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AnswerRe: SQL Server 2005. Pin
Hunuman30-Oct-06 4:57
Hunuman30-Oct-06 4:57 
QuestionInstalling Recrutment Database. Pin
aditya chitti28-Oct-06 4:16
aditya chitti28-Oct-06 4:16 
AnswerRe: Installing Recrutment Database. Pin
Colin Angus Mackay29-Oct-06 3:35
Colin Angus Mackay29-Oct-06 3:35 
QuestionNew to SQL Server Database Pin
aditya chitti28-Oct-06 4:09
aditya chitti28-Oct-06 4:09 
AnswerRe: New to SQL Server Database Pin
Rob Graham28-Oct-06 4:33
Rob Graham28-Oct-06 4:33 
QuestionI am new to SQL Server. Pin
aditya chitti28-Oct-06 4:07
aditya chitti28-Oct-06 4:07 
AnswerRe: I am new to SQL Server. Pin
Colin Angus Mackay29-Oct-06 3:34
Colin Angus Mackay29-Oct-06 3:34 
Questionsp_add_job Pin
neilsolent28-Oct-06 1:22
neilsolent28-Oct-06 1:22 
Very simple question:

I have SQL 2000 installed, but don't seem to have a procedure sp_add_job:

EXEC sp_add_job
Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Server PEER170, Line 1
Could not find stored procedure 'sp_add_job'.

what have I missed?


AnswerRe: sp_add_job Pin
Rob Graham28-Oct-06 4:38
Rob Graham28-Oct-06 4:38 
GeneralRe: sp_add_job Pin
neilsolent28-Oct-06 5:54
neilsolent28-Oct-06 5:54 
QuestionSql Server 2000 Pin
Alfred Willi27-Oct-06 5:50
Alfred Willi27-Oct-06 5:50 
AnswerRe: Sql Server 2000 Pin
Colin Angus Mackay27-Oct-06 5:57
Colin Angus Mackay27-Oct-06 5:57 
GeneralRe: Sql Server 2000 Pin
Alfred Willi27-Oct-06 7:10
Alfred Willi27-Oct-06 7:10 
QuestionDIGITS Pin
Kschuler27-Oct-06 3:41
Kschuler27-Oct-06 3:41 
AnswerRe: DIGITS Pin
ChandraRam31-Oct-06 0:36
ChandraRam31-Oct-06 0:36 
GeneralRe: DIGITS Pin
Kschuler31-Oct-06 3:25
Kschuler31-Oct-06 3:25 
QuestionAuto inserting the current date/time - how? Pin
Alice@mywonderland27-Oct-06 3:04
Alice@mywonderland27-Oct-06 3:04 
AnswerRe: Auto inserting the current date/time - how? [modified] Pin
Eric Dahlvang27-Oct-06 3:10
Eric Dahlvang27-Oct-06 3:10 
GeneralRe: Auto inserting the current date/time - how? Pin
Colin Angus Mackay27-Oct-06 3:26
Colin Angus Mackay27-Oct-06 3:26 
GeneralRe: Auto inserting the current date/time - how? Pin
Eric Dahlvang27-Oct-06 3:43
Eric Dahlvang27-Oct-06 3:43 
GeneralRe: Auto inserting the current date/time - how? Pin
Colin Angus Mackay27-Oct-06 4:59
Colin Angus Mackay27-Oct-06 4:59 
GeneralRe: Auto inserting the current date/time - how? Pin
Alice@mywonderland27-Oct-06 3:48
Alice@mywonderland27-Oct-06 3:48 
GeneralRe: Auto inserting the current date/time - how? Pin
Colin Angus Mackay27-Oct-06 4:55
Colin Angus Mackay27-Oct-06 4:55 
GeneralRe: Auto inserting the current date/time - how? Pin
Alice@mywonderland27-Oct-06 6:56
Alice@mywonderland27-Oct-06 6:56 
Questionado? sql? Pin
Haoman1727-Oct-06 2:15
Haoman1727-Oct-06 2:15 

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