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GeneralRe: Y292B bug Pin
obermd28-Jun-24 3:44
obermd28-Jun-24 3:44 
GeneralRe: Y292B bug Pin
Nelek28-Jun-24 6:27
protectorNelek28-Jun-24 6:27 
GeneralRe: Y292B bug Pin
jochance29-Jun-24 12:18
jochance29-Jun-24 12:18 
GeneralRe: Y292B bug Pin
David O'Neil29-Jun-24 13:52
professionalDavid O'Neil29-Jun-24 13:52 
GeneralRe: Y292B bug Pin
jochance29-Jun-24 15:11
jochance29-Jun-24 15:11 
GeneralRe: Y292B bug Pin
Nelek1-Jul-24 9:52
protectorNelek1-Jul-24 9:52 
GeneralRe: Y292B bug Pin
trønderen29-Jun-24 16:01
trønderen29-Jun-24 16:01 
GeneralRe: Y292B bug Pin
Peter_in_278029-Jun-24 17:06
professionalPeter_in_278029-Jun-24 17:06 
I believe your tale is apocryphal.
Time dilation had been experimentally verified decades before GPS came to be.
In the mid 1970s a colleague was working on refining software that used the US Navy Transit satellite doppler navigation system, and we had a light hearted discussion around the fact that the relativistic corrections weren't necessary for a system that had a fundamental accuracy on the order of a hundred or more metres.
Transit was a very ingenious system, getting a fix from a 2 minute pass of one satellite.
Software rusts. Simon Stephenson, ca 1994. So does this signature. me, 2012

GeneralRe: Y292B bug Pin
trønderen29-Jun-24 18:12
trønderen29-Jun-24 18:12 
NewsMicrosoft pulls Windows 11 KB5039302 update causing reboot loops Pin
Kent Sharkey27-Jun-24 7:01
staffKent Sharkey27-Jun-24 7:01 
GeneralRe: Microsoft pulls Windows 11 KB5039302 update causing reboot loops Pin
Greg Utas27-Jun-24 9:25
professionalGreg Utas27-Jun-24 9:25 
NewsVisual Studio IntelliCode still among Top AI code assistants Pin
Kent Sharkey26-Jun-24 8:46
staffKent Sharkey26-Jun-24 8:46 
GeneralRe: Visual Studio IntelliCode still among Top AI code assistants Pin
jochance27-Jun-24 4:43
jochance27-Jun-24 4:43 
GeneralRe: Visual Studio IntelliCode still among Top AI code assistants Pin
Kent Sharkey27-Jun-24 7:43
staffKent Sharkey27-Jun-24 7:43 
NewsThe Great Resignation is over, but workers still want to quit Pin
Kent Sharkey26-Jun-24 8:31
staffKent Sharkey26-Jun-24 8:31 
GeneralRe: The Great Resignation is over, but workers still want to quit Pin
Nelek26-Jun-24 10:43
protectorNelek26-Jun-24 10:43 
GeneralRe: The Great Resignation is over, but workers still want to quit Pin
jochance27-Jun-24 4:44
jochance27-Jun-24 4:44 
NewsCISA: Most critical open source projects not using memory safe code Pin
Kent Sharkey26-Jun-24 8:31
staffKent Sharkey26-Jun-24 8:31 
GeneralRe: CISA: Most critical open source projects not using memory safe code Pin
Nelek26-Jun-24 10:43
protectorNelek26-Jun-24 10:43 
NewsGoogle is killing infinite scroll on search results Pin
Kent Sharkey26-Jun-24 8:01
staffKent Sharkey26-Jun-24 8:01 
GeneralRe: Google is killing infinite scroll on search results Pin
Nelek26-Jun-24 10:41
protectorNelek26-Jun-24 10:41 
GeneralRe: Google is killing infinite scroll on search results Pin
Richard Deeming26-Jun-24 21:16
mveRichard Deeming26-Jun-24 21:16 
GeneralRe: Google is killing infinite scroll on search results Pin
maze327-Jun-24 0:12
professionalmaze327-Jun-24 0:12 
NewsCode assessment with .NET Upgrade Assistant Pin
Kent Sharkey26-Jun-24 7:31
staffKent Sharkey26-Jun-24 7:31 
GeneralRe: Code assessment with .NET Upgrade Assistant Pin
Nelek26-Jun-24 10:40
protectorNelek26-Jun-24 10:40 

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