Never mind, I couldn't see the tree for the forest. I forgot to account for sizeof(TCHAR)
Missed by seconds !
WalderMort wrote: _stprintf_s( m_szReturnBuffer, sizeof(m_szReturnBuffer), _T("%s%s"), m_szLocalDirectory, _T("Art\\Background\\") );
Modify this to,
_stprintf_s(m_szReturnBuffer,sizeof(m_szReturnBuffer)/sizeof(TCHAR),T("%s%s"),m_szLocalDirectory,_T("Art\\Background\\") );
watch second parameter.
what do i need create programs for smartphones and pocketpc(current phone Motorola A780),
what kind of developing tools i need,is VS6 ok for that, maybe i need som updates,
any book idea?
thanks in advance
break; wrote: what kind of developing tools i need
1. ActiveSync[^]
2. C# .NET 2K3/2K5 (or) eMbedded Visual C++[^]
Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself. - Cicero
When a Service called " A " is running in our system. I want to terminate that particular Service using the other Service name " B ". or It is possible to Terminate a Service. Kindly help in this matter.
-- modified at 6:22 Thursday 11th January, 2007
OpenService(), ControlService()
Thank you for valuable suggestion, but trhe above functions Service could not terminate. its Open a particular Service and ControlService means it send a reguest to the handler to enable the options of Start, Restart, Stop & etc.... i want to Terminate a running Service.
What's the difference between stopping and terminating a service?
To stop a service use ControlService() with a SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP for dwControl.
Thank you for valuable suggestion, I want to Terminate a running Service.
Happy New Year To All,
Up until now I have being using VS C++ 2005 to write Console type applications. I have been using VS C++ for about 6 months now.
I now have a need to develop a Windows Form application but I am stuck on a issue which most will consider to be pretty basic - but I need to ask anyway.
The application I am writing has a main form (Form1) and needs to show a second modal form (Form2), so to do this I have added a form to the project and in Form1.h I have #include "Form2.h"
Now under the code for Form1.h there is a lot of code, like: public ref class Form1 : public System::Windows::Forms::Form and void InitializeComponent(void) to just name a few.
Ok... where will be the correct place to declare Form2 so that I can then use Form2->ShowDialog(); ?
Hope all this makes sense
write the constructor of form1 in that create an object of form2 and call the form2->showdiaLOG
G'Day Kotesh,
Can you provide sample code on where and how I would achieve this - remember this is all reasonably new to me.
this site will help you alot in win32 programing
click Complete Win32 CD Contents
Thanks Chinna,
Much appreciated.
I was searching MSDN for a function that will read and output (or store) IE's history cache of visited websites, but couldn't find anything useful. I would greatly appreciate if somebody would point me in the correct direction to do this. Thank you in advance.
see if this[^] helps
If you think you can than you can, if you think you can't you are right.
Hi All,
I am writing a CD/DVD writing software on WinXP.I want to know what is the use of "cfgmgr32.h" header file?
And another problem is how to create ASPI layer for my software?
Thanks and Regards
Yudhisthira Attry
yudhisthira wrote: how to create ASPI layer for my software?
There are a number of free ASPI layers you can use. After a quick Googling I found this site:http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/aspisetup.cfm[^]
I'm using Adaptec's ASPI layer in my applications. It works, even in XP, though Adaptec (appearantly) doesn't guarantee it.
Alcohol. The cause of, and the solution to, all of life's problems - Homer Simpson
at first, please visit this topic.
and my question is below.
how to copy the bitmap data to clipboard?
Thank you in advance.
Check out the SetClipboardData function. To but a bitmap on the clipboard use CF_BITMAP , CF_DIB , CF_DIBV5 or CF_DIBV5 or to put a file use CF_HDROP .