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For discussing anything related to a software developer's life but is not for programming questions. Got a programming question?

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GeneralRe: My girlfriend poked me in the eyes... Pin
jmaida11-Sep-24 12:26
jmaida11-Sep-24 12:26 
GeneralRe: My girlfriend poked me in the eyes... Pin
Nelek11-Sep-24 12:28
protectorNelek11-Sep-24 12:28 
GeneralWordle 1,180 Pin
Shane010310-Sep-24 17:46
Shane010310-Sep-24 17:46 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,180 Pin
GKP199210-Sep-24 18:06
professionalGKP199210-Sep-24 18:06 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,180 Pin
OriginalGriff10-Sep-24 19:24
mveOriginalGriff10-Sep-24 19:24 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,180 Pin
GKP199210-Sep-24 20:12
professionalGKP199210-Sep-24 20:12 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,180 - 3 4 me Pin
pkfox10-Sep-24 21:17
professionalpkfox10-Sep-24 21:17 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,180 3/6 Pin
den2k8810-Sep-24 22:02
professionalden2k8810-Sep-24 22:02 
Wordle 1.180 3/6


This is a good starting word, uh.
GCS/GE d--(d) s-/+ a C+++ U+++ P-- L+@ E-- W+++ N+ o+ K- w+++ O? M-- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t+ 5? X R+++ tv-- b+(+++) DI+++ D++ G e++ h--- r+++ y+++*      Weapons extension: ma- k++ F+2 X

The shortest horror story: On Error Resume Next

GeneralRe: Wordle 1,180 Pin
StarNamer@work10-Sep-24 22:20
professionalStarNamer@work10-Sep-24 22:20 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,180 Pin
Sander Rossel10-Sep-24 22:41
professionalSander Rossel10-Sep-24 22:41 
GeneralWordle 1,180 - 6/6 Pin
ChandraRam10-Sep-24 23:09
ChandraRam10-Sep-24 23:09 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,180 - 6/6 Pin
pkfox11-Sep-24 10:17
professionalpkfox11-Sep-24 10:17 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,180 Pin
Cp-Coder11-Sep-24 2:20
Cp-Coder11-Sep-24 2:20 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,180 Pin
PJ Arends11-Sep-24 10:28
professionalPJ Arends11-Sep-24 10:28 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,180 Pin
jmaida11-Sep-24 13:19
jmaida11-Sep-24 13:19 
GeneralRequest Assistance re/ Tight Squeeze Pin
BernardIE531710-Sep-24 13:31
BernardIE531710-Sep-24 13:31 
GeneralRe: Request Assistance re/ Tight Squeeze Pin
Jeremy Falcon10-Sep-24 13:59
professionalJeremy Falcon10-Sep-24 13:59 
GeneralRe: Request Assistance re/ Tight Squeeze Pin
jmaida10-Sep-24 15:23
jmaida10-Sep-24 15:23 
GeneralRe: Request Assistance re/ Tight Squeeze Pin
Daniel Pfeffer10-Sep-24 19:41
professionalDaniel Pfeffer10-Sep-24 19:41 
GeneralRe: Request Assistance re/ Tight Squeeze Pin
165010-Sep-24 22:17
165010-Sep-24 22:17 
GeneralRe: Request Assistance re/ Tight Squeeze Pin
megaadam10-Sep-24 22:58
professionalmegaadam10-Sep-24 22:58 
GeneralRe: Request Assistance re/ Tight Squeeze Pin
charlieg11-Sep-24 0:50
charlieg11-Sep-24 0:50 
GeneralRe: Request Assistance re/ Tight Squeeze Pin
Rich Leyshon11-Sep-24 1:01
Rich Leyshon11-Sep-24 1:01 
GeneralRe: Request Assistance re/ Tight Squeeze Pin
charlieg11-Sep-24 1:24
charlieg11-Sep-24 1:24 
GeneralRe: Request Assistance re/ Tight Squeeze Pin
charlieg11-Sep-24 0:52
charlieg11-Sep-24 0:52 

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