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GeneralRe: The joys of zealotry. Pin
Jeremy Falcon15-Aug-24 9:31
professionalJeremy Falcon15-Aug-24 9:31 
GeneralRe: The joys of zealotry. Pin
dandy7215-Aug-24 9:43
dandy7215-Aug-24 9:43 
GeneralRe: The joys of zealotry. Pin
Richard MacCutchan15-Aug-24 22:12
mveRichard MacCutchan15-Aug-24 22:12 
GeneralIf I ever wanted to hurt a company Pin
honey the codewitch15-Aug-24 4:15
mvahoney the codewitch15-Aug-24 4:15 
GeneralRe: If I ever wanted to hurt a company Pin
dandy7215-Aug-24 4:49
dandy7215-Aug-24 4:49 
GeneralRe: If I ever wanted to hurt a company Pin
Tiger1250616-Aug-24 6:05
Tiger1250616-Aug-24 6:05 
Generalso back to the Linux discussion. Pin
rnbergren15-Aug-24 3:45
rnbergren15-Aug-24 3:45 
GeneralRe: so back to the Linux discussion. Pin
Stefan de Zeeuw15-Aug-24 4:21
professionalStefan de Zeeuw15-Aug-24 4:21 
Evolution as e-mail client.
I use it not only for work related stuff (Exchange Server connection for one customer via EWS, works sooooo much better than Outlook) but also to connect to my personal e-mail (Proton Mail).
And it is a standard package.

Other things depend on what you do.

I also use Remmina as RDP-client
For Teams I use the flatpak version, it seems more stable than the native package.
Perhaps OnlyOffice as Word/Excel replacement if you only need the basics, it does all that I need, otherways I'd suggest LibreOffice.
If you need to edit pdf-files you should take a look at MasterPDF Editor (not free but doesn't cost too much).
GeneralRe: so back to the Linux discussion. Pin
rnbergren16-Aug-24 2:51
rnbergren16-Aug-24 2:51 
GeneralRe: so back to the Linux discussion. Pin
megaadam15-Aug-24 4:37
professionalmegaadam15-Aug-24 4:37 
GeneralRe: so back to the Linux discussion. Pin
Jeremy Falcon15-Aug-24 6:34
professionalJeremy Falcon15-Aug-24 6:34 
GeneralRe: so back to the Linux discussion. Pin
Jeremy Falcon15-Aug-24 6:36
professionalJeremy Falcon15-Aug-24 6:36 
GeneralRe: so back to the Linux discussion. Pin
fgs196315-Aug-24 9:30
fgs196315-Aug-24 9:30 
GeneralRe: so back to the Linux discussion. Pin
rnbergren16-Aug-24 2:48
rnbergren16-Aug-24 2:48 
GeneralRe: so back to the Linux discussion. Pin
Paul Mauriks15-Aug-24 21:08
Paul Mauriks15-Aug-24 21:08 
GeneralRe: so back to the Linux discussion. Pin
Steve Naidamast16-Aug-24 4:30
professionalSteve Naidamast16-Aug-24 4:30 
GeneralRe: so back to the Linux discussion. Pin
Kaffe Myers16-Aug-24 7:32
Kaffe Myers16-Aug-24 7:32 
GeneralRe: so back to the Linux discussion. Pin
sasadler16-Aug-24 5:52
sasadler16-Aug-24 5:52 
GeneralWell, the "free electricity hour" has come and gone. Pin
OriginalGriff15-Aug-24 3:42
mveOriginalGriff15-Aug-24 3:42 
JokeRe: Well, the "free electricity hour" has come and gone. Pin
englebart15-Aug-24 3:46
professionalenglebart15-Aug-24 3:46 
GeneralRe: Well, the "free electricity hour" has come and gone. Pin
dandy7215-Aug-24 3:58
dandy7215-Aug-24 3:58 
GeneralRe: Well, the "free electricity hour" has come and gone. Pin
jochance15-Aug-24 8:04
jochance15-Aug-24 8:04 
GeneralRe: Well, the "free electricity hour" has come and gone. Pin
dandy7215-Aug-24 9:23
dandy7215-Aug-24 9:23 
GeneralRe: Well, the "free electricity hour" has come and gone. Pin
jochance15-Aug-24 11:17
jochance15-Aug-24 11:17 
GeneralRe: Well, the "free electricity hour" has come and gone. Pin
englebart18-Aug-24 6:17
professionalenglebart18-Aug-24 6:17 

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