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AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Mircea Neacsu9-Aug-24 11:51
Mircea Neacsu9-Aug-24 11:51 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Jeremy Falcon9-Aug-24 13:00
professionalJeremy Falcon9-Aug-24 13:00 
JokeRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Richard MacCutchan9-Aug-24 22:39
mveRichard MacCutchan9-Aug-24 22:39 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
charlieg10-Aug-24 1:04
charlieg10-Aug-24 1:04 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Richard MacCutchan10-Aug-24 2:55
mveRichard MacCutchan10-Aug-24 2:55 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
gaujaai21-Aug-24 23:41
gaujaai21-Aug-24 23:41 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Richard MacCutchan22-Aug-24 1:45
mveRichard MacCutchan22-Aug-24 1:45 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
raddevus10-Aug-24 3:35
mvaraddevus10-Aug-24 3:35 
Mircea Neacsu wrote:
No. Why? In one word (or maybe two) - VisualStudio. There is nothing in Linux world that comes close to it; not by a mile; not by many miles. I've tried over the years a few times and all the substitutes were so poor, specially on the debugging sid

Yep VStudio was an issue for me too, but with .NET Core (if you’re there) and Visual Studio Code you can debug all code.

So, as the world moves to .NET Core this will be even less of a thing.
I dev all greenfield on .NET Core / Linux / Visual Studio Code & it works great.

However, at work we are still on VStudio 2013 — but I remote to those windows boxes & do that work anyways. I also run VStudio in a window VM if I need to.
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
EDV RZ Schröter12-Aug-24 3:22
EDV RZ Schröter12-Aug-24 3:22 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
dandy7212-Aug-24 3:34
dandy7212-Aug-24 3:34 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
sasadler12-Aug-24 6:09
sasadler12-Aug-24 6:09 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Mircea Neacsu12-Aug-24 6:51
Mircea Neacsu12-Aug-24 6:51 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Paul Mauriks12-Aug-24 20:53
Paul Mauriks12-Aug-24 20:53 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Jeremy Falcon9-Aug-24 12:40
professionalJeremy Falcon9-Aug-24 12:40 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
FreedMalloc9-Aug-24 13:45
FreedMalloc9-Aug-24 13:45 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
raddevus10-Aug-24 3:40
mvaraddevus10-Aug-24 3:40 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
dandy7212-Aug-24 3:52
dandy7212-Aug-24 3:52 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
raddevus12-Aug-24 10:54
mvaraddevus12-Aug-24 10:54 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Paul Mauriks12-Aug-24 23:08
Paul Mauriks12-Aug-24 23:08 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Jeremy Falcon9-Aug-24 12:42
professionalJeremy Falcon9-Aug-24 12:42 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
raddevus10-Aug-24 3:42
mvaraddevus10-Aug-24 3:42 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Jeremy Falcon10-Aug-24 7:49
professionalJeremy Falcon10-Aug-24 7:49 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
FreedMalloc9-Aug-24 13:38
FreedMalloc9-Aug-24 13:38 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
honey the codewitch9-Aug-24 23:08
mvahoney the codewitch9-Aug-24 23:08 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
dandy7212-Aug-24 4:00
dandy7212-Aug-24 4:00 

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