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GeneralRe: HMRC is confusing ... and so is the bank! Pin
OriginalGriff12-Aug-24 3:52
mveOriginalGriff12-Aug-24 3:52 
GeneralRe: HMRC is confusing ... and so is the bank! Pin
OriginalGriff12-Aug-24 3:55
mveOriginalGriff12-Aug-24 3:55 
GeneralRe: HMRC is confusing ... and so is the bank! Pin
Richard MacCutchan12-Aug-24 4:56
mveRichard MacCutchan12-Aug-24 4:56 
GeneralRe: HMRC is confusing ... and so is the bank! Pin
OriginalGriff12-Aug-24 5:20
mveOriginalGriff12-Aug-24 5:20 
GeneralRe: HMRC is confusing ... and so is the bank! Pin
MarkTJohnson12-Aug-24 5:42
professionalMarkTJohnson12-Aug-24 5:42 
GeneralRe: HMRC is confusing ... and so is the bank! Pin
pkfox12-Aug-24 9:39
professionalpkfox12-Aug-24 9:39 
GeneralRe: HMRC is confusing ... and so is the bank! Pin
charlieg12-Aug-24 11:48
charlieg12-Aug-24 11:48 
GeneralRe: HMRC is confusing ... and so is the bank! Pin
pkfox12-Aug-24 21:42
professionalpkfox12-Aug-24 21:42 
IR35 is a HMRC taxation ruling which deems contractors who contract to one company all the time to be disguised employees and therefore are subject to National Insurance contributions at the variable rate. Mine was overturned as I had a good accountant supplied my own equipment and had the right of substitution

just read your other post
The British government, like the US government lives on the middle class, and they DESPISE small business

Bang on the money Charlie
In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity. - Hunter S Thompson - RIP

modified 13-Aug-24 4:03am.

GeneralRe: HMRC is confusing ... and so is the bank! Pin
charlieg13-Aug-24 1:54
charlieg13-Aug-24 1:54 
GeneralRe: HMRC is confusing ... and so is the bank! Pin
charlieg12-Aug-24 11:44
charlieg12-Aug-24 11:44 
GeneralRe: HMRC is confusing ... and so is the bank! Pin
jschell14-Aug-24 15:01
jschell14-Aug-24 15:01 
GeneralThe Nostalgia black hole Pin
theoldfool12-Aug-24 0:48
professionaltheoldfool12-Aug-24 0:48 
GeneralRe: The Nostalgia black hole Pin
Richard MacCutchan12-Aug-24 2:18
mveRichard MacCutchan12-Aug-24 2:18 
GeneralRe: The Nostalgia black hole Pin
jeron112-Aug-24 7:58
jeron112-Aug-24 7:58 
GeneralRe: The Nostalgia black hole Pin
Bob Griswold13-Aug-24 4:32
Bob Griswold13-Aug-24 4:32 
GeneralRe: The Nostalgia black hole Pin
theoldfool13-Aug-24 5:10
professionaltheoldfool13-Aug-24 5:10 
GeneralRe: The Nostalgia black hole Pin
LucidDev13-Aug-24 6:43
LucidDev13-Aug-24 6:43 
GeneralRe: The Nostalgia black hole Pin
theoldfool14-Aug-24 0:30
professionaltheoldfool14-Aug-24 0:30 
GeneralRe: The Nostalgia black hole Pin
BBar213-Aug-24 4:37
BBar213-Aug-24 4:37 
GeneralRe: The Nostalgia black hole Pin
thewazz13-Aug-24 6:08
professionalthewazz13-Aug-24 6:08 
GeneralRe: The Nostalgia black hole Pin
kholsinger13-Aug-24 14:35
kholsinger13-Aug-24 14:35 
GeneralRe: The Nostalgia black hole Pin
Rich Shealer14-Aug-24 5:26
Rich Shealer14-Aug-24 5:26 
GeneralRe: The Nostalgia black hole Pin
jschell14-Aug-24 15:07
jschell14-Aug-24 15:07 
GeneralWordle 1,150 Pin
StarNamer@work11-Aug-24 13:09
professionalStarNamer@work11-Aug-24 13:09 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,150 Pin
Shane010311-Aug-24 17:44
Shane010311-Aug-24 17:44 

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