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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: Strange problem with sprintf Pin
prasad_som10-Jan-07 23:15
prasad_som10-Jan-07 23:15 
AnswerRe: Strange problem with sprintf Pin
Stephen Hewitt11-Jan-07 12:10
Stephen Hewitt11-Jan-07 12:10 
QuestionPrograming for SmartPhone? Pin
bosfan10-Jan-07 22:29
bosfan10-Jan-07 22:29 
AnswerRe: Programing for SmartPhone? [modified] Pin
Rajesh R Subramanian10-Jan-07 22:38
professionalRajesh R Subramanian10-Jan-07 22:38 
QuestionHow can i terminate a Services using other service [modified] Pin
Kotesh.N10-Jan-07 22:12
Kotesh.N10-Jan-07 22:12 
AnswerRe: How can i terminate a Services using other service Pin
neilsolent11-Jan-07 2:27
neilsolent11-Jan-07 2:27 
GeneralRe: How can i terminate a Services using other service Pin
Kotesh.N11-Jan-07 19:18
Kotesh.N11-Jan-07 19:18 
GeneralRe: How can i terminate a Services using other service Pin
neilsolent13-Jan-07 0:32
neilsolent13-Jan-07 0:32 
What's the difference between stopping and terminating a service?

To stop a service use ControlService() with a SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP for dwControl.


AnswerRe: How can i terminate a Services using other service Pin
Hamid_RT11-Jan-07 18:52
Hamid_RT11-Jan-07 18:52 
GeneralRe: How can i terminate a Services using other service Pin
Kotesh.N11-Jan-07 19:20
Kotesh.N11-Jan-07 19:20 
GeneralRe: How can i terminate a Services using other service Pin
Hamid_RT11-Jan-07 20:35
Hamid_RT11-Jan-07 20:35 
QuestionDisplaying a form Form a Form ? Pin
Fritzables10-Jan-07 22:02
Fritzables10-Jan-07 22:02 
AnswerRe: Displaying a form Form a Form ? Pin
Kotesh.N10-Jan-07 22:17
Kotesh.N10-Jan-07 22:17 
GeneralRe: Displaying a form Form a Form ? Pin
Fritzables10-Jan-07 22:20
Fritzables10-Jan-07 22:20 
GeneralRe: Displaying a form Form a Form ? Pin
Kotesh.N10-Jan-07 22:34
Kotesh.N10-Jan-07 22:34 
GeneralRe: Displaying a form Form a Form ? Pin
Fritzables10-Jan-07 22:36
Fritzables10-Jan-07 22:36 
QuestionReading IE history with C++ console app...Possible? Pin
arbster10-Jan-07 21:31
arbster10-Jan-07 21:31 
AnswerRe: Reading IE history with C++ console app...Possible? Pin
Monty211-Jan-07 1:56
Monty211-Jan-07 1:56 
AnswerRe: Reading IE history with C++ console app...Possible? Pin
Hamid_RT11-Jan-07 18:53
Hamid_RT11-Jan-07 18:53 
QuestionAbout "cfgmgr32.h" Pin
yudhisthira10-Jan-07 19:40
yudhisthira10-Jan-07 19:40 
AnswerRe: About "cfgmgr32.h" Pin
kakan10-Jan-07 22:38
professionalkakan10-Jan-07 22:38 
Questionhow to copy the bitmap data to clipboard? Pin
Rockone10-Jan-07 18:25
Rockone10-Jan-07 18:25 
AnswerRe: how to copy the bitmap data to clipboard? Pin
Stephen Hewitt10-Jan-07 18:38
Stephen Hewitt10-Jan-07 18:38 
GeneralRe: how to copy the bitmap data to clipboard? [modified] Pin
Rockone10-Jan-07 19:04
Rockone10-Jan-07 19:04 
AnswerRe: how to copy the bitmap data to clipboard? Pin
Hamid_RT11-Jan-07 18:29
Hamid_RT11-Jan-07 18:29 

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