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CNetworkShares : CNetwork

$Revision: 26 $


This class allows you to add, delete or enumerate shares in Win32.


CNetworkShares( LPCTSTR machine_name )
Creates the object and let's you specify which machine to execute on (i.e. which machine's shares you want to play with).


BOOL Add( const CNetworkShareInformation& share_to_add )
Creates a new share with the options you specify. The return value will be TRUE if the share was created, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL Check( LPCTSTR computer_name = NULL, DWORD type = accountMachine )
Checks whether or not a computer is sharing a device. The return value will be TRUE if the device is shared, FALSE otherwise.
void Close( void )
Closes the connection with the machine and cleans up any internal buffers used.
BOOL Delete( const CNetworkShareInformation& share_to_delete )
Deletes a share. The return value will be TRUE if the share was deleted, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL Enumerate( void )
Initializes the object for enumeration.
BOOL GetNext( CNetworkShareInformation& information )
Retrieves the next CNetworkShareInformation. When you reach the end of the list, GetNext() will return FALSE.


void test_CNetworkShares( LPCTSTR machine_name )
   WFCTRACEINIT( TEXT( "test_CNetworkShares()" ) );

   CNetworkShares shares( machine_name );

   CNetworkShareInformation share_information;

   if ( shares.Enumerate() != FALSE )
      _tprintf( TEXT( "Share Information for %s:\n" ), (LPCTSTR) shares.GetMachineName() );

      while( shares.GetNext( share_information ) != FALSE )
         _tprintf( TEXT( " NetworkName         - \"%s\"\n" ), (LPCTSTR) share_information.NetworkName         );
         _tprintf( TEXT( " Type                - %lu " ),               share_information.Type                );

         switch( share_information.Type )
            case STYPE_DISKTREE:

               _tprintf( TEXT( "Disk" ) );

            case STYPE_PRINTQ:

               _tprintf( TEXT( "Printer" ) );

            case STYPE_DEVICE:

               _tprintf( TEXT( "Communications Device" ) );

            case STYPE_IPC:

               _tprintf( TEXT( "IPC" ) );

            case STYPE_DFS:

               _tprintf( TEXT( "Distributed File System" ) );

            case STYPE_SPECIAL:

               _tprintf( TEXT( "Special" ) );


               _tprintf( TEXT( "Unknown Type" ) );

         _tprintf( TEXT( "\n" ) );
         _tprintf( TEXT( " Remark              - \"%s\"\n" ), (LPCTSTR) share_information.Remark              );
         _tprintf( TEXT( " Permissions         - %lu\n" ),              share_information.Permissions         );
         _tprintf( TEXT( " MaximumNumberOfUses - %d\n" ),               share_information.MaximumNumberOfUses );
         _tprintf( TEXT( " CurrentNumberOfUses - %d\n" ),               share_information.CurrentNumberOfUses );
         _tprintf( TEXT( " PathName            - \"%s\"\n" ), (LPCTSTR) share_information.PathName            );
         _tprintf( TEXT( " Password            - \"%s\"\n\n" ), (LPCTSTR) share_information.Password          );
      DWORD error_code = shares.GetErrorCode();

      CString error_message;

      Convert_NERR_Code_to_String( error_code, error_message );

      _tprintf( TEXT( "CNetworkShares.Enumerate( share_information ), ErrorCode == %d \"%s\"\n" ), error_code, (LPCTSTR) error_message );

API's Used

CNetworkShares uses the following API's:
Copyright, 2000, Samuel R. Blackburn
$Workfile: cnetshar.cpp $
$Modtime: 1/04/00 5:16a $