another class for something in there and now just get a HRESULT error Oh well I will have to see what I can make of that.
No I don't know or remember what an interface is. I only seem to get to program about 3 months of the year so I forget alot between. Thanks for your time and patience. i am curious thought why all the examples from ESRI (Which is where all this comes from always do the
dim P_Interface as Iinterface
p_Interface = new interface
when you say its not neccessary. I have been doing it that way for a long time now.
Blizzardice wrote: i am curious thought why all the examples from ESRI (Which is where all this comes from always do the
dim P_Interface as Iinterface
p_Interface = new interface
Because an Interface is not a concrete object. It's more like a contract. An interface just defines what a class MUST implement.
Think of it this way. If you were writing a plugin for another application, how would that application know how to call the code in your plugin?? The only way is to make sure that the class you write implements an interface that the host application expects your class to use. Otherwise, the host app has no idea how to call your plugin code.
Now, since the host app also cannot know what your class is called at runtime, it just casts an instance of your class to the interface is expects. This allows the code to call your class because, without knowing what your class is called or what's in it, it knows that your class has to implements the things it DOES know about.
For example:
Public Class MyPlugIn
Implements IAppPlugin
Public Sub SomeMethod(blah, blah) Implements IAppPlugin.SomeMethod
End Sub
End Class
And in the application, it would do something like this (simplified!)
' An instance of the class has already been created somewhere
' else. This is how the host app would use it.
Dim p As IAppPlugin = DirectCast(someInstance, IAppPlugin)
The ESRI examples are overblown. They're doing extra steps that are just not necessary.
I am not sure if this should be posted as another question or not but since you seem to be very well infomed I have a couple more questions about the implements.
Do I have to put something in the get set properties? I implemented another item and put return new item for the get that called that item. But the rest I left blank. Like I said its been a while. Well over a year easy. The autocreation of the implements was nice.
What is the [functionName] purpose of the square brackets? Does it signify something like _variable means a private variable?
Is there a scoring system here where I give you points for answering my posts?
<br />
Public Property Progressor() As ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IProgressor Implements ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ITrackCancel.Progressor<br />
Get<br />
Return New MyProgressor<br />
End Get<br />
Set(ByVal value As ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IProgressor)<br />
<br />
End Set<br />
End Property<br />
Blizzardice wrote: Do I have to put something in the get set properties? I implemented another item and put return new item for the get that called that item. But the rest I left blank.
Most likely, yes. Those properties, if mandated by the Interface, are expecting you to store some information, whatever it is. The Interface is saying that the host app is going to expect to find certain kinds of data in those properties.
Blizzardice wrote: What is the [functionName] purpose of the square brackets?
It's telling the compiler your using a reserved word as a variable name, which would otherwise be illegal.
Blizzardice wrote: Is there a scoring system here where I give you points for answering my posts?
Just the 1,2,3,4,5 in the bottom right corner of each post.
Blizzardice wrote: Public Property Progressor() As ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IProgressor Implements ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ITrackCancel.Progressor
Return New MyProgressor
End Get
Set(ByVal value As ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IProgressor)
End Set
End Property
I don't know what you asking here. From this little piece of code, it looks like this property is returning a new instance of an object that implements IProgressor , on every call to the property. This can get out of control very rapidly. EVERY SINGLE call to this property would create a new instance, NOT returning the same instance that was help before. If you've not a pro at this, using a technique like this can lead to some nasty problems to debug.
Normally, you wouldn't use a property to do this. Normally, you use a shared factory method in a class to create new instances. This is an example of a over simplified factory method:
Public Shared Function CreateProgressor() As IProgressor
Return New MyProgressor
End Function
What you posted looks like a poor-mans implementation of the Factory pattern.
I have a SQL-Server table with columns: ID(integer,identity),Id_Parent(integer,referencing ID), and other fields.
I load the data in a datatable(with a SqlTableAdapter).
1) If I create a new row in the datatable, the Update method works well
2) If I create another row referencing the previous before updating (and so without an ID), I cannot save it.
Probably I have to retrieve the @@IDENTITY field from the database, but I would like to use only one update action.
Any ideas ???
You have no choice but to do this in TWO actions. It's impossible to do in one.
Is it possible to unzip a winzip or pkzip file with the sharpzip library. If so, where can I find examples?
Does anyone know how to create the Select All function under the Edit menu in vb.net? I need to be able to select all items in a listbox.
For i As Integer = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
ListBox1.SetSelected(i, True)
Next i
SetSelected also allows you to deselect an item by setting the boolean parameter to false
How can I retrieve the list of IP Addresses, and the Names of the Computers connected in my local area Network.
I want to develop a project which can show me the list of computers connected to the server through vb.net.
Please Help me.