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GeneralRe: In-place OS upgrade - Linux vs Windows Pin
theoldfool17-Oct-23 8:18
professionaltheoldfool17-Oct-23 8:18 
GeneralRe: In-place OS upgrade - Linux vs Windows Pin
dandy7217-Oct-23 9:36
dandy7217-Oct-23 9:36 
GeneralRe: In-place OS upgrade - Linux vs Windows Pin
theoldfool17-Oct-23 11:00
professionaltheoldfool17-Oct-23 11:00 
GeneralRe: In-place OS upgrade - Linux vs Windows Pin
Peter Adam17-Oct-23 21:58
professionalPeter Adam17-Oct-23 21:58 
GeneralRe: In-place OS upgrade - Linux vs Windows Pin
dandy7218-Oct-23 3:35
dandy7218-Oct-23 3:35 
GeneralRe: In-place OS upgrade - Linux vs Windows Pin
Clumpco17-Oct-23 23:55
Clumpco17-Oct-23 23:55 
GeneralRe: In-place OS upgrade - Linux vs Windows Pin
Ralf Quint18-Oct-23 9:48
Ralf Quint18-Oct-23 9:48 
GeneralRe: In-place OS upgrade - Linux vs Windows Pin
AAC Tech18-Oct-23 19:31
professionalAAC Tech18-Oct-23 19:31 
I have never had a problem doing a Windows inplace upgrade since W7 as long as I have done a thorough update (drivers, etc), tuneup and virus scan of the current setup. An upgrade is an upgrade NOT a repair.
GeneralRe: In-place OS upgrade - Linux vs Windows Pin
dandy7219-Oct-23 8:29
dandy7219-Oct-23 8:29 
GeneralRe: In-place OS upgrade - Linux vs Windows Pin
Kate-X25718-Oct-23 23:11
Kate-X25718-Oct-23 23:11 
GeneralRe: In-place OS upgrade - Linux vs Windows Pin
dandy7219-Oct-23 8:32
dandy7219-Oct-23 8:32 
GeneralVisual Studio 2022 offline Pin
JudyL_MD17-Oct-23 3:05
JudyL_MD17-Oct-23 3:05 
GeneralRe: Visual Studio 2022 offline Pin
0x01AA17-Oct-23 3:41
mve0x01AA17-Oct-23 3:41 
GeneralRe: Visual Studio 2022 offline Pin
JudyL_MD17-Oct-23 3:50
JudyL_MD17-Oct-23 3:50 
GeneralRe: Visual Studio 2022 offline Pin
milo-xml18-Oct-23 2:31
professionalmilo-xml18-Oct-23 2:31 
GeneralRe: Visual Studio 2022 offline PinPopular
dandy7217-Oct-23 4:07
dandy7217-Oct-23 4:07 
GeneralRe: Visual Studio 2022 offline Pin
Daniel Pfeffer17-Oct-23 4:17
professionalDaniel Pfeffer17-Oct-23 4:17 
GeneralRe: Visual Studio 2022 offline Pin
dandy7217-Oct-23 4:52
dandy7217-Oct-23 4:52 
GeneralRe: Visual Studio 2022 offline Pin
Daniel Pfeffer17-Oct-23 10:43
professionalDaniel Pfeffer17-Oct-23 10:43 
GeneralRe: Visual Studio 2022 offline Pin
JudyL_MD17-Oct-23 4:30
JudyL_MD17-Oct-23 4:30 
GeneralRe: Visual Studio 2022 offline Pin
dandy7217-Oct-23 4:45
dandy7217-Oct-23 4:45 
GeneralRe: Visual Studio 2022 offline Pin
JudyL_MD17-Oct-23 4:50
JudyL_MD17-Oct-23 4:50 
GeneralRe: Visual Studio 2022 offline Pin
dandy7217-Oct-23 4:54
dandy7217-Oct-23 4:54 
GeneralRe: Visual Studio 2022 offline Pin
Andreas Mertens18-Oct-23 18:08
professionalAndreas Mertens18-Oct-23 18:08 
GeneralRe: Visual Studio 2022 offline Pin
tcruse19-Oct-23 6:03
professionaltcruse19-Oct-23 6:03 

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