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GeneralRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
charlieg21-Dec-23 10:21
charlieg21-Dec-23 10:21 
GeneralRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
jschell22-Dec-23 6:03
jschell22-Dec-23 6:03 
GeneralRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
jochance23-Dec-23 12:55
jochance23-Dec-23 12:55 
GeneralRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
Gary Wheeler21-Dec-23 6:40
Gary Wheeler21-Dec-23 6:40 
JokeRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
MarkTJohnson21-Dec-23 6:56
professionalMarkTJohnson21-Dec-23 6:56 
GeneralRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
Gary Wheeler21-Dec-23 7:11
Gary Wheeler21-Dec-23 7:11 
GeneralRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
MarkTJohnson22-Dec-23 2:02
professionalMarkTJohnson22-Dec-23 2:02 
GeneralRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
Gary Wheeler22-Dec-23 2:05
Gary Wheeler22-Dec-23 2:05 
MarkTJohnson wrote:
You didn't see the Joke icon on the post?
Nope. Sorry if I sounded testy. It doesn't take much to make me go full-bore Papa Bear Blush | :O .
Software Zen: delete this;

GeneralRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
obermd21-Dec-23 8:58
obermd21-Dec-23 8:58 
GeneralRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
Marc Clifton21-Dec-23 7:34
mvaMarc Clifton21-Dec-23 7:34 
GeneralRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
Gerry Schmitz21-Dec-23 8:25
mveGerry Schmitz21-Dec-23 8:25 
GeneralRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
jochance23-Dec-23 8:55
jochance23-Dec-23 8:55 
GeneralRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
DerekT-P22-Dec-23 5:56
professionalDerekT-P22-Dec-23 5:56 
GeneralRe: Well that isn't good. Pin
jschell22-Dec-23 6:07
jschell22-Dec-23 6:07 
Question( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
Maximilien21-Dec-23 2:35
Maximilien21-Dec-23 2:35 
AnswerRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? PinPopular
0x01AA21-Dec-23 2:50
mve0x01AA21-Dec-23 2:50 
GeneralRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
k505421-Dec-23 4:14
mvek505421-Dec-23 4:14 
GeneralRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
Bruno van Dooren21-Dec-23 21:59
mvaBruno van Dooren21-Dec-23 21:59 
AnswerRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
CPallini21-Dec-23 2:54
mveCPallini21-Dec-23 2:54 
GeneralRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
obermd21-Dec-23 3:44
obermd21-Dec-23 3:44 
AnswerRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
Amarnath S21-Dec-23 2:56
professionalAmarnath S21-Dec-23 2:56 
AnswerRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
Mircea Neacsu21-Dec-23 3:05
Mircea Neacsu21-Dec-23 3:05 
AnswerRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
jschell21-Dec-23 4:11
jschell21-Dec-23 4:11 
GeneralRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
PIEBALDconsult21-Dec-23 5:29
mvePIEBALDconsult21-Dec-23 5:29 
GeneralRe: ( C/C++ historical question) was there a point in time where adding a return at the end of a void function was required ? Pin
Gary Wheeler21-Dec-23 6:46
Gary Wheeler21-Dec-23 6:46 

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