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GeneralRe: Nasty regreSSHion bug in OpenSSH puts around 700K Linux boxes at risk Pin
Nelek1-Jul-24 11:38
protectorNelek1-Jul-24 11:38 
GeneralRe: Nasty regreSSHion bug in OpenSSH puts around 700K Linux boxes at risk Pin
Joe Woodbury1-Jul-24 11:49
professionalJoe Woodbury1-Jul-24 11:49 
NewsNearly half of US firms using AI say goal is to cut staffing costs Pin
Kent Sharkey1-Jul-24 8:16
staffKent Sharkey1-Jul-24 8:16 
GeneralRe: Nearly half of US firms using AI say goal is to cut staffing costs Pin
Nelek1-Jul-24 11:37
protectorNelek1-Jul-24 11:37 
GeneralRe: Nearly half of US firms using AI say goal is to cut staffing costs Pin
maze31-Jul-24 22:45
professionalmaze31-Jul-24 22:45 
GeneralRe: Nearly half of US firms using AI say goal is to cut staffing costs Pin
honey the codewitch2-Jul-24 3:05
mvahoney the codewitch2-Jul-24 3:05 
GeneralRe: Nearly half of US firms using AI say goal is to cut staffing costs Pin
fgs19632-Jul-24 4:55
fgs19632-Jul-24 4:55 
GeneralRe: Nearly half of US firms using AI say goal is to cut staffing costs Pin
honey the codewitch2-Jul-24 5:13
mvahoney the codewitch2-Jul-24 5:13 
I'm probably just getting old and crotchety but I am not a fan of this whole AI hype thing.

There are arenas where it's surprisingly useful, but people want to employ it everywhere.

Fortunately, if it's anything like other tech bubbles it will eventually burst and at least some sanity will carry the day.
Check out my IoT graphics library here:
And my IoT UI/User Experience library here:

GeneralRe: Nearly half of US firms using AI say goal is to cut staffing costs Pin
fgs19632-Jul-24 5:30
fgs19632-Jul-24 5:30 
GeneralRe: Nearly half of US firms using AI say goal is to cut staffing costs Pin
honey the codewitch2-Jul-24 10:11
mvahoney the codewitch2-Jul-24 10:11 
GeneralRe: Nearly half of US firms using AI say goal is to cut staffing costs Pin
jochance2-Jul-24 6:45
jochance2-Jul-24 6:45 
NewsDev rejects CVE severity, makes his GitHub repo read-only Pin
Kent Sharkey1-Jul-24 7:46
staffKent Sharkey1-Jul-24 7:46 
GeneralRe: Dev rejects CVE severity, makes his GitHub repo read-only Pin
Nelek1-Jul-24 11:33
protectorNelek1-Jul-24 11:33 
GeneralRe: Dev rejects CVE severity, makes his GitHub repo read-only Pin
jochance2-Jul-24 6:52
jochance2-Jul-24 6:52 
NewsThe Valve.Computer Pin
Kent Sharkey1-Jul-24 7:46
staffKent Sharkey1-Jul-24 7:46 
GeneralRe: The Valve.Computer Pin
Nelek1-Jul-24 11:31
protectorNelek1-Jul-24 11:31 
GeneralRe: The Valve.Computer Pin
jochance2-Jul-24 6:56
jochance2-Jul-24 6:56 
NewsMicrosoft informs customers that Russian hackers spied on emails Pin
Kent Sharkey30-Jun-24 8:16
staffKent Sharkey30-Jun-24 8:16 
GeneralRe: Microsoft informs customers that Russian hackers spied on emails Pin
David O'Neil30-Jun-24 15:41
professionalDavid O'Neil30-Jun-24 15:41 
JokeRe: Microsoft informs customers that Russian hackers spied on emails Pin
Daniel Pfeffer30-Jun-24 19:25
professionalDaniel Pfeffer30-Jun-24 19:25 
GeneralRe: Microsoft informs customers that Russian hackers spied on emails Pin
Nelek1-Jul-24 11:30
protectorNelek1-Jul-24 11:30 
NewsWithholding Apple Intelligence from EU a ‘stunning declaration’ of anticompetitive behavior Pin
Kent Sharkey30-Jun-24 8:16
staffKent Sharkey30-Jun-24 8:16 
GeneralRe: Withholding Apple Intelligence from EU a ‘stunning declaration’ of anticompetitive behavior Pin
Joe Woodbury30-Jun-24 19:34
professionalJoe Woodbury30-Jun-24 19:34 
GeneralRe: Withholding Apple Intelligence from EU a ‘stunning declaration’ of anticompetitive behavior Pin
MarkTJohnson1-Jul-24 3:41
professionalMarkTJohnson1-Jul-24 3:41 
GeneralRe: Withholding Apple Intelligence from EU a ‘stunning declaration’ of anticompetitive behavior Pin
obermd1-Jul-24 3:29
obermd1-Jul-24 3:29 

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