Hi all--I tried searching for this, but it was hard to know what to search on...
I have two users, say User and Update. Update comes in once a day and does a bunch of stuff, but I need to make sure it doesn't do anything until any existing Users close their connections (or else data will probably be compromised).
And second, I need to ensure that while Update is doing its thing, all other users will have their connection requests denied. Then after Update is finished, he'll restore connection abilities to the Users.
Can anyone tell me how to accomplish this? Or maybe point me in the right direction?
Thanks a lot,
Does this have to be done during the day or can you set a logoff time and run the Update overnight?
Bob is my homeboy.
I have a DataSheet form that has Adds Allowed and Edits Disabled. For cells of existing records that are using comboboxes to select from a lookup table the combobox still drops although the user can't make a new selection and then close it. Is there a setting that will keep the CB from dropping in the same way that no new text can be typed into textfields at all.
You have to explain to them [VB coders] what you mean by "typed". their first response is likely to be something like, "Of course my code is typed. Do you think i magically project it onto the screen with the power of my mind?" --- John Simmons / outlaw programmer
Just wondering if anyone had any advice.
I am trying to read a text field from a .dbf file, the text field is 'encrypted' by a simple increase in the character code.
ie. 0 becomes n, 1 becomes m, by adding to the (int) value of the character.
I have tried using both an OleDB connection and ODBC connection DataReaders to import the data into a textbox so that the user can see the information before choosing to unscramble back to cleartext.
I have no problem populating the textbox but some characters are not being imported with the same encoding as in the file.
If I open the .DBF in a hex editor then I get :
79 77 77 78 80 7D 77 7F 77 7D 79 79 77 7F 7E
I have added a Diagnostic write to show what is in the text box:
79 77 77 78 C7 7D 77 7F 77 7D 79 79 77 7F 7E
As you can see, the fifth character value (hex) 80 is brought in as (hex) C7.
It seems to do this both when trying the OleDB and ODBC connection types for a DBF file.
Is it possible that I am missing an encoding option in the connection string or in the Data Reader?
Thanks in advance.
I have been using SQL Server 2000 for some time now, and I had to install SQL Server 2000 again yesterday. The instance that I created for SQL Server 2000 was MYSERVER\MYINSTANCE. The instance for SQL Server 2005 is MYSERVER.
So I tried to install MSDE that is on the SQL Server 2000 CD, and then I got the following error:
The instance name specified is invalid.
What is this, and how do I correct it?? Can I use SQL Server 2000 and MSDE and SQL Server 2005??
Is there a future for MSDE?? Is there a version that comes with SQL Server 2005??
ma se
ma se wrote: Is there a future for MSDE?? Is there a version that comes with SQL Server 2005?
It is SQL 2005 Express.
ma se wrote: Can I use SQL Server 2000 and MSDE and SQL Server 2005?
I think as long as the instance names are different, you can.
"The clue train passed his station without stopping." - John Simmons / outlaw programmer
I have the following sql statement
UPDATE OtherCall SET [Date] = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(50),CONVERT(DATETIME,[Date],103),111)<br />
<br />
I am converting a nvarchar to a datetime on one of the columns in the table. However, I don't want to execute this if the conversion has already executed.
I was thinking of having a if statement that if the column is not a datetime then alter the column.
I am unsure how to write the if statement to check for the data type of that column.
Many thanks for any help,
It seems like the the converted values will be in the format "yyyy/mm/dd"
and those which have to be converted will be in the format "dd/mm/yyyy".
So check the records which has 3rd character '/' and then covert those values alone.
In the update clause , include a where condition as follows:
WHERE SUBSTRING([Date],3,1)='/'
Hope that helps you.
Arun Kumar.A
For SQl-Server 2000, the following should work:
if exists(select sc.*
from sysusers su
inner join sysobjects so
on so.uid = su.uid
inner join syscolumns sc
on sc.id = so.id
where su.name = 'dbo'
and so.name = 'OtherCall'
and so.xtype = 'U'
and sc.name 'Date'
and sc.usertype = 2)
--your update
--your alter-table
end It should also work with SQL-Server 2005, but you ought to use the new system-catalog views.
Hello all!
I've got some problem. When i'm executing about 10 stored procedures it's tooks 5 second to complete.
Here is procedures code:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[update_source]<br />
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here<br />
@internal_id int,<br />
@parent_id int,<br />
@sstate tinyint,<br />
@title nvarchar(50),<br />
@rng decimal(4,2),<br />
@lat dbo.latitude,<br />
@lon dbo.longtitude,<br />
@course dbo.angle,<br />
@speed dbo.speed,<br />
@stype xml<br />
AS<br />
BEGIN<br />
DECLARE @source_id int;<br />
DECLARE @state int;<br />
<br />
SET @source_id = (SELECT source_id FROM sources WHERE internal_id = @internal_id);<br />
IF @source_id IS NULL<br />
BEGIN<br />
INSERT INTO sources<br />
(internal_id, parent_id, updated, sstate, title, rng, course, speed, stype,lat,lon)<br />
VALUES<br />
(@internal_id, @parent_id, getutcdate(), @sstate, @title, @rng, @course, @speed, @stype, @lat*100000000, @lon*10000000);<br />
<br />
SET @source_id = (SELECT source_id FROM sources WHERE internal_id = @internal_id);<br />
END<br />
ELSE<br />
SET @state = (SELECT sstate FROM sources WHERE source_id = @source_id);<br />
UPDATE sources SET<br />
parent_id = @parent_id,<br />
updated = getutcdate(),<br />
sstate = @sstate,<br />
title = @title,<br />
rng = @rng,<br />
course = @course,<br />
speed = @speed,<br />
stype = @stype,<br />
lat = @lat*100000000,<br />
lon = @lon*10000000<br />
WHERE source_id = @source_id;<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
INSERT INTO source_states<br />
(source_id, sstate, acquired)<br />
VALUES<br />
(@source_id, @sstate, getutcdate());<br />
<br />
and i'm execute it like this:
<br />
EXEC update_source 2190074, 5, 1, N'2190074', 0,57.7386783333333,10.57468,0,0,N'';<br />
EXEC update_source 2573335, 5, 1, N'2573335', 0,63.8,9.73333333333333,0,0,N'';<br />
.....<br />
.....<br />
.....<br />
EXEC update_source 2573105, 5, 1, N'2573105', 0,59.6166666666667,10.5166666666667,0,0,N'';<br />
EXEC update_source 2573235, 5, 1, N'2573235', 0,60.4,5.35,0,0,N'';
I think that mistake not in my code but somewhere in server configuration. But i can't find it out.
Thanks a lot!
Which columns have indexes or primary keys specified? I would expect a clustered primary-key on the "internal_id" column and a unique index (or unique constraint) on the "source_id" column.
Yes it is. And it doesn't depends on table size or data size.
When it's executed in Managment Studio with Client statistics everything is zero.
Thank you for quick reply
If you run your 10 stored procedure calls from a Management Studio query then how long does it take?
If it takes a long time then I would be looking at a configuration issue (you should be able to comfortably hit between 30-50 calls per second).
o What other indexes do you have on that table?
o Do you have any triggers?
o What else is happening on the database server?
o Are you data files held in a compressed folder?
o Is the transaction log being written to a separate disk?
If it is really quick through the SQL-Server tools then I would be looking at your front-end code.
o Are you using the native SqlClient connection?
o Are you reusing your dbcommand object (using parameters).
o Are you opening a separate connection for each call?
o Is the database on the same server? Do you have network problems?
Hope that helps.
Thanks for help but...
I try to run this on clean installation on empty tables and got this in Profiler: Print Screen.
There is no triggers, compressed folders, and so on.
Theres is selected a bit more complicated procedure, but as i think it must not take 3 seconds to run got it indexes or not.
The same routines on MySQL server takes zero time and CPU perfomance.
Thanks for advises.
First of all, is source_id an autoincrement column? If it is, don't reselect it - use the Scope_Identity() function to retrieve it in your insert, e.g.
(internal_id, parent_id, updated, sstate, title, rng, course, speed, stype,lat,lon)
(@internal_id, @parent_id, getutcdate(), @sstate, @title, @rng, @course, @speed, @stype, @lat*100000000, @lon*10000000);
SET @source_id = SCOPE_IDENTITY() If it's a uniqueidentifier column, select the GUID yourself and then insert it as part of the insert statement.
Secondly, why are you performing the SELECT @state = select in the update portion? I can't see anywhere that you are using this in your procedure.
Third, you are performing a calculation in your query. I would consider either moving it outside the query, or using a computed column in the table.
Deja View - the feeling that you've seen this post before.
I move this database to MS SQL Express and it's start working 30 times faster as i assumed it must.
So problem somewhere in server configuration not database design.
can VC++ work with microsoft access 2000?
hai friends how to add the pictures and movie in sql.
Store it in an image column (SQL Server 2000) or a varbinary(max) column (SQL Server 2005)
hi friends
what is the cursor? in sqlserver2000.plz explain
cursor means to select the set of record, and mainpulate that record and stored in againg to the database.
for example
declare cursor s1 as select * from emp where salary>1000;
if s1 is the cursor name. The cursor having the records in salary is greater than 1000. we can trace each record and to manipulate the record and to again store to database.
Based on your last several posts it looks like you are wanting people to answer your homework questions. Use Google for your broad questions.
Bob is my homeboy.