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GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
Mike Hankey13-Aug-24 6:53
mveMike Hankey13-Aug-24 6:53 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
MikeTheFid14-Aug-24 7:16
MikeTheFid14-Aug-24 7:16 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
Chris Baker 202114-Aug-24 8:26
Chris Baker 202114-Aug-24 8:26 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
Mike Hankey14-Aug-24 8:48
mveMike Hankey14-Aug-24 8:48 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
Kent K14-Aug-24 9:39
professionalKent K14-Aug-24 9:39 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
Mike Hankey14-Aug-24 10:09
mveMike Hankey14-Aug-24 10:09 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
Roger Wright14-Aug-24 15:36
professionalRoger Wright14-Aug-24 15:36 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
englebart14-Aug-24 16:03
professionalenglebart14-Aug-24 16:03 
Now, you need to create the audit committee to design the process and enforce the paperwork to prove that it is still working. (at least quarterly or whenever you change the batteries in the smoke detectors)

Be sure to file in triplicate.

GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
Mike Hankey14-Aug-24 22:47
mveMike Hankey14-Aug-24 22:47 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
Matt Bond19-Aug-24 6:05
Matt Bond19-Aug-24 6:05 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
Mike Hankey19-Aug-24 6:17
mveMike Hankey19-Aug-24 6:17 
GeneralWell, it finally happened (adventures in software design) Pin
honey the codewitch12-Aug-24 9:21
mvahoney the codewitch12-Aug-24 9:21 
GeneralRe: Well, it finally happened (adventures in software design) Pin
pkfox12-Aug-24 9:36
professionalpkfox12-Aug-24 9:36 
GeneralWhat are the Odds Pin
BernardIE531712-Aug-24 7:21
BernardIE531712-Aug-24 7:21 
GeneralRe: What are the Odds Pin
PIEBALDconsult12-Aug-24 8:18
mvePIEBALDconsult12-Aug-24 8:18 
GeneralRe: What are the Odds Pin
BernardIE531712-Aug-24 9:51
BernardIE531712-Aug-24 9:51 
GeneralHMRC is confusing ... and so is the bank! Pin
OriginalGriff12-Aug-24 2:34
mveOriginalGriff12-Aug-24 2:34 
GeneralRe: HMRC is confusing ... and so is the bank! Pin
Richard Deeming12-Aug-24 3:39
mveRichard Deeming12-Aug-24 3:39 
GeneralRe: HMRC is confusing ... and so is the bank! Pin
OriginalGriff12-Aug-24 3:52
mveOriginalGriff12-Aug-24 3:52 
GeneralRe: HMRC is confusing ... and so is the bank! Pin
OriginalGriff12-Aug-24 3:55
mveOriginalGriff12-Aug-24 3:55 
GeneralRe: HMRC is confusing ... and so is the bank! Pin
Richard MacCutchan12-Aug-24 4:56
mveRichard MacCutchan12-Aug-24 4:56 
GeneralRe: HMRC is confusing ... and so is the bank! Pin
OriginalGriff12-Aug-24 5:20
mveOriginalGriff12-Aug-24 5:20 
GeneralRe: HMRC is confusing ... and so is the bank! Pin
MarkTJohnson12-Aug-24 5:42
professionalMarkTJohnson12-Aug-24 5:42 
GeneralRe: HMRC is confusing ... and so is the bank! Pin
pkfox12-Aug-24 9:39
professionalpkfox12-Aug-24 9:39 
GeneralRe: HMRC is confusing ... and so is the bank! Pin
charlieg12-Aug-24 11:48
charlieg12-Aug-24 11:48 

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