To determine whether an ActiveX is currently in Design Mode or in Runtime Mode, use the CComControl::GetAmbientUserMode() ATL function.
Note the following about asynchronous interfaces :
1. An asynchronous interface must only derive from IUnknown directly.
2. If an asynchronous interface is derived from another interface that derives from IUnknown, calls to an asynchronous method may not go correctly (e.g. a different method may end up getting called).
3. If an asynchronous interface is derived from IDispatch or is derived from another IDispatch-derived interface, it will not be possible to obtain the asynchronous interface from ICallFactory::CreateCall().
If a COM object (written in C++) is to implement 2 interfaces with a common name and common number of parameters and parameter types, then the following are options :
1. Use interface shims to supply 2 separate implementations of the 2 methods.
2. Supply only one method. This way, both interfaces share one implementation for the common method.
If a COM object (written in C++) is to implement 2 interfaces with a common name but different number of parameters or different types of parameters , then the following assertion holds :
1. The C++ compiler will properly sort out the appropriate method for each interface's vtbl. In other words, nothing need be done. The C++ compiler will ensure that the correct method will be called according to which interface is used.
Note the following findings about asynchronous interfaces :
1. An interface that is marked to be asynchronous must be derived from IUnknown. It cannot be derived from IDispatch.
2. A C++/ATL implementation which has #import'ed the originating IDL may experience compilation errors e.g. "MIDL2320 : conflicting optimization requirements, cannot optimize : [Procedure '...']" :
2.1 The cause of the problem has to do with the fact that the asynchronous interface most likely was declared outside of the "library" statement in its original IDL file.
2.2 This indicates to the compiler (compiling the current implementation) that the asynchronous interface will not be using Type Library marshaling (i.e. standard marshaling that uses the Type Library for information instead of any proxy/stub DLL).
2.3 The marshaling for the asynchronous interface will be done via a proxy/stub DLL.
2.4 We currently do not why the compilation error is issued. However, we do have a soluton : place an "importlib" statement inside the "library" statement of the current implementation. It must import the type library of the original IDL file.
2.5 This will avert the compilation problem.
3. A good news about asynchronous interfaces is that it can be implemented in VB. However, the VB implementation must be ActiveX EXE based.
* If you define an interface in a Type Library and implement it in Visual Basic, no problem.
* For example, if you define an interface ITestInterface in a Type Library and then have your VB ActiveX project reference this type lib, the following statement goes fine :
Implements ITestInterface
* However, if you define a source (i.e. event) interface in a Type Library and try to have a Visual Basic ActiveX raise its events via RaiseEvent statements, not possible.
* For example, if you define a dispinterface _ITestEvents with event Event01() in a Type Library and then have your VB ActiveX Project raise it as follows :
RaiseEvent Event01()
The VB Compiler will complain of an unidentified event.
If you try to raise it as follows :
RaiseEvent <typelibraryname>.Event01()
The compiler will not complain but it still won't work. The problem is that _ITestEvents will not be recognized as being a source interface of the ActiveX.
* If we try to define the events of _ITestEvents in the declaration of the ActiveX itself, e.g. :
Public Event Event01()
The ActiveX will then declare a source interface for itself and Event01() will be absorbed into this default source event set, i.e. you will find the following declarations when you observe the TLB generated for the ActiveX :
coclass clsVBActiveX
[default, source] dispinterface __clsVBActiveX;
dispinterface __clsVBActiveX
void Event01();
See the MSDN topic "Visual Basic Component Shutdown Rules" for more details.
One important point to note is that if a VB-written COM object creates or simply loads any forms, then this form must be unloaded in order that the VB-written COM object be able to shut down properly.
1. COM Spy console that allows you to spy applications using COM interfaces:
The COM Spy application is based on Deviare hook library so all you can see in the console can be done by code from any language supporting COM. Source code of this application is available.
2. Another one :
3. Yet another open sourced COM spy :
Using a CRITICAL_SECTION objects inside VB app may cause a crash in MSVBVM60.dll. The VB app that I created was a COM object.
Reasons unknown at this time (circa November 2008).
If you write an ActiveX control in ATL, then if you specify that your ActiveX control will fire a non-default event, a VB client application will not be able to receive this event.
The reason for this is that a VB-written client application will only connect with the -default- event set of the ActiveX control.
The default event set is that which is specified in the ATL ActiveX control's class declaration, specifically the IProvideClassInfo2Impl template instance declaration :
IProvideClassInfo2Impl<[clsid], [iid of default outgoing dispinterface], ...>
Here, the second parameter is used to specify the IID of the default outgoing dispinterface.
If one needs the VB client app to connect with a different event set, then modify this IID accordingly.
modified on Sunday, November 30, 2008 8:45 AM
Q : For marshelling between apartments, are the stub/proxy code generated automatically by COM Runtime ? Is thre a need for us to explicitly write stub/proxy code by ourselves ?
A : If your interface methods and properties strictly uses types that are automation-compatible (i.e. the types that can be found in a VARIANT structure), then the standard proxy and stub code as contained in OLEAUT32.DLL (the standard Proxy/Stub DLL for Ole Automation) will be used. Yes, in this case, there is no need to explicitly program proxy/stub code.
However, please take note of the following :
1. The type library containing your interface definitions must be registered. This type library will be loaded by OLEAUT32.DLL at runtime in order to understand the signatures of your methods (parameter types, return types) for correct marshaling/unmarshaling and method calls across apartments.
2. The interface definitions involved in marshaling must be contained in the type library. In order for this to happen, the interface definition must either be defined inside the "library" statement in the source IDL file, or it is at least referenced inside the "library" statement. Otherwise, marshaling will fail. One of the possible failure code is TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND (0x8002802BL).
3. Most importantly, the interface definition must be attributed with either "oleautomation" or "dual" or that it is by definition a "dispinterface". This will ensure that the Type Library Marshaler (i.e. OLEAUT32.DLL) recognizes the interface as being OLE-AUTOMATION compatible. Failure to comply will result in failure in marshaling. One of the possible failure code is E_FAIL (0x80004005L).
A few days ago, I created an ATL (with MFC support) DLL project. The project compiled properly with absolutely no problem.
Then today, after doing some code modifications (which, believe me, were trivial and innocuous), I was confronted with the link error LNK1169 : Multiple Symbols Defined.
The problem was that while linking with mfcs42.lib, the linker noticed that this library contains a DEFINITION (i.e. full code, and not just a reference) of the function _DllMain@12. However, it also noted that the same function _DllMain@12 was already defined inside MSVCRTD.lib.
After some research and testing, I discovered the following facts regarding DllMain() when used in the context of a DLL project in which MFC is used :
1. Because MFC is used, a CWinApp class will be generated. This is so that the DLL application startup and shutdown processes can be abstracted by the CWinApp class (e.g. the use of InitInstance() and ExitInstance(), etc).
2. For this to happen, MFC must have its own version of DllMain() which will initialize the CWinApp class etc. Hence, this (MFC's) DllMain() must be the one eventually used (i.e. linked-to) by the Dll.
3. The MSVC runtime libraries also include their own versions of DllMain(). This being the case, potential conflicts can happen.
4. Such multiple-defined symbol link errors normally do not cause any problems because the linker will use the function that it finds first in its list of libraries.
5. It is still unclear to me why this link error occurred but this is a blessing in disguise because had this error not appeared, the DllMain() defined inside MSVCRTD.LIB would have been used and there will be problems : i.e. my CWinApp class will not be properly initialized.
The solution to the above problem is to make sure that MFC's DllMain() is discovered first by the linker during linkage.
The way to do this in VC++ 6.0 is to go to the Project Settings, go to the "Link" tab, go to the "General" category, type in the name of the appropriate MFC library (e.g. mfcs42.lib, in my case) in the "Object/library modules" box. If the competing library (i.e. msvcrtd.lib in my case) is also in the box, make sure that the target MFC library is placed BEFORE the competing library.
Note that in my case, simply typing mfcs42.lib in the box ensured that this library is used first. Msvcrtd.lib was not in the box and so I did not have to put it there either.
Hope this helps others.
- Bio.
modified on Friday, May 9, 2008 7:52 AM
For C++ classes whose objects are stored inside containers like vectors, lists, deques, the following class items are generally required :
1. Constructors - naturally.
2. Copy Constructors - for creating objects that are stored inside the containers. These contained objects are actual copies of the originals that are inserted into the containers.
3. Destructors - naturally.
4. Assignment operator - needed especially when elements in the containers are removed (e.g. via the erase() method).
If you have written a COM EXE server in ATL, it is possible to change the order of Class Factory registration in the server. Here's how :
1. Look up the ObjectMap declaration. This is encapsulated between the BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP() and END_OBJECT_MAP() macros.
2. Between the BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP() and END_OBJECT_MAP() macros are listed lines of OBJECT_ENTRY() statements.
3. The order of this list affects the order of Class Factory registration.
4. For example, in the following sample code :
OBJECT_ENTRY(CLSID_TestCOMExeObject01, CTestCOMExeObject01)
OBJECT_ENTRY(CLSID_TestCOMExeObject02, CTestCOMExeObject02)
The class factory for CTestCOMExeObject01 will be registered first followed by CTestCOMExeObject02.
Note that the order of registration can be important :
1. In Visual C++ 6.0, if an ATL singleton COM object housed within an EXE server creates another COM object which is housed in the same EXE server, then there would be a problem if the contained object is registered after the singleton object.
2. This is because the singleton object will be created inmediately upon registration. If the registration of the contained object occurs after the singleton, then the singleton object creation will not be creatable and will block until the contained object has been registered, thus causing a deadlock.
- Bio.
TCHAR szModuleFilePath[_MAX_PATH];
where _Module is the CComModule of the COM DLL :
CComModule _Module;
According to MSDN, bind1st() is a helper template function that creates an adaptor to convert a binary function object into a unary function object by binding the first argument of the binary function to a specified value.
What this means is that bind1st() fixes the "1st" argument of a 2 argument functor object to a certain value.
Here is a short code snippet to extract a custom attribute from a data item in a Type Library :
HRESULT GetCustomAttribute
LPCTSTR lpszTypeLibraryPath, // Path to type library that contains definition of a User-Defined Type (UDT).
REFGUID refguid_data_item, // GUID of data item of which to obtain the Custom Attribute.
REFGUID refguid_custom_attribute, // GUID of the Custom Attribute.
VARIANT& varCustomAttributeReceiver // Receiver of the Custom Attribute.
_bstr_t bstTypeLibraryPath = lpszTypeLibraryPath;
ITypeLib* pTypeLib = NULL;
ITypeInfo* pTypeInfo = NULL;
ITypeInfo2* pTypeInfo2 = NULL;
// Initialize receiver.
hrRet = LoadTypeLib((const OLECHAR FAR*)bstTypeLibraryPath, &pTypeLib);
if (SUCCEEDED(hrRet))
if (pTypeLib)
hrRet = pTypeLib -> GetTypeInfoOfGuid(refguid_data_item, &pTypeInfo);
pTypeLib = NULL;
if (pTypeInfo)
hrRet = pTypeInfo -> QueryInterface(IID_ITypeInfo2, (void**)&pTypeInfo2);
pTypeInfo = NULL;
if (pTypeInfo2)
hrRet = pTypeInfo2 -> GetCustData
pTypeInfo2 -> Release();
pTypeInfo2 = NULL;
return hrRet;
Here is a short code snippet for determining the full path to a Type Library registered in the system :
bool GetTypeLibraryPath
GUID libid,
std::string& strTypeLibPathReceiver,
int iVerMajor,
int iVerMinor
std::string strSubKey;
unsigned char* lpszLibId = NULL;
HKEY hKeyTypeLib = NULL;
long lRetTemp = 0;
bool bRet = true;
strSubKey.resize(_MAX_PATH, 0);
sprintf (&(strSubKey[0]), "TypeLib\\{%s}\\%d.%d\\0\\win32", lpszLibId, iVerMajor, iVerMinor);
lRetTemp = RegOpenKeyEx
if (lRetTemp != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return false;
DWORD dwSize = 0;
lRetTemp = RegQueryValueEx
if (lRetTemp != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return false;
strTypeLibPathReceiver.resize(dwSize, 0);
lRetTemp = RegQueryValueEx
if (hKeyTypeLib)
hKeyTypeLib = NULL;
return bRet;
modified on Sunday, December 23, 2007 11:21:14 PM
Just remembered a potentially useful IDL attribute : custom.
The following is taken from MSDN :
The [custom] attribute creates a user-defined attribute.
[custom(attribute-id, attribute-value),attribute-list] element-type element-name
Use the [custom] attribute to define your own attribute. For example, you might create a string-valued attribute that gives the ProgID for a class.
To retrieve a custom attribute value call one of the following:
ITypeLib2::GetCustData(rguid, pvarVal)
ITypeInfo2::GetCustData(rguid, pvarVal)
ITypeInfo2::GetFuncCustData(index, rguid, pvarVal)
ITypeInfo2::GetVarCustData(index, rguid, pvarval)
ITypeInfo2::GetParamCustData(indexFunc, indexParam, rguid, pvarVal)
* Note that memory allocated inside a DLL must be released within the same DLL and not in the main application program.
* This is because the HEAP used for the memory allocated in the DLL will be different from the HEAP used by the main application.
The following is taken from the Technical White Paper "The Basics of Programming Model Design" by Dave Stearns of Microsoft :
You may be confused by the term programming model, but it's really just the correct term for what most people call object model. By programming model I mean the set of interfaces, properties, methods, and events exposed from a component that allows a developer to write programs to manipulate it.
... a good programming model doesn't just expose internal structures—it exposes its functionality at a higher level of abstraction so that the customer (the developer) can concentrate on what he or she wants to do and not on how to accomplish a simple task.
For a long time, I had a hard time trying to figure out the correct way to handle VARIANT parameters.
It is especially worrisome when VARIANT parameters hold objects like BSTRs, structures (VT_RECORD) and SAFEARRAYs.
Do we need to make copies of these before we insert them into VARIANTs ? And why ? Do we need to destroy these after we have inserted them into VARIANTs ?
It turned out that the answer is simple (albeit not trivial). It is analogous to the principles of reference counting for COM interface pointers. Basically :
1. In a COM method, when you need to pass an object (via a VARIANT) as an [out] parameter, you need to make a copy of it. This is similar to the fact that we AddRef() an interface pointer returned as an [out] parameter.
Hence it follows that once a copy of the object is made and inserted into the VARIANT, you do not delete it. It is the responsibility of the receiving client to delete it in its own time.
2. In a COM method, when you receive an object (via a VARIANT) as an [in] parameter, you can use it in whatever way you like but you must not delete it. This is similar to the fact that you do not Release() an interface pointer passed into a COM method as an [in] parameter.
Visual Basic is a very good tool to test whether your code follows COM standards as outlined above. If you write a COM object in VC++, and you have objects passed as [in] and [out] parameters, write a VB client code to test for robustness.
When authoring an IDL file, if you wish to refer to some entity defined inside some type library, you must use the importlib statement in the IDL file.
Note the following advise from MSDN :
In most cases you should use the MIDL [import] directive to reference definitions from another .IDL file in your .IDL file. This method provides your type library with all the information from the original file, whereas [importlib] only brings in the contents of the type library.
Note my comment below :
If the IDL file which you wish to import contains the definition of some entity which is defined OUTSIDE the library statement, e.g. :
MyLibrary.IDL :
helpstring("ISomeInterface Interface"),
interface ISomeInterface : IDispatch
[id(1), helpstring("method TestMethod01")] HRESULT TestMethod01();
helpstring("MyLibrary 1.0 Type Library")
library MYLIBRARYLib
Then ISomeInterface will be accessible via an import statement in your current IDL file :
import "MyLibrary.IDL";
However, if ISomeInterface was defined INSIDE the library statement, e.g. :
MyLibrary.IDL :
helpstring("MyLibrary 1.0 Type Library")
library MYLIBRARYLib
helpstring("ISomeInterface Interface"),
interface ISomeInterface : IDispatch
[id(1), helpstring("method TestMethod01")] HRESULT TestMethod01();
then ISomeInterface can only be accessed via importlib("MyLibrary.tlb").
Note also the following :
Any entities defined outside the "library" block will cause code to be created by the MIDL compiler that will be used to generate both the proxy stubs and header files for marshaling code.
However, such entities will not be automatically included in a type library generated from the IDL file.
However, if any such entities was referenced inside the "library" block, then it will be included in the type library.
It seems possible for Visual Basic apps to use MTA COM objects.