can you post a sample code for SDI spliter window example...
So I need to make the first post so others can respond. I knew that Chalk it up to laziness.
Rob Manderson
Paul Watson wrote:What sense would you most dislike loosing?
Ian Darling replied.
Then I'd no longer be able to find out everyones dirty little secrets The Lounge, December 4 2003
Or the Arizona heat....
onwards and upwards...
Rob Manderson wrote:
So I need to make the first post so others can respond
This is my respond.
No sig. available now.
I'll have 6 nuggets and chips. oh and some bbq sauce. if you don't have bbq sauce, some sweet'n'sour sauce.
thanx colonel
Would u please give me a demo project on your CCreateHTMLImage ?
thanks .
I think a new saying is in order.
"Tis better to have lived in Melbourne and moved away, than never to have lived there at all."
Congratulations Rob. Great achievement. You've written some awesome articles and deserve the Platinum!!!
Ta mate
Rob Manderson
Colin Davies wrote: I'm sure Americans could use more of it, and thus reduce the world supply faster. This of course would be good, because the faster we run out globally, the less chance of pollution there will be. (Talking about the price of petrol) The Soapbox, March 5 2004
Hi Rob,
from a fellow melbournite, thanks for clearing up why CRecordset works so painfully with a large database. I've been banging my head against it for weeks with little joy. Now there is hope.
You're welcome. So how's my old hometown? Man I miss the place
Rob Manderson
Colin Davies wrote: I'm sure Americans could use more of it, and thus reduce the world supply faster. This of course would be good, because the faster we run out globally, the less chance of pollution there will be. (Talking about the price of petrol) The Soapbox, March 5 2004
I think I may have to take some credit in this. I was the one that screwed up the software that Rob had to fix. Thus resulting in that great article. Which I used a couple of days ago .
Thanx for benefitting from my stupidity Rob. LMAO
Don't let Jubjub* fool you - he's anything but stupid. He wrote what he wrote due to extreme time pressure and I have to say he's written some code (successfully I might add) that I've both scratched my head over when trying to modify, and admired.
And how could I describe anyone who likes the movies of Kevin Smith as stupid?
*Mate, you're going to have to let me use your real first name - Jubjub is sooo not you
Rob Manderson
I'm working on a version for Visual Lisp++
Hey, Jubjub is that lizard on simpsons that just sits there. That is very much like me. You can use my real name. I don't mind the whole world laughing at me haha
Thanx for the compliments man, but really... no more red wine for you. We need to hear truth here
доброе утро
я надеюсь в регистрировать новая статья
yeah well I was bored ok ?
Now you know I enjoy Russian Movies but I can't make head or tail of this Care to translate?
Rob Manderson
I'm working on a version for Visual Lisp++
hehe well it says,
"Good day.
I'm hoping you will write more articles"
Shouldn't that be G'day?
And yeah, I've got another on the burner - this one will really get me into hot water
Rob Manderson
I'm working on a version for Visual Lisp++
Any revised versions of the LogViewer not posted? I loved the concept and are trying to modify it for some other purposes. While at it, I found a couple of improvements.
1. The log files I am using it with doesn't match your format and the program just crashed (expecting timestamps if the first character was a number). You could implement a small check for the first three of four lines read to test for compatibility.
2. ReadString, when passed a CString reads the file in chunks of 128 bytes!!! It took forever when the log contained two blobs of about 9MB each!!! I rewrote the function to use the other version of ReadString and passing a buffer of 8192 chars and then appending to the CString until ReadString returned NULL.
I won't do anymore changes until I hear from you, or 48 hours pass by, so I don't have to rewrite my changes, but I would love to apply them to a newer version if there is such a thing.
Felipe Polo-Wood
This service appears to be very useful and I'd like to use it in a project I (we) are working on. Unfortunately (fortunately?) One of our goals is portability between platforms...
(Before I tackle it on my own) I was wondering if anyone had ported this service "away from" dependence on MFC?
Rich Silva
Wouldn't it be better if you called it Flogger?
"If you're too careful, your whole life can become a f---in' grind." - Mike McD (Rounders)
Hello Rob!
First, sorry my bad english!!
I saw an article in CodeProject that describes how to enumerate servers with a class that you had created.
I tried to use this class in one application, but i didnt have success when I have a lot of hosts in my network.
My computer almost crash and stay 5 minutes searching the domains/hosts in a network with 2 domains e 30 hosts.
Do you have any idea for this? I would like to utilize a class that be as the Windows Explorer to perform de search in the entire network.
Júnior Cirqueira
+55 16 39477334
+55 16 81341555
Rob, Hello!
I was surprised to see that if you edit the registry with a custom PlacesBar and point Place0 (string) to c:\program files\mycoolapp.exe, the app's icon displays in the Places bar! The bad news is that nothing happens when the button is clicked.
So, with that said, I thought I'd try the approach to see if I could trap the button click within Spy++. I could see the other buttons, but not the button that pointed to the application.
Basically, what would be cool if mycoolapp.exe (a vb.net app) would pop-up when the custom Place was clicked. Then, when a label was clicked on the app, it would paste back into the dialog box or navigate.
Any ideas?
please reply to mikemcw[at sign].draft.org
Hi Rob, I'm Daniele an italian VC++ developer. Your work is very usefull so that I would use your IMapi class on my new Application? Can I?
I have only a small problem, if after send an email using your class I try to open a file (a config file) it's go wrong. If I comment the send line:
int nError = m_lpfnSendMail(0, (ULONG) pParentWnd->GetSafeHwnd(), &m_message, MAPI_LOGON_UI | flags, 0);
all go OK.
Can You help me on solving this strange problem? It's important because is the last functionality I need to implement before release my App.
THANKS a lot.
Roger pointed me in your direction as a desert-dweller. I'm out beyond Apache Junction near the Rennaisance Festival site.
You may have noticed that CP now has "groups" (whatever they are) and I created the Tosche Station group for such as us, do you know any others? (I'll hit up El Corazon momentarily.) I thought you might be interested. Chris has yet to publish just what groups are.
John (PIEBALDconsult)