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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: Combo Box Questions. Pin
prasad_som9-Jan-07 21:30
prasad_som9-Jan-07 21:30 
GeneralRe: Combo Box Questions. Pin
Suresh H9-Jan-07 21:41
Suresh H9-Jan-07 21:41 
AnswerRe: Combo Box Questions. Pin
Michael Dunn9-Jan-07 21:53
sitebuilderMichael Dunn9-Jan-07 21:53 
GeneralRe: Combo Box Questions. Pin
Suresh H9-Jan-07 21:55
Suresh H9-Jan-07 21:55 
QuestionSending File Through UDP Pin
Girish6019-Jan-07 20:34
Girish6019-Jan-07 20:34 
QuestionRe: Sending File Through UDP Pin
Roger Stoltz9-Jan-07 21:25
Roger Stoltz9-Jan-07 21:25 
AnswerRe: Sending File Through UDP Pin
Michael Dunn9-Jan-07 21:55
sitebuilderMichael Dunn9-Jan-07 21:55 
GeneralRe: Sending File Through UDP Pin
neilsolent10-Jan-07 2:55
neilsolent10-Jan-07 2:55 
I don't agree that UDP is "wrong". It depends on the application.

For example UDP is massively better than TCP if you want to multicast to multiple hosts.

But yes, you do have to handle transmission problems yourself - you don't get return codes from the APIs that you do with TCP.

It is also difficult to make UDP secure - then again TCP isn't secure on its own (needs a security layer such as SSL).


GeneralRe: Sending File Through UDP Pin
Girish60114-Jan-07 23:59
Girish60114-Jan-07 23:59 
AnswerRe: Sending File Through UDP Pin
Luke Lovegrove10-Jan-07 14:50
Luke Lovegrove10-Jan-07 14:50 
QuestionHow to make a winodow always remaining on top Pin
reza matinnejad9-Jan-07 20:18
reza matinnejad9-Jan-07 20:18 
AnswerRe: How to make a winodow always remaining on top Pin
Hamid Taebi9-Jan-07 20:23
professionalHamid Taebi9-Jan-07 20:23 
AnswerRe: How to make a winodow always remaining on top Pin
prasad_som9-Jan-07 20:28
prasad_som9-Jan-07 20:28 
QuestionAlign dynamic memory to 32-bit boundary Pin
uusheikh9-Jan-07 20:16
uusheikh9-Jan-07 20:16 
AnswerRe: Align dynamic memory to 32-bit boundary Pin
Cristian Amarie9-Jan-07 21:06
Cristian Amarie9-Jan-07 21:06 
GeneralRe: Align dynamic memory to 32-bit boundary Pin
uusheikh9-Jan-07 21:24
uusheikh9-Jan-07 21:24 
GeneralRe: Align dynamic memory to 32-bit boundary Pin
Jonathan [Darka]9-Jan-07 21:25
professionalJonathan [Darka]9-Jan-07 21:25 
GeneralRe: Align dynamic memory to 32-bit boundary Pin
Cristian Amarie9-Jan-07 22:12
Cristian Amarie9-Jan-07 22:12 
GeneralRe: Align dynamic memory to 32-bit boundary Pin
Jonathan [Darka]9-Jan-07 22:31
professionalJonathan [Darka]9-Jan-07 22:31 
GeneralRe: Align dynamic memory to 32-bit boundary Pin
uusheikh9-Jan-07 21:37
uusheikh9-Jan-07 21:37 
GeneralRe: Align dynamic memory to 32-bit boundary [modified] Pin
Jonathan [Darka]9-Jan-07 22:02
professionalJonathan [Darka]9-Jan-07 22:02 
GeneralRe: Align dynamic memory to 32-bit boundary Pin
uusheikh9-Jan-07 22:52
uusheikh9-Jan-07 22:52 
GeneralRe: Align dynamic memory to 32-bit boundary Pin
Sceptic Mole9-Jan-07 23:17
Sceptic Mole9-Jan-07 23:17 
GeneralRe: Align dynamic memory to 32-bit boundary Pin
Jonathan [Darka]9-Jan-07 23:33
professionalJonathan [Darka]9-Jan-07 23:33 
GeneralRe: Align dynamic memory to 32-bit boundary Pin
uusheikh10-Jan-07 20:18
uusheikh10-Jan-07 20:18 

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