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GeneralRe: Did you miss me? Pin
Nelek6-May-24 4:56
protectorNelek6-May-24 4:56 
GeneralRe: Did you miss me? Pin
RickZeeland5-May-24 23:28
mveRickZeeland5-May-24 23:28 
GeneralRe: Did you miss me? Pin
CPallini6-May-24 0:19
mveCPallini6-May-24 0:19 
GeneralRe: Did you miss me? Pin
Daniel Pfeffer5-May-24 23:36
professionalDaniel Pfeffer5-May-24 23:36 
GeneralRe: Did you miss me? Pin
BernardIE53176-May-24 1:54
BernardIE53176-May-24 1:54 
GeneralRe: Did you miss me? Pin
Maximilien6-May-24 2:13
Maximilien6-May-24 2:13 
GeneralRe: Did you miss me? Pin
Nelek6-May-24 4:57
protectorNelek6-May-24 4:57 
GeneralRe: Did you miss me? Pin
dandy726-May-24 3:59
dandy726-May-24 3:59 
Sander Rossel wrote:
Been to Auschwitz and it's even worse than what you see on TV

Isn't it interesting how, knowing what happened there, merely being at that same location can convey so much more than actual images of the actual atrocities that took place.

Sadly I know people who know nothing about and have no interest in history, even as recent as this is, and wouldn't "appreciate" being there (and I know that's not the right word I should be using there, but I'm coming up blank right now). As they say, people who don't know their history are condemned to repeat it. You have to worry about these people.
GeneralRe: Did you miss me? Pin
Nelek6-May-24 4:58
protectorNelek6-May-24 4:58 
GeneralRe: Did you miss me? Pin
jeron16-May-24 5:08
jeron16-May-24 5:08 
GeneralRe: Did you miss me? Pin
dandy726-May-24 8:00
dandy726-May-24 8:00 
GeneralRe: Did you miss me? Pin
Nelek6-May-24 5:00
protectorNelek6-May-24 5:00 
GeneralRe: Did you miss me? Pin
Salvatore Terress6-May-24 5:37
Salvatore Terress6-May-24 5:37 
GeneralRe: Did you miss me? Pin
Jeremy Falcon6-May-24 6:15
professionalJeremy Falcon6-May-24 6:15 
GeneralRe: Did you miss me? Pin
Amarnath S6-May-24 15:44
professionalAmarnath S6-May-24 15:44 
GeneralRe: Did you miss me? Pin
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter6-May-24 20:25
professionalKornfeld Eliyahu Peter6-May-24 20:25 
GeneralKinda wish I knew more about "AI" Pin
honey the codewitch5-May-24 20:21
mvahoney the codewitch5-May-24 20:21 
GeneralRe: Kinda wish I knew more about "AI" Pin
wapiti648-May-24 2:57
wapiti648-May-24 2:57 
GeneralWordle 1,052 Pin
Jeremy Falcon5-May-24 19:21
professionalJeremy Falcon5-May-24 19:21 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,052 Pin
OriginalGriff5-May-24 19:22
mveOriginalGriff5-May-24 19:22 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,052 Pin
ChandraRam5-May-24 23:06
ChandraRam5-May-24 23:06 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,052 Pin
Sandeep Mewara5-May-24 19:22
mveSandeep Mewara5-May-24 19:22 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,052 Pin
GKP19925-May-24 20:12
professionalGKP19925-May-24 20:12 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,052 Pin
Sander Rossel5-May-24 21:08
professionalSander Rossel5-May-24 21:08 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,052 - 6 and a fail 4 me Pin
pkfox5-May-24 21:20
professionalpkfox5-May-24 21:20 

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