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GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
charlieg15-Sep-24 17:03
charlieg15-Sep-24 17:03 
JokeRe: Gutters :) Pin
raddevus11-Sep-24 6:08
mvaraddevus11-Sep-24 6:08 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
charlieg11-Sep-24 6:24
charlieg11-Sep-24 6:24 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
raddevus11-Sep-24 8:03
mvaraddevus11-Sep-24 8:03 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
charlieg12-Sep-24 3:45
charlieg12-Sep-24 3:45 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
charlieg11-Sep-24 6:28
charlieg11-Sep-24 6:28 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
Daniel Pfeffer11-Sep-24 14:22
professionalDaniel Pfeffer11-Sep-24 14:22 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
charlieg12-Sep-24 3:57
charlieg12-Sep-24 3:57 
I guess maybe I should have directed this to the NW USA...

Since I live in the SE USA, we have cyclical rain when we can get it. In Atlanta, our rainy season is from Octoberish to February with an occasional panic attack of solid precipitation. In late summer/autumn toss in a hurricane here and there - we actually have one coming in now (in the vicinity).

From late February to May, we have to pay attention for tornadic weather systems.

as I said, my perception from watching TV (never been to GB, definitely on my bucket list), it just seemed to rain there all the time. Hence my question. From the picture posted, it looks like no one cares about gutters Smile | :)

There seems to be a growing movement that if your property allows it - chunk the gutters and use these: Since I live in the SE USA, we have cyclical rain when we can get it. In Atlanta, our rainy season is from Octoberish to February with an occasional panic attack of solid precipitation. In late summer/autumn toss in a hurricane here and there - we actually have one coming in now (in the vicinity).

From late February to May, we have to pay attention for tornadic weather systems.

There seems to be a growing movement that if your property allows it - chunk the gutters and use these: Gutter Alternative: Rainhandler[^]

There is also the idea of covering your gutters, but those "patented systems" are so hideously expensive I'd die before I got my money back.
Charlie Gilley

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” BF, 1759

Has never been more appropriate.

JokeRe: Gutters :) Pin
Richard MacCutchan11-Sep-24 6:18
mveRichard MacCutchan11-Sep-24 6:18 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
charlieg11-Sep-24 6:43
charlieg11-Sep-24 6:43 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
theoldfool11-Sep-24 6:29
professionaltheoldfool11-Sep-24 6:29 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
charlieg11-Sep-24 6:44
charlieg11-Sep-24 6:44 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
theoldfool11-Sep-24 9:08
professionaltheoldfool11-Sep-24 9:08 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
charlieg11-Sep-24 10:45
charlieg11-Sep-24 10:45 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
Richard MacCutchan11-Sep-24 22:32
mveRichard MacCutchan11-Sep-24 22:32 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
theoldfool11-Sep-24 23:59
professionaltheoldfool11-Sep-24 23:59 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
Richard MacCutchan12-Sep-24 1:49
mveRichard MacCutchan12-Sep-24 1:49 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
Greg Utas11-Sep-24 6:31
professionalGreg Utas11-Sep-24 6:31 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
Alister Morton12-Sep-24 22:19
Alister Morton12-Sep-24 22:19 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
Greg Utas13-Sep-24 0:56
professionalGreg Utas13-Sep-24 0:56 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
Alister Morton13-Sep-24 1:02
Alister Morton13-Sep-24 1:02 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
kmoorevs11-Sep-24 7:17
kmoorevs11-Sep-24 7:17 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
0x01AA11-Sep-24 8:09
mve0x01AA11-Sep-24 8:09 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
Mike Hankey11-Sep-24 12:52
mveMike Hankey11-Sep-24 12:52 
GeneralRe: Gutters :) Pin
charlieg12-Sep-24 3:42
charlieg12-Sep-24 3:42 

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