Visit the Ultimate Toolbox main page for an overview and configuration guide to the Ultimate Toolbox library.
This page outlines the classes available in the Ultimate Toolbox that deal with the Windows Messaging API.
(Archived*) This framework provides 14 classes which let you quickly and easily add to your MFC application the ability to send and receive mail messages and to interact with folders and address books.
*Archived classes can be found in the archive\source and archive\include directories. These directories are contained in the sample projects download. There may or may not be a usage example project in the archive\samples dir. There should still be class information in the compiled HTML help documentation. These classes were classified as unsupported in the last commercial version (9.2) of the Ultimate Toolbox, and have not be updated for VS2005 compilation.

The AddressBook sample from the samples\Shell\Addressbook directory
These classes encapsulate internet address book management.
(Archived*) The OLE implementation in NT 3.51 or Windows 95 is not safe for free-threading. The COXThreadEngine
class defines a thread framework that simplifies the design of dedicated engines in a multithreaded application.
*Archived classes can be found in the archive\source and archive\include directories. These directories are contained in the sample projects download. There may or may not be a usage example project in the archive\samples dir. There should still be class information in the compiled HTML help documentation. These classes were classified as unsupported in the last commercial version (9.2) of the Ultimate Toolbox, and have not be updated for VS2005 compilation.
Initial CodeProject release August 2007.