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Simple TCP/IP Console Client (TcpClient, MultiThreading)

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21 Apr 2003 1  
This is a tutorial on how to write a very simple TCP/IP console client that asks for a hostname and port which it will connect to. It spawns two threads - sending thread and receiving thread.


This is my first tutorial on C# programming. I'm not too familiar with the language yet, so please excuse all my small mistakes. The aim of this tutorial is to show how to write an application that connects to a service, opens a network stream for reading and writing, and allows user to type commands or data line-by-line. It can be useful to explore and learn simple network protocols (such as IRC) for writing future, more advanced clients.

The Idea

  • Connect to server on specified port.
  • Create sending thread.
    • If user enters data - send it to the server.
    • If application still runs - wait for more data to send.
  • 3. Create listening thread.
    • If server sends data to client - display or process it.
    • If application still runs - wait for more incoming data.

That's how a simple chat-client could look like. User should have at all times the possibility to enter his commands or messages, while application would process all incoming data (for an example - it should display messages on the screen). That requires two independent threads, one "interface" thread, responsible for user input, and second thread which will deal with incoming messages.

The Code

Nothing more to say here.

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
namespace SimpleTCPClient
    class cApplication
        /* NetworkStream that will be used */
        private static NetworkStream    myStream;
        /* TcpClient that will connect for us */
        private static TcpClient        myClient;
        /* Storage space */
        private static byte[]            myBuffer;
        /* Application running flag */
        private static bool                bActive = true;
        /* Thread responsible for "remote input" */
        private static void ListenThread()
                /* Reading data from socket (stores the length of data) */
                int lData = myStream.Read(myBuffer, 0, 
                /* String conversion (to be displayed on console) */
                String myString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(myBuffer);
                /* Trimming data to needed length, 
                   because TcpClient buffer is 8kb long */
                /* and we don't need that load of data 
                   to be displayed at all times */
                /* (this could be done better for sure) */
                myString = myString.Substring(0, lData);
                /* Display message */
        /* Thread responsible for "local input" */
        private static void SendThread()
                /* Simple prompt */
                Console.Write("> ");
                /* Reading message/command from console */
                String myString = Console.ReadLine() + "\n";
                /* Sending the data */
                     myString.ToCharArray()), 0, myString.Length);
        /* Entry point */
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Write("Enter server name/address: ");
            String strServer = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.Write("Enter remote port: ");
            String strPort = Console.ReadLine();
            /* Connecting to server (will crash if address/name is incorrect) */
            myClient = new TcpClient(strServer, Int32.Parse(strPort));
            /* Store the NetworkStream */
            myStream = myClient.GetStream();
            /* Create data buffer */
            myBuffer = new byte[myClient.ReceiveBufferSize];
            /* Vital: Create listening thread and assign it to ListenThread() */
            Thread tidListen = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ListenThread));
            /* Vital: Create sending thread and assign it to SendThread() */
            Thread tidSend = new Thread(new ThreadStart(SendThread));
            Console.WriteLine("Application connected and ready...");
            /* Start listening thread */
            /* Start sending thread */

The End

It's quite easy to use sockets in C#. The above code lacks exception handling routines and a beautiful interface, but it should give an idea of how to code simple client applications. Maybe in the next tutorial I will write about creating a listening server application and a simple chat client.


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