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GeneralRe: Create Your Own O’Reilly Book Pin
Steve Raw19-Sep-24 2:29
professionalSteve Raw19-Sep-24 2:29 
GeneralMy sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
honey the codewitch17-Sep-24 3:31
mvahoney the codewitch17-Sep-24 3:31 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Richard Deeming17-Sep-24 3:39
mveRichard Deeming17-Sep-24 3:39 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
honey the codewitch17-Sep-24 3:40
mvahoney the codewitch17-Sep-24 3:40 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Richard Deeming17-Sep-24 3:50
mveRichard Deeming17-Sep-24 3:50 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
honey the codewitch17-Sep-24 3:50
mvahoney the codewitch17-Sep-24 3:50 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Richard Deeming17-Sep-24 3:52
mveRichard Deeming17-Sep-24 3:52 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
dandy7217-Sep-24 4:00
dandy7217-Sep-24 4:00 
Given the circumstances I wouldn't rule it out.

I once saw a skunk that was (probably) so starved, it ate garbage that was left outside at night; when the light was turned on, it went into a panic, vomited and then ate the whole damned thing again.

Dead | X| Dead | X| Dead | X|

(you started it) Smile | :)

A co-worker once told a story about his girlfriend's cat and two dogs. Whenever the cat walked towards it litter box, both dogs would pretend to be sleeping, and patiently wait until the cat was done. Then the fight was all about who got the treat the cat had left behind.

May I remind you, some people then let their pets lick their faces.

Ok, I'm done. And I won't feel bad if someone deletes this...

GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
0x01AA17-Sep-24 4:46
mve0x01AA17-Sep-24 4:46 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Steve Raw17-Sep-24 5:45
professionalSteve Raw17-Sep-24 5:45 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
11917640 Member 17-Sep-24 19:40
11917640 Member 17-Sep-24 19:40 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
TNCaver18-Sep-24 5:21
TNCaver18-Sep-24 5:21 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
OriginalGriff17-Sep-24 5:20
mveOriginalGriff17-Sep-24 5:20 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
obermd17-Sep-24 6:44
obermd17-Sep-24 6:44 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Peter_in_278017-Sep-24 11:43
professionalPeter_in_278017-Sep-24 11:43 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Steve Raw17-Sep-24 5:33
professionalSteve Raw17-Sep-24 5:33 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Sander Rossel17-Sep-24 5:58
professionalSander Rossel17-Sep-24 5:58 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Daniel Pfeffer17-Sep-24 17:05
professionalDaniel Pfeffer17-Sep-24 17:05 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Sander Rossel17-Sep-24 22:37
professionalSander Rossel17-Sep-24 22:37 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Daniel Pfeffer18-Sep-24 0:00
professionalDaniel Pfeffer18-Sep-24 0:00 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
honey the codewitch18-Sep-24 3:30
mvahoney the codewitch18-Sep-24 3:30 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
dandy7218-Sep-24 4:22
dandy7218-Sep-24 4:22 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Sander Rossel18-Sep-24 5:24
professionalSander Rossel18-Sep-24 5:24 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
0x01AA17-Sep-24 6:46
mve0x01AA17-Sep-24 6:46 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
jeron117-Sep-24 7:11
jeron117-Sep-24 7:11 

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