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NewsWhy I spent a week on a 10-line code change Pin
Kent Sharkey30-Mar-23 8:31
staffKent Sharkey30-Mar-23 8:31 
GeneralRe: Why I spent a week on a 10-line code change Pin
Nelek31-Mar-23 1:49
protectorNelek31-Mar-23 1:49 
GeneralRe: Why I spent a week on a 10-line code change Pin
Kevin McFarlane31-Mar-23 5:17
Kevin McFarlane31-Mar-23 5:17 
GeneralRe: Why I spent a week on a 10-line code change Pin
jeron131-Mar-23 5:26
jeron131-Mar-23 5:26 
GeneralRe: Why I spent a week on a 10-line code change Pin
Marc Clifton31-Mar-23 10:28
mvaMarc Clifton31-Mar-23 10:28 
NewsGoogle says Microsoft cloud practices are anti-competitive Pin
Kent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:31
staffKent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:31 
GeneralRe: Google says Microsoft cloud practices are anti-competitive Pin
jeron130-Mar-23 7:37
jeron130-Mar-23 7:37 
GeneralRe: Google says Microsoft cloud practices are anti-competitive Pin
Kent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:38
staffKent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:38 
All the up-votes! Laugh | :laugh:
TTFN - Kent

GeneralRe: Google says Microsoft cloud practices are anti-competitive Pin
obermd30-Mar-23 8:56
obermd30-Mar-23 8:56 
NewsFree AI programs prone to security risks, researchers say Pin
Kent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:31
staffKent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:31 
NewsGoogle outlines four principles for responsible AI Pin
Kent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:16
staffKent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:16 
GeneralRe: Google outlines four principles for responsible AI Pin
Nelek31-Mar-23 1:46
protectorNelek31-Mar-23 1:46 
GeneralRe: Google outlines four principles for responsible AI Pin
Dan Neely31-Mar-23 3:45
Dan Neely31-Mar-23 3:45 
NewsChatGPT can replace the underpaid workers who train AI, researchers say Pin
Kent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:16
staffKent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:16 
GeneralRe: ChatGPT can replace the underpaid workers who train AI, researchers say Pin
Nelek31-Mar-23 1:44
protectorNelek31-Mar-23 1:44 
NewsHuge Microsoft exploit allowed users to manipulate Bing search results and access Outlook email accounts Pin
Kent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:16
staffKent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:16 
GeneralRe: Huge Microsoft exploit allowed users to manipulate Bing search results and access Outlook email accounts Pin
den2k8830-Mar-23 21:11
professionalden2k8830-Mar-23 21:11 
GeneralRe: Huge Microsoft exploit allowed users to manipulate Bing search results and access Outlook email accounts Pin
Nelek31-Mar-23 1:43
protectorNelek31-Mar-23 1:43 
GeneralRe: Huge Microsoft exploit allowed users to manipulate Bing search results and access Outlook email accounts Pin
fgs196331-Mar-23 4:21
fgs196331-Mar-23 4:21 
NewsThat was fast! Microsoft slips ads into AI-powered Bing Chat Pin
Kent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:16
staffKent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:16 
GeneralRe: That was fast! Microsoft slips ads into AI-powered Bing Chat Pin
den2k8830-Mar-23 21:12
professionalden2k8830-Mar-23 21:12 
GeneralRe: That was fast! Microsoft slips ads into AI-powered Bing Chat Pin
Nelek31-Mar-23 1:42
protectorNelek31-Mar-23 1:42 
NewsAI 'prompt engineer' jobs can pay up to $335,000 a year and don't always require a background in tech Pin
Kent Sharkey29-Mar-23 11:16
staffKent Sharkey29-Mar-23 11:16 
GeneralRe: AI 'prompt engineer' jobs can pay up to $335,000 a year and don't always require a background in tech Pin
raddevus30-Mar-23 2:47
mvaraddevus30-Mar-23 2:47 
GeneralRe: AI 'prompt engineer' jobs can pay up to $335,000 a year and don't always require a background in tech Pin
Nelek31-Mar-23 1:41
protectorNelek31-Mar-23 1:41 

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