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GeneralRe: Windows 11: Microsoft wants to integrate Copilot into the Start Menu Pin
Kent Sharkey2-Aug-24 15:45
staffKent Sharkey2-Aug-24 15:45 
NewsOpenAI might be a partner, but it's also a competitor, says Microsoft Pin
Kent Sharkey1-Aug-24 6:46
staffKent Sharkey1-Aug-24 6:46 
GeneralRe: OpenAI might be a partner, but it's also a competitor, says Microsoft Pin
David O'Neil2-Aug-24 12:25
professionalDavid O'Neil2-Aug-24 12:25 
GeneralRe: OpenAI might be a partner, but it's also a competitor, says Microsoft Pin
Nelek3-Aug-24 8:52
protectorNelek3-Aug-24 8:52 
GeneralThe rise and fall of Stack Overflow | InfoWorld Pin
adriancs1-Aug-24 4:30
mvaadriancs1-Aug-24 4:30 
GeneralRe: The rise and fall of Stack Overflow | InfoWorld Pin
honey the codewitch1-Aug-24 4:36
mvahoney the codewitch1-Aug-24 4:36 
GeneralRe: The rise and fall of Stack Overflow | InfoWorld Pin
Jo_vb.net1-Aug-24 5:00
mvaJo_vb.net1-Aug-24 5:00 
GeneralRe: The rise and fall of Stack Overflow | InfoWorld Pin
trønderen1-Aug-24 8:39
trønderen1-Aug-24 8:39 wrote:
Same [culture to rather bluntly vote down these bad-according-to-standards questions] happens every day here at CP website!
I dare to disagree.

There are a handful of common rejections here at CP:

* We are not going to do your homework for you.

* You have not (by far) given enough information for anyone to help you - please provide more info.

* Please ask your question in a single forum, do not multipost in two or more forums.

* This question does not belong in this forum - please move it to 'xxx'.

* What have you tried yourself to solve your problem?

* You say that the result is 'wrong' - so what is the result, and what did you expect?

I have seen these responses several times (some of them many times!), but they tend to be well justified and to the point. Maybe novices - in particular those so novice that they just state their homework assignment and expect to get an answer to hand in - feel it as bad rejection that the potential helpers cannot read their mind, and knows nothing about the context for the question. But that reality: Until you provide the information needed by the helper, the helper can't help you. Such is life, and it is getting sucher and sucher.

I have often been impressed by the efforts some of the helpers make to understand the question/problem, and to provide a helping answer. I have also followed SO for a number of years, and asked a few questions myself, years ago, but was shocked by the style of the responses I received. So I concluded that for my needs, SO has no value as a forum for asking for help. I sometimes search for information, but if I don't find it, or find something that is possible to understand, I do not ask for anything. I don't like being spit in the face.

In my opinion, comparing the support culture at CP to that of SO is a shame. CP is a very friendly and helpful forum by most standards - nothing like SO.

But of course: If you feel rejected at CP, repeat your question at SO to really learn what 'rejection' is. If you prefer their style, you're welcome to stay with SO!
Religious freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make five.

GeneralRe: The rise and fall of Stack Overflow | InfoWorld Pin
jochance1-Aug-24 9:51
jochance1-Aug-24 9:51 
GeneralRe: The rise and fall of Stack Overflow | InfoWorld Pin
charlieg1-Aug-24 10:02
charlieg1-Aug-24 10:02 
GeneralRe: The rise and fall of Stack Overflow | InfoWorld Pin
Nelek3-Aug-24 8:51
protectorNelek3-Aug-24 8:51 
GeneralRe: The rise and fall of Stack Overflow | InfoWorld Pin
Jo_vb.net3-Aug-24 9:03
mvaJo_vb.net3-Aug-24 9:03 
GeneralRe: The rise and fall of Stack Overflow | InfoWorld Pin
Nelek3-Aug-24 10:51
protectorNelek3-Aug-24 10:51 
GeneralRe: The rise and fall of Stack Overflow | InfoWorld Pin
obermd1-Aug-24 7:25
obermd1-Aug-24 7:25 
GeneralRe: The rise and fall of Stack Overflow | InfoWorld Pin
Greg Utas2-Aug-24 13:36
professionalGreg Utas2-Aug-24 13:36 
GeneralRe: The rise and fall of Stack Overflow | InfoWorld Pin
Mike Hankey1-Aug-24 21:00
mveMike Hankey1-Aug-24 21:00 
GeneralRe: The rise and fall of Stack Overflow | InfoWorld Pin
Richard Deeming1-Aug-24 21:22
mveRichard Deeming1-Aug-24 21:22 
NewsEnterprise AI adoption soars almost 90 percent Pin
Kent Sharkey31-Jul-24 8:16
staffKent Sharkey31-Jul-24 8:16 
GeneralRe: Enterprise AI adoption soars almost 90 percent Pin
jochance31-Jul-24 10:40
jochance31-Jul-24 10:40 
GeneralRe: Enterprise AI adoption soars almost 90 percent Pin
Nelek31-Jul-24 15:15
protectorNelek31-Jul-24 15:15 
GeneralRe: Enterprise AI adoption soars almost 90 percent Pin
honey the codewitch1-Aug-24 4:37
mvahoney the codewitch1-Aug-24 4:37 
GeneralRe: Enterprise AI adoption soars almost 90 percent Pin
Member 163284254-Aug-24 12:03
Member 163284254-Aug-24 12:03 
GeneralRe: Enterprise AI adoption soars almost 90 percent Pin
Member 163284254-Aug-24 12:04
Member 163284254-Aug-24 12:04 
NewsRye Language Pin
Kent Sharkey31-Jul-24 8:16
staffKent Sharkey31-Jul-24 8:16 
GeneralRe: Rye Language Pin
refaktor1-Aug-24 0:39
refaktor1-Aug-24 0:39 

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