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GeneralRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
Gary Wheeler21-Dec-23 7:11
Gary Wheeler21-Dec-23 7:11 
GeneralRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
MarkTJohnson22-Dec-23 2:02
professionalMarkTJohnson22-Dec-23 2:02 
GeneralRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
Gary Wheeler22-Dec-23 2:05
Gary Wheeler22-Dec-23 2:05 
GeneralRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
obermd21-Dec-23 8:58
obermd21-Dec-23 8:58 
GeneralRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
Marc Clifton21-Dec-23 7:34
mvaMarc Clifton21-Dec-23 7:34 
GeneralRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
Gerry Schmitz21-Dec-23 8:25
mveGerry Schmitz21-Dec-23 8:25 
GeneralRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
jochance23-Dec-23 8:55
jochance23-Dec-23 8:55 
GeneralRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
DerekT-P22-Dec-23 5:56
professionalDerekT-P22-Dec-23 5:56 
I've heard on other social media of AI voice-alike scams. But I had a learning experience last week, (the learning being not to be so stupid). Got a text from an unknown number "Hi Dad, I broke my phone, lost all my contacts; this is my new number". I assumed my son (my daughter doesn't usually do stuff like break her phone) so I texted back "OK; weren't they backed up?" Got a reply "I thought so, but seems not". At that point I actually deleted my son's old number and added the new, then wondered "Maybe it's my daughter?" so stupidly texted back "are you Adam or Beth?" (I used their real names, not Adam/Beth). Got a text back "Adam". So all seemed very normal, not suspicious. Told my wife who immediately called "Adam" on his old number, and had a perfectly normal chat, no prob with the phone at all. Stupid me.

Anyway, if I ever get something like that again, I'll just call back on the number I have for them.

Also had emails recently saying "We have a delivery for you today - will you be in between 1 and 2pm?" Well... that's too blatantly stupid for even me to fall for! Laugh | :laugh: Laugh | :laugh:

Take care, folks!
Telegraph marker posts ... nothing to do with IT
Phasmid email discussion group ... also nothing to do with IT
Beekeeping and honey site ... still nothing to do with IT

GeneralRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
jschell22-Dec-23 6:07
jschell22-Dec-23 6:07 
Question( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
Maximilien21-Dec-23 2:35
Maximilien21-Dec-23 2:35 
AnswerRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? PinPopular
0x01AA21-Dec-23 2:50
mve0x01AA21-Dec-23 2:50 
GeneralRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
k505421-Dec-23 4:14
mvek505421-Dec-23 4:14 
GeneralRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
Bruno van Dooren21-Dec-23 21:59
mvaBruno van Dooren21-Dec-23 21:59 
AnswerRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
CPallini21-Dec-23 2:54
mveCPallini21-Dec-23 2:54 
GeneralRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
obermd21-Dec-23 3:44
obermd21-Dec-23 3:44 
AnswerRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
Amarnath S21-Dec-23 2:56
professionalAmarnath S21-Dec-23 2:56 
AnswerRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
Mircea Neacsu21-Dec-23 3:05
Mircea Neacsu21-Dec-23 3:05 
AnswerRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
jschell21-Dec-23 4:11
jschell21-Dec-23 4:11 
GeneralRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
PIEBALDconsult21-Dec-23 5:29
mvePIEBALDconsult21-Dec-23 5:29 
GeneralRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
Gary Wheeler21-Dec-23 6:46
Gary Wheeler21-Dec-23 6:46 
GeneralRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
hpcoder217-Jan-24 16:12
hpcoder217-Jan-24 16:12 
AnswerRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
PIEBALDconsult21-Dec-23 4:18
mvePIEBALDconsult21-Dec-23 4:18 
GeneralRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
0x01AA21-Dec-23 5:02
mve0x01AA21-Dec-23 5:02 
AnswerRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
honey the codewitch21-Dec-23 4:25
mvahoney the codewitch21-Dec-23 4:25 
GeneralRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
Gary Wheeler21-Dec-23 7:06
Gary Wheeler21-Dec-23 7:06 

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