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NewsMicrosoft employees’ cybersecurity contributions will factor into their pay Pin
Kent Sharkey13-Jun-24 7:16
staffKent Sharkey13-Jun-24 7:16 
GeneralRe: Microsoft employees’ cybersecurity contributions will factor into their pay Pin
jeron113-Jun-24 7:52
jeron113-Jun-24 7:52 
NewsLinkedIn’s AI job coach can write your cover letters and edit your resumé Pin
Kent Sharkey13-Jun-24 7:01
staffKent Sharkey13-Jun-24 7:01 
GeneralRe: LinkedIn’s AI job coach can write your cover letters and edit your resumé Pin
charlieg14-Jun-24 4:33
charlieg14-Jun-24 4:33 
GeneralRe: LinkedIn’s AI job coach can write your cover letters and edit your resumé Pin
MarkTJohnson14-Jun-24 7:21
professionalMarkTJohnson14-Jun-24 7:21 
NewsDon’t refactor like Uncle Bob. Please Pin
Kent Sharkey13-Jun-24 6:46
staffKent Sharkey13-Jun-24 6:46 
GeneralRe: Don’t refactor like Uncle Bob. Please Pin
MarkTJohnson14-Jun-24 3:35
professionalMarkTJohnson14-Jun-24 3:35 
GeneralRe: Don’t refactor like Uncle Bob. Please Pin
jochance14-Jun-24 4:03
jochance14-Jun-24 4:03 
I was in a car with several greenhorns.

One of them said they were in it for the precision. Like math. As though there were explicitly correct answers/ways of getting things done. I found that humorous but couldn't really explain to them why.

I feel like the segment of our tribe which came by similar footsteps as that line of thinking though... Upon discovering it doesn't really exist, they set about construction of these various frameworks for perfection and pedantry. Like facades built for personal security these guardrails protecting from the great unknown.

It's not all at all bad. It's only the purists I can't stomach. We can entertain "true TDD" or whatever we want from a theoretical/discussion sort of stance. That's awesome. However, I think for some purists this is explicitly antithetical to their puritanical goal of nailing down the 'one right answers' and then never thinking about them or discussing them again.
GeneralRe: Don’t refactor like Uncle Bob. Please Pin
charlieg14-Jun-24 4:37
charlieg14-Jun-24 4:37 
NewsTurkish student creates custom AI device for cheating university exam, gets arrested Pin
Kent Sharkey13-Jun-24 6:46
staffKent Sharkey13-Jun-24 6:46 
NewsWyoming mayoral candidate wants to govern by AI bot Pin
Kent Sharkey13-Jun-24 6:46
staffKent Sharkey13-Jun-24 6:46 
NewsMicrosoft to force-update to Windows 10 22H2 as 21H2 support reaches end of life Pin
Kent Sharkey13-Jun-24 6:46
staffKent Sharkey13-Jun-24 6:46 
NewsResearchers say there’s a vulgar but more accurate term for AI hallucinations Pin
Kent Sharkey12-Jun-24 7:31
staffKent Sharkey12-Jun-24 7:31 
GeneralRe: Researchers say there’s a vulgar but more accurate term for AI hallucinations PinPopular
Dave Kreskowiak12-Jun-24 11:00
mveDave Kreskowiak12-Jun-24 11:00 
GeneralRe: Researchers say there’s a vulgar but more accurate term for AI hallucinations Pin
TNCaver12-Jun-24 11:32
TNCaver12-Jun-24 11:32 
GeneralRe: Researchers say there’s a vulgar but more accurate term for AI hallucinations Pin
Richard Deeming12-Jun-24 21:44
mveRichard Deeming12-Jun-24 21:44 
GeneralRe: Researchers say there’s a vulgar but more accurate term for AI hallucinations Pin
Daniel Pfeffer13-Jun-24 8:22
professionalDaniel Pfeffer13-Jun-24 8:22 
GeneralRe: Researchers say there’s a vulgar but more accurate term for AI hallucinations Pin
jochance17-Jun-24 4:27
jochance17-Jun-24 4:27 
GeneralRe: Researchers say there’s a vulgar but more accurate term for AI hallucinations Pin
obermd13-Jun-24 3:35
obermd13-Jun-24 3:35 
NewsNew algorithm discovers language just by watching videos Pin
Kent Sharkey12-Jun-24 7:16
staffKent Sharkey12-Jun-24 7:16 
GeneralRe: New algorithm discovers language just by watching videos Pin
Richard Deeming12-Jun-24 21:46
mveRichard Deeming12-Jun-24 21:46 
GeneralRe: New algorithm discovers language just by watching videos Pin
Kent Sharkey13-Jun-24 3:54
staffKent Sharkey13-Jun-24 3:54 
NewsPayoff from AI projects is 'dismal', biz leaders complain Pin
Kent Sharkey12-Jun-24 7:16
staffKent Sharkey12-Jun-24 7:16 
GeneralRe: Payoff from AI projects is 'dismal', biz leaders complain Pin
Rick York12-Jun-24 10:30
mveRick York12-Jun-24 10:30 
GeneralRe: Payoff from AI projects is 'dismal', biz leaders complain Pin
jeron112-Jun-24 11:27
jeron112-Jun-24 11:27 

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