MSN transcript:
nonny - ooh! Theres no emoticon for what im feeling! says:
eugh, VB, i remember those days
David Wulff says:
it's not VB damnit!!
nonny - ooh! Theres no emoticon for what im feeling! says:
ok, so its the bastard child of the god forsaken language
David Wulff says:
VBScript is VB without the excess baggage, it is perfectly suited for developing web apps
nonny - ooh! Theres no emoticon for what im feeling! says:
David Wulff says:
Look, I'm not going to sit here and argue with you, ok? I have a class diagram to draw...
nonny - ooh! Theres no emoticon for what im feeling! says:
you don't need that for VB
nonny - ooh! Theres no emoticon for what im feeling! says:
just copy in Act 1 Scene 1 from Hamlet to your VB editor
David Wulff says:
I am assuming you are joking here?
nonny - ooh! Theres no emoticon for what im feeling! says:
they are both antiquated languages that are supposed to mean something
David Wulff says:
oh brother
nonny - ooh! Theres no emoticon for what im feeling! says:
again, use C# or php, they have semi-colons.! Think of the semi-colons......go on, you know you want to.....
"How long has the "Quote Selected Text" been around???" - Marc Clifton, Lounge 4 Mar '03 "But a fresh install - it's like having clean sheets" - Chris Maunder Lounge 3 Mar '03
Shame on you Johnny... which imposter was pretending to be me this time?
David Wulff
"David Wulff can't live without me, so you shouldn't either" - Paul Watson
David Wulff wrote:
which imposter was pretending to be me this time?
Number 4
How many payed 'doubles' do you have? A man in your position should be very careful when appearing in public.
"How long has the "Quote Selected Text" been around???" - Marc Clifton, Lounge 4 Mar '03 "But a fresh install - it's like having clean sheets" - Chris Maunder Lounge 3 Mar '03
Jonathan 'nonny' Newman Web Designer, Programmer, Lover, Visionary Leader...
Homepage [www.nonny.com] [^]
Jonny Newman wrote:
How many payed 'doubles' do you have? A man in your position should be very careful when appearing in public
I have seven on the active roster, and three in reserve for public events.
Actually, I'm currently recruiting for the Tuesday morning 1am till 7 am shift - do you know anybody that might be interested? Roles are basic; simply occupy my various user accounts and identities and maintain my scheduled output on a global scale. Full training given to at least level four in the use of inappropriate wit and to a level nine standard in British humour...
David Wulff
"David Wulff can't live without me, so you shouldn't either" - Paul Watson
Jonny Newman wrote:
again, use C# or php, they have semi-colons.! Think of the semi-colons......go on, you know you want to.....
Yep. I agree with you.
Brian Dela
"3. Erradicate VB from the world."
Let's put on a pair of boxing gloves at start the first round going!
What exactly is your issue with VB? Why do you state this? Are really saying that C++/Java/C# is so superior?
Erradication of VB from the world would mean the erradication of the people who love VB... and removing their freedom of choice and stiffle innovation... in whatever forms it may take.
Start making some bullet points and I'll blast EVERY ONE of the out the water... you'll be sighing... "you sank my battleship"... again... and again... and again.
signed: The Defender of VB.NET!!!!
Cory Smith wrote:
Erradication of VB from the world would mean the erradication of the people who love VB
Is that a bad thing?
I don't think anyone should write their autobiography until after they're dead. - Samuel Goldwyn
modified 18-Jul-18 11:59am.
And this from a EXPERT who started out as a web script kiddie.
You give me anything written in C# is is 100% CLS compliant; I will convert it to VB.NET with NO ISSUES!!! Period. How does that make VB.NET any less powerful than C#? Even some code that doesn't conform to CLS can be converted to VB.NET. What is wrong with simplicity; are you saying that you like complicated development languages???? You describing VB as a simple language for simple means; is completely true in one hand, but drastically false in the other. Simple language for simple tasks... yes. Only being a simple language for simple means is false though... since VB.NET has **FULL** access to the same FCL as C#. VB.NET is a "first-class citizen" in the Microsoft.NET realm.
Your an idiot for listen to peoples un-informed oppinions about a language that you obviously know nothing about.
Yes I have read these so called posts you describe and most of the bullet points are either plain inaccurate or pure oppinion. Whether you have {} all over your code or If Then / End If is purely syntax...
I have no problem with you "sticking to what you want to do"; however, bashing another langauge that you have no knowledge about ("turned VB (not for long)"); stating that you want to "Erradicate VB from the world" is what I take complete offense to.
Also, if VB is such a bad language; then why is it the **MOST** popular language in the world?????
With Microsoft.NET; language is now a choice... not a lock-in. The langauges can interoperate on a level like never before. The differences in the languages is now the difference... not the technical capabilities of the language compiler and platform.
I do use C++/ATL, Managed C++, C#, VB.NET, and VB6 on a daily basis. I can't claim to be an expert in all; but I do know enough about **ALL** of them to know that each as their own strengths and weaknesses. **ALL** of them are useful in one form or another. **ALL** of them give you the ability to accomplish a given task.
Paul van der Walt wrote:
Is that a bad thing?
There are a few (stress on the 'few') good people who use VB on CP. I think its more an attitude problem. As someone once said on CP "Its ok to use VB, just don't tell anyone"
"Póg mo thóin!"
"I'm sorry but if they're gonna start talking to us about going to Uni and steering clear of drinking...then students bars shouldnt sell drinks for 50p"
Jonathan 'nonny' Newman
Homepage [www.nonny.com] [^]
Bob Chum Dev site [^]
Shouldn't you be programming? If thats what you call it.
Everyone starts as a script kiddie. Its just how quickly you mature is the issue. Some people never grow up in their ability.
"If you just say porn then you get all manner of chaff and low grade stuff." - Paul Watson, Lounge 25 Mar 03 "But a fresh install - it's like having clean sheets" - C. Maunder Lounge 3 Mar '03
Jonathan 'nonny' Newman
Homepage [www.nonny.com] [^]
Paul van der Walt wrote:
I use it for simple projects and stuff like that.
I've only ever used it in Office. Access modules etc...
I've decompiled a few VB 3 apps in the past, but never compiled one on purpose.
Paul van der Walt wrote:
bunch of people who had heard tech-sounding words
I know far to many people like that, at first it was amusing when I corrected them, now its just a pain in the arse.
Paul van der Walt wrote:
then recommended VB
You are forgiven my child....
Paul van der Walt wrote:
I want to learn C# sometime, but don't know that much C++ yet
No need, I only really know the C++ syntax and a few basic functions. Enough to read code on CP to figure a way to port it to C#.
I got Tom Archers 'Inside C# 2nd Ed.' and started from there, I now have an impressive range of C# books that have tought me all I need. So if you are fairly OK with the C++ syntax and 'way of thinking', you should be fine learning C#.
"Póg mo thóin!"
"I'm sorry but if they're gonna start talking to us about going to Uni and steering clear of drinking...then students bars shouldnt sell drinks for 50p"
Jonathan 'nonny' Newman
Homepage [www.nonny.com] [^]
Bob Chum Dev site [^]
Paul van der Walt wrote:
I guess that's the same thing as Roger Wright using gloves
Only so he doens't get fingerprint IDed
Paul van der Walt wrote:
But I agree - non technical people require lots of patience...
I was talking about semi-techiccal people who use very techincal words in the wrong places....
Paul van der Walt wrote:
Want to get myself one of those when the time comes.
I advocate for that book whenever I can. Its a great starter book, but also a great reference book.
My latest purchase was Wrox's "Professional C# 2nd Ed.", fantastic all-round book, again the first chapter is an intro to .NET, but it quickly gets you into the swing of Data access and Active directory type stuff.
"Póg mo thóin!"
"I'm sorry but if they're gonna start talking to us about going to Uni and steering clear of drinking...then students bars shouldnt sell drinks for 50p"
Jonathan 'nonny' Newman
Homepage [www.nonny.com] [^]
Bob Chum Dev site [^]
Jonny Newman wrote:
Only so he doens't get fingerprint IDed
Jonny Newman wrote:
I was talking about semi-techiccal people who use very techincal words in the wrong places....
Granted, they're even worse
I don't think anyone should write their autobiography until after they're dead. - Samuel Goldwyn
modified 18-Jul-18 11:59am.
Cory Smith wrote:
if VB is such a bad language; then why is it the **MOST** popular language in the world?????
Is average good?
Cory Smith wrote:
And this from a EXPERT who started out as a web script kiddie.
As Jonny said, we all started out that way.
Not trying to flame here, but why do you like VB so much?
I don't think anyone should write their autobiography until after they're dead. - Samuel Goldwyn
modified 18-Jul-18 11:59am.
Paul van der Walt wrote:
Is average good?
Excellent point!
"Póg mo thóin!"
"I'm sorry but if they're gonna start talking to us about going to Uni and steering clear of drinking...then students bars shouldnt sell drinks for 50p"
Jonathan 'nonny' Newman
Homepage [www.nonny.com] [^]
Bob Chum Dev site [^]
What's Bob Chum!!!!!?!?!!?!?
Brian Dela
Give me an email address and I'll send you the build. (Requires .NET)
"I have a strange ginger man living on my roof!"
Jonathan 'nonny' Newman
Homepage [www.nonny.com] [^]
I walk these roads,
I climb these mountains,
They are nothing,
But paths and hills,
the only mountain is success,
and the only road is life.
As the cow said to the frog: "Moo"
Do these things really do what they say on the can?
"Where would you rather be today?"
Jonny Newman wrote:
Do these things really do what they say on the can?
They do exactly what it says on the tin.
Brian Dela
Run naked in the snow until you're sweating like a stuck pig and can't seem to catch your breath. When the flu becomes pneumonia, they can cure that with a shot. - Roger Wright
Nah, it was all a big joke.
Jeremy Falcon