You could have a datetime field (LastAssignment) in the Actor table. Then, assign the next task to the oldest LastAssignment Actor, and update their LastAssignment.
--EricDV Sig---------
Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well informed just to be undecided about them.
- Laurence J. Peters
Here is an idea:
- Create a new table PickOrder with 2 columns - division and chosenName.
- Iniitialize PickOrder with 4 records -
('North', 'a1')
('South', 'a1')
('East', 'a1')
('West, 'a1')
Now, in sp_GetAssignedDetails,
1- Get the chosenName value (cn) from the PickOrder table for the requested division.
2- Using your query, select the top 1 record WHERE actorName > cn ... ORDER BY actorName
3- if no record is found in step 2 and there are existing records for that division (i.e., we have exhuasted the list), set the chosenName to 'a1' and repeat step 2 to start with the first name.
4- Update the chosenName column value in PickOrder table with the actorName found in step 2, so that next time we can pick the next name.
-- modified (added ORDER BY clause) at 22:08 Thursday 2nd November, 2006
I have to insert new rows from a dataset wich has many tables (8), with the same schema, to an Sql server database. The dataset is filled from an xml file that is quite a bit large.
My question is which is the best solution to insert these new rows from the dataset with a transaction (to be updated all the tables or in case of fail rollback), to the Sql database?
Any ideea are welcome.
hello everyone. I was wondering if someone could help me.
As a debugging aid i want to see how many times my stored-proc is called and i also want to record certain variables. I would like to write this information to a text file on c:\ of the SQL Server. I am using MS Sql Server 2000..
Can anyone point me in the right direction please.
after some googling i have sorted my problem..
here is a stored-proc which writes to a file
<br />
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.sp_TestWriteToFile') IS NOT NULL<br />
DROP PROC dbo.sp_TestWriteToFile<br />
GO<br />
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_TestWriteToFile]<br />
AS<br />
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'echo hello > c:\file.txt'<br />
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'echo blah de blah > c:\file.txt', no_output<br />
<br />
GO<br />
GO<br />
GO<br />
<br />
exec sp_TestWriteToFile
and here is one which appends data to a file:
<br />
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.sp_TestWriteToFile') IS NOT NULL<br />
DROP PROC dbo.sp_TestWriteToFile<br />
GO<br />
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_TestWriteToFile]<br />
AS<br />
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'echo appended data >> c:\file.txt'<br />
GO<br />
GO<br />
GO<br />
<br />
exec sp_TestWriteToFile
-- modified at 11:40 Tuesday 31st October, 2006
hi guys
i have one insert query in which i am selecting values from another table and then insert it in first table
Query is like this.
table1 table2
userid group id
groupid group name
i have values of userid and groupname
insert into table1 (userid,groupid) values
(userid,select groupid from table2 where groupname="temp"))
it is not working so if anyone knows how to do it please help me out
insert into table1(userid,groupid)
select userid, groupid from table2 where groupname="temp"
What would be the best way to store a strict hierarchy (like a "Help Contents" tree) in a database?
Is there a "standard solution"?
I'm more looking for alternatives, but here's what seems most natural to me: Storing just the parent in the same table as the items
id PKey, nchar name, id PKeyOfParent
0, "Root", 0 (predefined ID)
1, "Child1", 0
2, "Child2", 0
3, "A GrandChild", 1
4, "Another GrandChild", 2
to get all immediate childs of MyID is simply WHERE PKeyOfParent=MyID
Advantage: No redundant data, orphaned items (parent does not exist are easily found.
Disadvantages: orphaned "cycles" are possible. can SQL Server can be forced to keep integrity itself (e.g. recursively deleting all descendants?). "IsDescendant" probably cannot be written as a single select (stored procedure maybe?)
The application I'm thinking of introduces a "secondary" M:N mapping anyway, but from my judgement, a more restrictive hierarchy would help the user a lot.
Also, for the amount of data I imagine it would be no problem to read the entire index, then build the tree in the client, but that sounds just wrong.
We are a big screwed up dysfunctional psychotic happy family - some more screwed up, others more happy, but everybody's psychotic joint venture definition of CP
Linkify! || Fold With Us! || sighist
I'm currently writing an application that has heirarchical data. We have a similar solution, the table contains an Id to its parent (null at the top of the heirarchy). The IsDecendant problem is one we also have, however we store a second, denormalised, table for that. The denormalised table has just two columns ID and decendantID.
Using your example data the denormalised table will look like this:
ID decendentID Comments
0 0 -- [Root + Decendents]
0 1
0 2
0 3
0 4
1 1 -- [Child1 + Decendents]
1 3
2 2 -- [Child2 + Decendents]
2 4
3 3 -- [A GrandChild + Decedents]
4 4 -- [Another GrandChild + Decendents]
Then it is easy to query to see if something is a decendent of another thing:
FROM DenormalisedHeirarchy
WHERE decendentID = @decendentID
AND ID = @somethingID
The trick is keeping the denormalised set up to date. In our case we don't have too many inserts/updates so we can afford to have a trigger regenerate part of the denormalised table when changes occur.
Does this help?
The following approach may be simpler. Model your object with a parent and a list of children relationship. Then use an Object Relational Mapping product like NJDX to easily retrieve any objects along with all their children without writing a single line of SQL in your application. For example,
You may define a (C#) class MyEntity as follows:
public class MyEntity {<br />
int id; <br />
int pid;
ArrayList children;
String name;<br />
Then declaratively define the object relational mapping as follows:
PRIMARY_KEY id<br />
RELATIONSHIP children REFERENCES ChildrenCollection WITH id<br />
;<br />
PRIMARY_KEY pid<br />
Now, in your application, you can do a query like:
<br />
String predicate = ....;
ArrayList entities = njdx.query("MyEntity", predicate, ...);
NJDX will get the top-level MyEntity objects along with its children, each child will be fetched with its own children, each grandchild will be fetched with its own children and so on ... all of this with just one query call to NJDX.
The nice thing about such an approach is that it is much easier to deal with object-oriented data in your application. Further, you don't have to write the invariably complicated SLQ/ADO.NET code to fetch and properly associate all the children objects in a long hierarchy. You can also use NJDX to easily insert, update, and delete objects. Even cascading deletes can be done by specifying the mapping appropriately.
IMHO the self referencing table structure you have chosen is well suited for a "Help Contents" tree. As for orphaned cycles, you could write a trigger to delete all descentants, or just write a function that returns a table of all descendants:
Given the following:
Fields=PKey [int] Name [varchar (50)] PKeyOfParent [int]
PKey Name PKeyOfParent
0 Root NULL
1 Child1 0
2 Child2 0
3 A GrandChild 1
4 Another GrandChild 2
5 A Great GrandChild 3
6 A Great Great GrandChild 5
7 One More GrandChild 3
You can delete Node 3 and all of its descendants with a function call:
delete from SelfRefTable where PKey in(select PID from GetDescendants(3))
This will delete PKey 3,5,6,7 in the above data.
CREATE FUNCTION GetDescendants (@nID int)
RETURNS @tDescReturn table (PID int)
DECLARE @RowsAdded int
declare @tDesc TABLE (PKey int,PKeyOfParent int, processed tinyint default 0)
SELECT PKey,PKeyOfParent,0
FROM SelfRefTable
SET @RowsAdded = @@rowcount
WHILE @RowsAdded > 0
SET processed = 1
WHERE processed = 0
SELECT e.PKey, e.PKeyOfParent,0
FROM SelfRefTable e, @tDesc r
WHERE e.PKeyOfParent =r.PKey and r.processed = 1
SET processed = 2
WHERE processed = 1
SET @RowsAdded = @@rowcount
INSERT @tDescReturn
FROM @tDesc
Also, if you want all ancestors:
CREATE FUNCTION GetAncestors (@nID int)
RETURNS @tAscReturn table (PID int)
DECLARE @RowsAdded int
declare @tAsc TABLE (PKey int,PKeyOfParent int, processed tinyint default 0)
SELECT PKey,PKeyOfParent,0
FROM SelfRefTable
SET @RowsAdded = @@rowcount
WHILE @RowsAdded > 0
SET processed = 1
WHERE processed = 0
SELECT e.PKey, e.PKeyOfParent,0
FROM SelfRefTable e, @tAsc r
WHERE e.PKey = r.PKeyOfParent and r.processed = 1
SET processed = 2
WHERE processed = 1
SET @RowsAdded = @@rowcount
INSERT @tAscReturn
FROM @tAsc
Transact-SQL Reference:
see: Multi-statement table-valued function
--EricDV Sig---------
Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well informed just to be undecided about them.
- Laurence J. Peters
I have a project that involves a MS Access database. I need to take a listbox that is populated with a SELECT DISTINCT list of records from a database. I need to take the results from the listbox selections and assign it to the IN CLAUSE from a SQL statement as in:
SELECT FIELD1, FIELD2, FIELD3 FROM TABLE1 WHERE FIELD1 IN ('101001', '101002', '010003', '101004', '101005') ORDER BY FIELD2
If the list box control's name is lstExcludeViaControls then I suspect that the code to parse the selected items from the control should be:
' Declare variables and assign values
Dim count as Integer
Dom count_compare as Integer
count = 0
count_compare = 0
' Count the number of selected items from the list box
For Each listItem in lstExcludeViaControls.SelectedItems
count = count + 1
' Concatenate the value to a variable and add a comma if the
number of items selected from the list box is less than the
total number of items selected, and if the number of items
is equal to the total number of items selected from the list box,
then do not add a comma.
For Each listItem in lstExcludeViaControls.SelectedItems
If count_compare < count Then
listItem = listItem + "'" + lstExcludeViaControls.Selected + "', "
listItem = listItem + "'" + lstExcludeViaControls.Selected + "'"
End If
count_compare = count_compare + 1
Please provide some additional insights regarding how to approach this issue. How do I create a variable that is based upon the assembly a string of fields selected from the list box box? This variable would then need to be passed to the CRITERIA portion of a query. The string variable in the IN CLAUSE requires parameters to be provided to the SQL statement as:
WHERE FIELD1 NOT IN ('101001', '101002', '101003', '101004', '101005')
I have the following table:
ID tinyint NOT NULL,
How can I write a select on it which order rows such that, a row with a particular ID appears BEFORE
a row which has the same value for PARENT_ID?
Does this give you what you're after?
select *,case when parent_id is not null
then parent_id - .5
else id end as OrderByField
from x
order by OrderByField
--EricDV Sig---------
Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well informed just to be undecided about them.
- Laurence J. Peters
Can anyone recommed a tutorial and websites where I can learn more about stored procedures?
I have a CSV file which opens successfully in Excel. However, when I run the COPY TABLE statement on Ingres I get keep getting an unexpected end of file error message on line 281. I have checked this line in the file and there is nothing obviously wrong with it. When I delete that line I get the same error message but for a line with a lower number (eg. 104). Does anyone know the cause of this or how to fix it?
Thanks in advance
Hi, I have a program that saves a variety of data to an access database. I was wondering, is this the best way of saving data or is it best to save as an XML file? This data will get large but will take a while for that to happen. If I give this program out to people with the database, will they be able to use the program straight away or do they need to have MS Access installed?
Friends, i've found a question with few choices on a newsgrop. I dont know the answer of this question. Please tell me the answer of this question and also tell me the reason.
You are writing an application that is initially designed to use an Oracle database. You know that there is a good chance that your company will be changing their corporate standard database platform to Microsoft SQL Server in the near future. You are concerned that your application needs to function with a minimum of changes if the database platform ever changes from Oracle to SQL Server.
Given the scenario above, how do you declare your DataReader objects to minimize the impact of a change to the database platform in the future?
1) OracleDataReader myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader();
2) OleDbDataReader myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader();
3) SQLDataReader myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader();
4) OdbcDataReader myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader();
5) IDataReader myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader();
#5 - It is the interface that all others DataReaders are required to implement.
However, the question does not guide you in the correct direction. You should create a DAL (Data Abstraction Layer) that can be swapped out when you change database vendor. The DAL is your application's interface to the database and only the DAL needs to care what the back end database is. Using just the interfaces supplied in System.Data isn't going to do much for you because you still need to construct the Connection, Command and DataAdapter objects which are database specific.
You may create a simplified and database-agnostic solution using an object-relational mapping product like NJDX.
Even developing a DAL layer can get quite complicated if you have to use SQL/ADO.NET. This report shows how NJDX OR-Mapper reduced the complexity and size (70%) of the DAL code for the famous .NET Pet Shop project.
I would reccomend that you use the Data Access Application Block (DAAB) which is free from MS. This provides the level of abstraction you need to make changing your DB backend painless.
if (ToErr == Human.Nature)
Forgive = Divine;
I just tried a small select, and mistakenly left the quotes off a varchar field. Instead of complaining that the column is varchar not numeric, SQL attempts to convert each value of the varchar column to an int, failing when it encounters the first non-numeric value in the column. Why doesn't it complain earlier, and why does it choose the least efficient conversion, if any converison at all?
Brady Kelly wrote: Why doesn't it complain earlier, and why does it choose the least efficient conversion, if any converison at all?
To make sure you won't forget next time...
I have a query that select data from 2 tables which I want to print out in crystal report.
My query
<br />
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[printJobSheet]<br />
@incidentID int<br />
<br />
AS<br />
BEGIN<br />
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from<br />
-- interfering with SELECT statements.<br />
<br />
-- Insert statements for procedure here<br />
SELECT incident.incidentID, incident.company, incident.subject, incident.contact, incident.phoneNo, incident.email, incidentTask.TaskID, incidentTask.Details<br />
FROM incident INNER JOIN incidentTask on incident.incidentID = incidentTask.incidentID<br />
WHERE incident.incidentID = @incidentID<br />
END<br />
The repeating field are in the incidentTask table (TaskID, Details) These will be in the detailed section of the report. The other fields from the incident table will be in the header.
The way I am fill my dataset which is a typed dataset is as follows:
<br />
Try<br />
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure<br />
cmd.CommandText = "printJobSheet"<br />
<br />
Dim pIncidentID As New SqlParameter()<br />
pIncidentID.ParameterName = "@IncidentID"<br />
pIncidentID.DbType = DbType.Int16<br />
pIncidentID.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input<br />
pIncidentID.Value = IDNumber<br />
cmd.Parameters.Add(pIncidentID)<br />
<br />
DS_JobSheet2 = New DataSet<br />
<br />
cnn.Open()<br />
cmd.Connection = cnn<br />
<br />
da.SelectCommand = cmd<br />
da.Fill(DS_JobSheet2)<br />
<br />
dt = DS_JobSheet2.Tables(0)<br />
<br />
report.Load(Application.StartupPath & "/rptJobSheet2.rpt")<br />
report.SetDataSource(dt)<br />
<br />
Me.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = report<br />
<br />
Catch ex As Exception<br />
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message)<br />
End Try<br />
If I do a SELECT * FROM Incident
SELECT * FROM IncidentTask
It works, but not when I join the tables together. I have created the xsd typed datasets and have the in my report.
Can any confirm my query, is it correct.
Thanks in advance,