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GeneralRe: Opposite of Spherical Cows? Inventor's Paradox Pin
Amarnath S13-Feb-24 15:08
professionalAmarnath S13-Feb-24 15:08 
QuestionGIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
charlieg13-Feb-24 0:15
charlieg13-Feb-24 0:15 
AnswerRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
GuyThiebaut13-Feb-24 0:34
professionalGuyThiebaut13-Feb-24 0:34 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
charlieg13-Feb-24 3:36
charlieg13-Feb-24 3:36 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
GuyThiebaut13-Feb-24 4:16
professionalGuyThiebaut13-Feb-24 4:16 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
charlieg13-Feb-24 4:22
charlieg13-Feb-24 4:22 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
GuyThiebaut13-Feb-24 4:31
professionalGuyThiebaut13-Feb-24 4:31 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
Al Gonzalez14-Feb-24 6:58
Al Gonzalez14-Feb-24 6:58 
With Git you don't just have all the code on your local machine, you also have (or can have) all the branches, versions and tags on the local machine. That way you can compare or even revert code with any prior version without connecting a centralized server. Now when you want to share your changes, you can connect and push to say GitHub and pull to get changes from other users.

Branching in Git is also more lightweight since it isn't a full copy of the code base.

BTW, while PRs are useful and desirable when working with other developers, they are a feature of online git services like Github and Gitlab not Git itself. Depending on your settings/configuration, you CAN push changes to main (trunk) without anybody seeing it first.

GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
jochance13-Feb-24 4:59
jochance13-Feb-24 4:59 
AnswerRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
Pete O'Hanlon13-Feb-24 0:43
mvePete O'Hanlon13-Feb-24 0:43 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
GuyThiebaut13-Feb-24 0:52
professionalGuyThiebaut13-Feb-24 0:52 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
Pete O'Hanlon13-Feb-24 0:59
mvePete O'Hanlon13-Feb-24 0:59 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
GuyThiebaut13-Feb-24 1:06
professionalGuyThiebaut13-Feb-24 1:06 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
Pete O'Hanlon13-Feb-24 2:12
mvePete O'Hanlon13-Feb-24 2:12 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
Jeremy Falcon13-Feb-24 3:23
professionalJeremy Falcon13-Feb-24 3:23 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
charlieg13-Feb-24 3:40
charlieg13-Feb-24 3:40 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
Jeremy Falcon13-Feb-24 5:05
professionalJeremy Falcon13-Feb-24 5:05 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
charlieg13-Feb-24 5:25
charlieg13-Feb-24 5:25 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
jochance13-Feb-24 5:03
jochance13-Feb-24 5:03 
AnswerRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
RickZeeland13-Feb-24 0:49
mveRickZeeland13-Feb-24 0:49 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
Jeremy Falcon13-Feb-24 3:00
professionalJeremy Falcon13-Feb-24 3:00 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
den2k8813-Feb-24 3:28
professionalden2k8813-Feb-24 3:28 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
Jeremy Falcon13-Feb-24 3:36
professionalJeremy Falcon13-Feb-24 3:36 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
jochance13-Feb-24 5:06
jochance13-Feb-24 5:06 
AnswerRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
PIEBALDconsult13-Feb-24 2:16
mvePIEBALDconsult13-Feb-24 2:16 

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