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CSimpleSocket : CDummyFile

$Revision: 51 $


This class is inherited from CDummyFile. When I first saw the socket API, it seemed to be the fruit of a weird, twisted mind. Then I remembered sockets came from the Unix world. No one ever accused of Unix being straightforward. With this in mind I wrote CSimpleSocket to try to bring some sanity to sockets. There are two parts to a socket. The IP address and a port number.

Data Members

Address - The "dotted" IP address. Example: ""

Name - The name of the machine. This will be empty if the address has no name.

AliasList - This contains the alternate names for the IP address. Some machines have multiple names.


void Close( void )
Closes the socket.
void GetAddress( CString& dotted_ip_address_string ) const
Retrieves the Address data member.
SOCKET GetID( void ) const
Retrieves the Socket ID so you can call the socket API directly.
void GetMyAddress( CString& dotted_ip_address_string )
Retrieves your IP address.
void GetMyName( CString& machine_name )
Retrieves your IP host name.
void GetName( CString& host_name ) const
Retrieves the Name data member.
void GetPort( short& port_number ) const
void GetPort( CString& port_name ) const
Retrieves the port number or port name of this socket. For example, if you have a telnet socket (i.e. port number 23), GetPort will return 23 in port_number and "telnet" in port_name. If no name can be found for the port number, port_name will be filled with a string representation of the port number.
TCHAR GetStringReadTerminatorCharacter( void ) const
Returns the character that will cause a Read() to terminate when reading a CString.
BOOL IsDataWaiting( void  )
Returns TRUE if there are bytes waiting to be Read().
BOOL Open( void ) = 0
BOOL Open( const char * machine_name_or_address, UINT port_number = 23, CFileException * = NULL ) = 0
Pure virtual function that opens the socket. You have to implement these functions.
void Read( CString& line_to_read )
UINT Read( VOID * buffer, const int maximum_number_of_bytes_to_read )
Pulls data out of the socket. If you are reading a string, the character set by SetStringReadTerminatorCharacter() will terminate the read. A NULL (character zero) will always terminate a string read.
void SetAddress( const char * address )
This sets the Address, Name and AliasList data members. You use either a "dotted" IP address or a machine name, SetAddress will figure out what you mean.
void SetID( const SOCKET socket_id )
Use this function if you've created a socket using the native socket API and want to play with it via CSimpleSocket. It does not set any of the address/name members. If the class is allready being used to play with an existing socket, it will be closed before the socket_id is attached.
void SetName( const char * machine_name )
Simply sets the Name member.
void SetPort( const short port_number )
void SetPort( const char * port_name )
Sets the port number and name.
void SetStringReadTerminatorCharacter( TCHAR character )
Sets the character that will terminate a string Read(). A NULL (character zero) will always terminate a string read.
void StartWindowsSockets( void )
Starts sockets. It is not recommended that you call this function. CSimpleSocket will call it as needed.
void StopWindowsSockets( void )
Stops sockets. It is not recommended that you call this function. CSimpleSocket will call it as needed.
void TranslateErrorCode( DWORD error_code, LPSTR destination_string, DWORD size_of_string )
Did you ever wonder what 10014 means? This function translates a socket error code into something humanly readable.
BOOL Transmit( CFile& file_to_send, DWORD flags = TF_DISCONNECT, CByteArray * send_before = NULL, CByteArray * send_after )
Will transmit the file_to_send down the socket. If you want to send some bytes before the file, set send_before to the address of a CByteArray. If you want some bytes sent after the file, set send_after to the address of a CByteArray. Read up on the TransmitFile() API for a discussion of the flags parameter.
void Write( const CString& string_to_write )
void Write( const VOID * buffer, const long number_of_bytes_to_write )
Sends data out of the socket.


#include <wfc.h>
#pragma hdrstop

int close_the_socket( CSimpleSocket& the_socket )
   WFCTRACEINIT( TEXT( "close_the_socket()" ) );


   // OK, this is a really lame sample but the class
   // is pure virtual!

API's Used

CSimpleSocket uses the following API's:
Copyright, 2000, Samuel R. Blackburn
$Workfile: sockets.cpp $
$Modtime: 1/17/00 9:31a $