Amarnath S wrote: obeying something called as Bose Statistics
The proper name is Bose-Einstein statistics, but I suppose that calling the particles Bose-Einsteinions would be too much of a mouthful.
The other general category of particles obey Fermi-Dirac statistics. They are known as Fermions.
Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.
-- 6079 Smith W.
I try to share more details with my friends about Issac Newton.
Anyone from Great Britain who can help me?
thanks a million...
diligent hands rule....
There is a series of novels by Neal Stephenson collectively called The Baroque Cycle where historical figures like Newton, Leibniz, Locke, Wren and Boyle are prominent. I've heard that many of the broad strokes in their lives are true. It's a long read but worth it IMHO.
The Baroque Cycle (3 book series) - Amazon[^]
Very good read. I must finish it.
I read this book, quite a few years ago and I still think about the things I learned about Newton.
Isaac Newton (Giants of Science)[^]
It is a young adult book and you may make fun of me for that ( I read it when I was 45), but it serves as a really great wide coverage of the interesting parts of his life which you can always follow further if you want to know more details.
Light Made Up of All Colors
I remember him creating a test to prove that light was made up of all colors (very cool) Spoiler -- he used two prisms to prove this. Very simple idea but he thought of it first.
Staring At The Sun
He stared at the sun so long (to study it) he went blind for a while.
Many other great things revealed in that book and it won't take you long to read (126 pages) and it is very entertaining. It isn't written down to a child it just provides facts directly. Great stuff.
raddevus wrote: He stared at the sun so long (to study it) he went blind for a while. His conclusion, "Damn! but that's bright!".
"the debugger doesn't tell me anything because this code compiles just fine" - random QA comment
"Facebook is where you tell lies to your friends. Twitter is where you tell the truth to strangers." - chriselst
"I don't drink any more... then again, I don't drink any less." - Mike Mullikins uncle
"In testa che avete, Signor di Ceprano?"
-- Rigoletto
raddevus wrote: He stared at the sun so long Reminds me of a question on a quiz I was watching on TV last night. Q: "Which star sometimes referred to as Alpha Canis Majoris, is the brightest in the night sky?" A: (from a "YouTube personality") "The Sun".
Richard MacCutchan wrote: Q: "Which star sometimes referred to as Alpha Canis Majoris, is the brightest in the night sky?"
Technically, a perfectly correct answer would be "Alpha Canis Majoris", but I doubt they'd accept it!
One of the things he is remembered for is using the phrase "Standing on the shoulders of giants". Newton said this in a letter to Robert Hooke about his advances in optics, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants” and it is supposedly meant to imply that he built on the work of others, but it's also widely held to be a slight at Hooke, who was of small stature, and hence not a giant. Newton famously disliked Hooke, and reputedly had his portraits removed from the premises of the Royal Society (and many, if not all, destroyed); they were great rivals, and after Hooke's death Newton went to great lengths to diminish Hooke's legacy, almost writing him out of history.
Aside: many of the churches in London referred to as Christopher Wren designs are thought to actually be designs by Hooke.
modified 10-Apr-24 6:27am.
My mom, a 92 year old grandmother, dreads every ios update pushed to her phone. Why do the Apple UI/UX people have to move EVERYTHING every time? Seems to me Apple has WAAAAAY to many UI/UX folks that need to justify their existence?
Now, grandma is no slouch. We're talking about an early adopter here. She always gets the latest iPhone and loves it. Uses her iPad constantly. But the updates are keeling her.
Bless her heart.
Definition of a burocrate; Delegate, Take Credit, shift blame.
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Because the alternatives are even worse.
I hate to put it that way, but...that's reality.
I have a cheapo galaxy A25 or something. I love it. Then again, I don't do much with phones, but it's unobtrusive and fast.
Check out my IoT graphics library here:
And my IoT UI/User Experience library here:
Maybe Apple sucks harder than any but is really good with makeup.
Whether it's a sign of too many UI/UX folks, it's a sign very poor planning in that area. The changes could be reduced if capabilities planned in future releases were taken into account instead of churning the UI every release.
I worked on a product that decided to change its UI. The difference, compared to the Apple, was that it had a much smaller customer base consisting of large companies. The people in those companies who used the product pushed back on the UI changes because they already knew how to use the product and didn't want to learn how all over again. This killed the UI "improvement" initiative. Apple, on the other hand, faces no significant, if any, pushback.
and Microsoft, let's not forget about that clown show....
Charlie Gilley
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” BF, 1759
Has never been more appropriate.
Err... usually Apple gets grief because the iOS UI didn't change enough (compared to Android).
The Android UI changes?!
I've installed Microsoft Launcher as one of the first apps on the last 4 Android phones I've had so, as far as I can tell, the UI has stayed pretty much the same for about 8 years.
I feel ya as a long time iphone user. But I gotta say that Microsoft started that trend, afaik. Microsoft has been rearranging the furniture for 3 or 4 decades now.
I think that's their attempt to make you feel like it was money well spent.
Jack of all trades, master of none, though often times better than master of one.
...because (some) people collect paycheck without
being productive.
Yes, it depends how you define "being productive"...
(some) answers can be found in "Inmates are running the asylum".
I'm a firm believer Apple's decline started when Jobs passed. They're just so big it's gonna be a looooooong decline. Or maybe they're too big now to fail... even if they're dumber. But, you start to see it in some questionable choices, like Apple TV forcing more clicks to get to paid movies, etc.
I don't use Android, but if I had to guess they change crap up too. The real issue is, Apple used to make elegant changes. Now, it's just changes that are in lower quality than what we've become accustomed too.
So for now, IMO, it's still better than the alternative, but since the real mind behind Apple is gone, they're gonna level themselves out in terms of elegance. Welcome to change.
Jeremy Falcon
In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity. - Hunter S Thompson - RIP