Visit the Ultimate Toolbox main page for an overview and configuration guide to the Ultimate Toolbox library.
The Ultimate Toolbox Utility section contains classes that cover several areas of Windows programming that you might not ever care about... until you need them.
int nMonth = 0;
ASSERT( (nMonth >= 1) && (nMonth <=12) );
and COXAdvancedAssertMail
can be used to invoke a custom assert dialog that can send a problem report via email.
Classes for saving/restoring application state and managing instances of a program.
COXWorkspaceState workspaceState;
A collection of classes for performing both simple integrity and cyclic redundancy checks.
Class COXCheckBase
is the abstract base class used for deriving the classes which carry out integrity checking on data buffers.
The pure virtual function CalculateBlock()
needs to be implemented by the derived classes.
Five derived classes - COXCheckSum8
, COXCheckSum16
, COXCheckSum32
, and COXCRC32
are provided for calculating 8, 16, and 32-bit checks. Note that the COXCheckSum...
classes are the simplest integrity check methods (each involves a simple summation of each byte of data), while the COXCRC...
classes perform cyclic redundancy checks.
Classes that allow for monitoring and access to separate blocks of clipboard data. The COXMulticlipboardDlg
manages a number of COXClipPocket
objects which are populated as the clipboard is monitored.
COXClipPocket* pPocket=GetPocket(nPocketNumber);
COXToolTipCtrl* pTip=GetToolTip();
if (pPocket->GetDataType()==CF_TEXT)
tOXData* pData=pPocket->GetData();
(Archived*) Classes for command line parsing.
*Archived classes can be found in the archive\source and archive\include directories - there may or may not be a usage example project in the archive\samples dir. There should still be class information in the compiled HTML help documentation. These classes were classified as unsupported in the last commercial version (9.2) of the Ultimate Toolbox, and have not be updated for VS2005 compilation.
The COXInteger
class can be used to represent large integers and/or perform radix conversions.
COXInteger integer;
integer.SetStringNumber(m_sInput, nRadixIn);
m_sOutput = integer.GetStringNumber(nRadixOut, m_bSeparated);
COXInteger a(_T("7B"), 16);
COXInteger b(456);
COXInteger c;
ASSERT(a == 123);
c = a + b;
ASSERT(c == 579);
a = b / 3;
ASSERT(a == 152);
c = c - 79;
ASSERT(c == 500);
ASSERT(c.GetStringNumber(2) == _T("111110100"));
is a very simple class that allows you to monitor modifications to an array of bytes in memory.
Here, m_convertedBuffer
is populated from a file, and later checked for modifications:
while ((nRead < nCount) && !bEOF)
nCopy = __min(nCount - nRead, (UINT)(m_nBufferLength -
if (nCopy != 0)
memcpy(lpBuf, m_convertedBuffer.Get(m_nBufferPos), nCopy);
lpBuf = LPBYTE(lpBuf) + nCopy;
m_nBufferPos += nCopy;
nRead += nCopy;
if (!m_convertedBuffer.IsModified())
The COXEventLog
class provides NT Event log processing capabilities.
case 0:
aInsertStrs[0] = _T("test.cpp");
aInsertStrs[1] = _T("Z");
m_EventLog.Report(eventError, MSG_FILE_NOT_FOUND, 0, 2,
case 1:
m_EventLog.Report(eventWarning, MSG_UNABLE_START_GUARDIAN);
Classes for enumerating and creating NT services.
if (m_itersrv.StartIteration())
AfxMessageBox(_T("Failed to enumerate services."));
HTML, XML, and regular expression parsers.
CParserViewDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
COXParser* pParser = pDoc->GetParser();
HTREEITEM hItem = GetTreeCtrl().InsertItem(pParser->Root()->GetName(),
GetTreeCtrl().SetItemData(hItem, (DWORD) pParser->Root());
CWaitCursor wait;
FillTree(hItem, pParser->Root());
The COXProcess
and COXProcessIterator
classes for combine to provide for iterating and retrieving process properties.
Classes for identifying resources in files.

samples\utility\resfile sample in action.
See the Resource File article for more on these classes.
(Archived*) The COXResultPart
and COXResultObj
classes facilitate parsing and creating HRESULT
*Archived classes can be found in the archive\source and archive\include directories. These directories are contained in the sample projects download. There may or may not be a usage example project in the archive\samples dir. There should still be class information in the compiled HTML help documentation. These classes were classified as unsupported in the last commercial version (9.2) of the Ultimate Toolbox, and have not be updated for VS2005 compilation.
(Archived*) The COXSerializer
class encapsulates serialization and exception handling for any CObject
based class.
*Archived classes can be found in the archive\source and archive\include directories. These directories are contained in the sample projects download. There may or may not be a usage example project in the archive\samples dir. There should still be class information in the compiled HTML help documentation. These classes were classified as unsupported in the last commercial version (9.2) of the Ultimate Toolbox, and have not be updated for VS2005 compilation.
and COXSoundEffectOrganizer
manage sound effects for controls within your application.
See the Sound Manager article for more on these classes.
(Archived*) The COXSEHException
class can trap various categories of SEH
exceptions and translate to MFC exceptions.
*Archived classes can be found in the archive\source and archive\include directories. These directories are contained in the sample projects download. There may or may not be a usage example project in the archive\samples dir. There should still be class information in the compiled HTML help documentation. These classes were classified as unsupported in the last commercial version (9.2) of the Ultimate Toolbox, and have not be updated for VS2005 compilation.
COXSysInfo in action.
can provide easy access to various categories of windows version, network, and physical machine resources.
See the System Info article for more the usage of the COXSysInfo
Fine grained synchronous and asynchronous timing.
The unit that is used throughout the COXTimer
class is the ns (nanosecond). This granularity is fine enough for all applications because it is quicker than the hardware clock frequency. If you have a 200 MHz processor the clock will produce a pulse every 5 ns.
This also means that when you can specify a parameter in nanoseconds it is possible that the underlying hardware (and the Windows API) is not capable of such a fine accuracy. Where possible the actual resolution is provided.
COXTimer timer;
LONGLONG acc = timer.GetIntervalAccuracy();
can be used to measure intervals by calling StartInterval and StopInterval on a particular timer object, or can be set to provide a notification by invoking a specified callback function:
void CallBack(COXTimer* pTimer) {
m_timer.StartNotifier(nDelay, pfCallback, bPeriodic, bSynchronized,
provides some simple extensions for the MFC TRACE
void CMyClass::MyFunction(int length)
COXTRACE("Entering MyFunction");
OXTRACE_WRITE("Hello world... etc.");
A simple class to read version information from a file.
After calling COXVersionInfo::ReadInfo
with the module name, the following public data members can be examined:
DWORD m_dwSignature;
DWORD m_dwStrucVersion;
DWORD m_dwFileVersionMS;
DWORD m_dwFileVersionLS;
DWORD m_dwProductVersionMS;
DWORD m_dwProductVersionLS;
DWORD m_dwFileFlagsMask;
DWORD m_dwFileFlags;
DWORD m_dwFileOS;
DWORD m_dwFileType;
DWORD m_dwFileSubtype;
DWORD m_dwFileDateMS;
DWORD m_dwFileDateLS;
DWORD m_dwLanguageCountryID;
CString m_sLanguageCountry;
CString m_sComments;
CString m_sCompanyName;
CString m_sFileDescription;
CString m_sFileVersion;
CString m_sInternalName;
CString m_sLegalCopyright;
CString m_sLegalTrademarks;
CString m_sOriginalFilename;
CString m_sPrivateBuild;
CString m_sProductName;
CString m_sProductVersion;
CString m_sSpecialBuild;
Classes for accessing and monitoring the registry.
allows for iterating registry keys and subkeys, while COXRegistryItem
encapsulates a registry item.
Initial CodeProject release August 2007.