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GeneralRe: "Understand" tool - give opinions and or alternative, PLEASE Pin
jeron17-Aug-24 6:03
jeron17-Aug-24 6:03 
GeneralRe: "Understand" tool - give opinions and or alternative, PLEASE Pin
FreedMalloc7-Aug-24 6:05
FreedMalloc7-Aug-24 6:05 
GeneralRe: "Understand" tool - give opinions and or alternative, PLEASE Pin
dandy727-Aug-24 10:21
dandy727-Aug-24 10:21 
GeneralRe: EDIT "Understand" tool - give opinions and or alternative, PLEASE Pin
RedDk7-Aug-24 8:21
RedDk7-Aug-24 8:21 
GeneralRe: EDIT "Understand" tool - give opinions and or alternative, PLEASE Pin
charlieg8-Aug-24 0:57
charlieg8-Aug-24 0:57 
GeneralRe: EDIT "Understand" tool - give opinions and or alternative, PLEASE Pin
dandy728-Aug-24 3:49
dandy728-Aug-24 3:49 
GeneralRe: EDIT "Understand" tool - give opinions and or alternative, PLEASE Pin
den2k887-Aug-24 22:33
professionalden2k887-Aug-24 22:33 
GeneralRe: EDIT "Understand" tool - give opinions and or alternative, PLEASE Pin
charlieg8-Aug-24 0:54
charlieg8-Aug-24 0:54 
I *had* used this tool for years. I came across it when I was trying to comprehend a rather large base of FORTRAN. It was the *only* tool that actually understood FORTRAN. So, I plopped my $400 down for a PERPETUAL license. Mind you, I am a single/dual person development company, so I have to spend my money wisely.

It does an excellent job, has good support, and the butterfly reports are amazing.

Then it went evil. If I wanted to continue to use it, it was $xxx/year for "support." Then it went utter evil - something like $2k/year for an annual subscription. If you have deep pockets, it's a good tool. I told them to pound sand.

Two keys for me: 1) if you sell me a license to use your software, don't elephant with me for more and more money. 2) There are cheaper alternatives out there (some may be free) if you are working with C or C++.

After thought: had I been thinking long term, I would have generated all of the reports and butterfly diagrams ahead of time. My bad.
Charlie Gilley

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” BF, 1759

Has never been more appropriate.

GeneralRe: EDIT "Understand" tool - give opinions and or alternative, PLEASE Pin
RedDk8-Aug-24 8:42
RedDk8-Aug-24 8:42 
GeneralWordle 1,145 Pin
StarNamer@work6-Aug-24 13:11
professionalStarNamer@work6-Aug-24 13:11 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,145 Pin
GKP19926-Aug-24 18:11
professionalGKP19926-Aug-24 18:11 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,145 Pin
Shane01036-Aug-24 18:38
Shane01036-Aug-24 18:38 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,145 Pin
OriginalGriff6-Aug-24 19:14
mveOriginalGriff6-Aug-24 19:14 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,145 - 4 4 me Pin
pkfox6-Aug-24 21:13
professionalpkfox6-Aug-24 21:13 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,145 Pin
PJ Arends6-Aug-24 21:16
professionalPJ Arends6-Aug-24 21:16 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,145 - 4/6 Pin
ChandraRam6-Aug-24 22:03
ChandraRam6-Aug-24 22:03 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,145 Pin
jmaida7-Aug-24 16:08
jmaida7-Aug-24 16:08 
GeneralCreative abuse of SI units Pin
MrChug6-Aug-24 14:19
MrChug6-Aug-24 14:19 
GeneralRe: Creative abuse of SI units PinPopular
PIEBALDconsult6-Aug-24 14:39
mvePIEBALDconsult6-Aug-24 14:39 
GeneralRe: Creative abuse of SI units Pin
Daniel Pfeffer6-Aug-24 23:02
professionalDaniel Pfeffer6-Aug-24 23:02 
GeneralRe: Creative abuse of SI units Pin
Peter_in_27807-Aug-24 0:45
professionalPeter_in_27807-Aug-24 0:45 
GeneralRe: Creative abuse of SI units Pin
trønderen7-Aug-24 8:25
trønderen7-Aug-24 8:25 
GeneralRe: Creative abuse of SI units Pin
Gary Wheeler7-Aug-24 1:23
Gary Wheeler7-Aug-24 1:23 
GeneralRe: Creative abuse of SI units Pin
Richard MacCutchan7-Aug-24 2:04
mveRichard MacCutchan7-Aug-24 2:04 
GeneralRe: Creative abuse of SI units Pin
Gary Wheeler7-Aug-24 2:14
Gary Wheeler7-Aug-24 2:14 

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