'Subnet Calculator V1 'Script by MJP 2010 'Note this script only works on the original spec where hosts with all-ones or all-zeros are excluded 'ref - http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1878.html 'usage cscript VBScriptSubnetCalcV2 > output.txt 'force script to run in cscript mode Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") If Instr(1, WScript.FullName, "CScript", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then objShell.Run "%comspec% /k cscript //nologo """ & WScript.ScriptFullName & """", 1, False WScript.Quit End If 'create dictionary objects with subnet constants. Set dNetworID = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") dNetworID.Add "192", "64" dNetworID.Add "224", "32" dNetworID.Add "240", "16" dNetworID.Add "248", "8" dNetworID.Add "252", "4" dNetworID.Add "254", "2" dNetworID.Add "255", "1" Set dNoNetworks = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") dNoNetworks.Add "192", "2" dNoNetworks.Add "224", "6" dNoNetworks.Add "240", "14" dNoNetworks.Add "248", "30" dNoNetworks.Add "252", "62" dNoNetworks.Add "254", "126" dNoNetworks.Add "255", "1" 'input addresses wscript.echo "MJP Subnet Calc"&vbcrlf strIP=inputbox("Enter IP", "MJP Subnet Calc", "") strSN=inputbox("Enter Subnet Mask", "MJP Subnet Calc", "") aSN=split(strSN, ".") : aIP=split(strIP, ".") acalcBits=split(calcBits(aSN, aIP), ",") 'output results wscript.echo "IP Address "&strIP &vbcrlf& "Subnet Mask "&strSN &vbcrlf& "Subnet Bits "&acalcBits(0)&vbcrlf& "NetworkID Start Range "&acalcBits(1)&vbcrlf& "Number of Subnets "&acalcBits(2)&vbcrlf& "SubnetID Address "&acalcBits(3)&vbcrlf& "subnet "&Subnet(strIP, strSN) & vbcrlf 'output a listing of host ranges listhosts acalcBits(0),acalcBits(1),acalcBits(2),acalcBits(3),aIP wscript.quit '------------------------------------------------------- function calcBits(aSN, aIP) 'input - addresses as an array of octets 'output - subnet bits, NetworkID Start Range, Number of Subnets, subnetId i=0 x=1 bits=0 'loop through octets totaling subnet bits, (i) is position after last 255 subnet octet do Octet=aSN(i) if Octet=255 then bits=bits+8 i=i+1 end if if i=4 then if bits<8 then calcBits="err - invalid subnet mask - no 255" exit function else calcBits=bits exit function end if end if loop until aSN(i)<>255 'if next octet is something like 224 or 192 etc then continue totaling bits by converting the number to binary if aSN(i)>0 then intDec=aSN(i) strTemp = "" Do While intDec > 0 If intDec Mod 2 > 0 Then strTemp = "1" & strTemp Else strTemp = "0" & strTemp End If intDec = Int(intDec / 2) Loop 'count the "ones" in the string do if right(strTemp, 1)="0" then strTemp=left(strTemp, len(strTemp)-1) else exit do end if loop until len(strTemp)=0 'a valid subnet mask is all "ones" from left to right if Len(strTemp)-Len(Replace(strTemp,"0",""))<>0 then msgbox "err - invalid subnet mask - bad Octet" wscript.quit end if end if 'a bit of housekeeping - subnet mask only contains 255s and 0s (one subnet) if aSN(i)=0 then i=i-1 end if 'build output variables bits=bits+len(strTemp) nID=dNetworID.Item(aSN(i)) nets=dNoNetworks.Item(aSN(i)) 'housekeeping again - I could probably rationalise these - basically it sets the i pointer for accessing the ip array octets 'but I am not going to bother because this code is based on obsolite TCP-IP definition. V2 is written completely differently. if aSN(i)=255 then i=i+1 'build subnetID address from supplied ip address array for x=0 to i-1 subNetID=subNetID& " " &aIP(x) next subNetID=trim(subNetID) if aSN(i)<>0 then subNetID=subNetID&" "&nID else subNetID=subNetID&" "&"0" end if for x=i+1 to 3 subNetID=subNetID & " " & "0" next subNetID=replace(subNetID, " ", ".") 'information returned from function - comma separated variable calcBits=bits&","&nID&","&nets&","&subNetID end function '------------------------------------------------------- function listhosts(bits,nID,nets,subnetID,aIP) 'lists subnet ranges and hosts of target subnet 'from subnet bits, NetworkID Start Range, Number of Subnets, subnetId and original IP 'calculate some initial variables needed below OctetOther = 0 maskbitsA = bits mod 8 maskBitsB = bits - maskbitsA Octet255s = maskBitsB /8 if maskbitsA >0 then OctetOther = 1 'build bitAdd vaiable which is used in calculating last host address 'if this does not equal 0 then we are dealing with an ending with 192 224 240 etc if maskBitsA<>0 then if Octet255s = 3 then bitAdd = nID elseif Octet255s = 2 then bitAdd = (nID*255)+nID elseif Octet255s = 1 then bitAdd = (nID*65025)+(2*(nID*255))+nID end if else 'we are dealing with a standard subnet mask like if Octet255s = 1 then bitAdd = 16777216 elseif Octet255s = 2 then bitAdd = 65536 elseif Octet255s = 3 then bitAdd = 256 end if end if 'turn given IP address into a hex number for i= 0 to 3 aIPTemp=hex(aIP(i)) if len(aIPTemp)<2 then aIPTemp="0"&aIPTemp IPHex=IPHex & aIPTemp next 'turn SubnetID address into a hex number aSubNet=split(SubNetID, ".") for i= 0 to 3 aSubNetTemp=hex(aSubNet(i)) if len(aSubNetTemp)<2 then aSubNetTemp="0"&aSubNetTemp SubNetHex=SubNetHex & aSubNetTemp next 'loop through number of networks for the given subnet mask for x=1 to nets 'calculate first and last address in hex subIst=hex(Clng("&H" & SubNetHex) + 1) subLst=hex(Clng("&H" & SubNetHex) + bitAdd - 2) 'convert hex address format into standard IP octet format subIstIP=Cint("&H" & mid(subIst, 1, 2)) &"."& Cint("&H" & mid(subIst, 3, 2)) &"."& Cint("&H" & mid(subIst, 5, 2)) &"."& Cint("&H" & mid(subIst, 7, 2)) subLstIP=Cint("&H" & mid(subLst, 1, 2)) &"."& Cint("&H" & mid(subLst, 3, 2)) &"."& Cint("&H" & mid(subLst, 5, 2)) &"."& Cint("&H" & mid(subLst, 7, 2)) 'check if given IP address falls in this subnet range of addresses if "&H" &IPHex=>"&H" &subIst and "&H" &IPHex<="&H" &subLst then wscript.echo "Range"&x&vbtab&subIstIP&vbtab&subLstIP&" (Target Network)" IPMaskMatch=true 'optionally list all addresses in range. answer=msgbox("List all IP addresses?",36,"MJP Subnet Calc") if answer = 6 then iHosts=Clng(("&H" &subLst)-("&H" &subIst))+1 SubNetHexTarget = SubNetHex for i=1 to iHosts subnetTarget=Clng("&H" & SubNetHexTarget) + 1 SubNetHexTarget = hex(subnetTarget) listIP = Cint("&H" & mid(SubNetHexTarget, 1, 2)) &"."& Cint("&H" & mid(SubNetHexTarget, 3, 2)) &"."& Cint("&H" & mid(SubNetHexTarget, 5, 2)) &"."& Cint("&H" & mid(SubNetHexTarget, 7, 2)) wscript.echo listIP next end if else wscript.echo "Range"&x&vbtab&subIstIP&vbtab&subLstIP end if SubNetHex=hex(Clng("&H" & subLst) + 2) next if IPMaskMatch<>true then wscript.echo vbcrlf&"(WARNING - IP Address Does Not Match This Subnet Mask)" end function '------------------------------------------------------- Function Subnet(strAddress, strMask) on error resume next lenSN = Len(Left(str2bin(strMask), InStr(str2bin(strMask), "0") - 1)) Subnet = bin2str(Left(str2bin(strAddress), lenSN) & String(32 - lenSN, "0")) End Function '------------------------------------------------------- Function bin2str(strBinary) 'special binary to decimal function 'input 32bit binary number 'output 4 octet ip address For iPosOct = 1 To 4 strOctBin = Right(Left(strBinary, iPosOct * 8), 8) intOctet = 0 intValue = 1 For iPosBin = 1 To Len(strOctBin) If Left(Right(strOctBin, iPosBin), 1) = "1" Then intOctet = intOctet + intValue end if intValue = intValue * 2 Next If bin2str = Empty Then bin2str = CStr(intOctet) Else bin2str = bin2str & "." & CStr(intOctet) end if Next End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- Function str2bin(strAddress) 'special decimal to binary function 'input 4 octet ip address 'output 32bit binary number objAddress = Split(strAddress, ".") For Each strOctet In objAddress intOctet = CInt(strOctet) strOctBin = "" For x = 1 To 8 If intOctet Mod 2 > 0 Then strOctBin = "1" & strOctBin Else strOctBin = "0" & strOctBin End If intOctet = Int(intOctet / 2) Next str2bin = str2bin & strOctBin Next End Function '------------------------------------------------------------ Function lenSubnet(strMask) strMaskBin = str2bin(strMask) lenSubnet = Len(Left(strMaskBin, InStr(strMaskBin, "0") - 1)) End Function