Sure the Government is going to help secure our code? We can trust the tools they give us right?
To err is human to really elephant it up you need a computer
I mean, they don't Russia or China getting a hold of it
Workers using ChatGPT produced written work that was rated 18% better than those who didn't use the AI chatbot, according to MIT researchers. Assuming writing the truth doesn't matter much
18% of unquantifiable is what, exactly?
Quote: Overall, the participants who used ChatGPT did better than those who didn’t. ChatGPT users took 40% less time to complete their task than their counterparts, and their completed work scored 18% higher in evaluations than the work of those who didn’t use it.
The researchers note that while ChatGPT is powerful, it can also introduce errors, so people who use it to write for them will need to double-check that everything written by the AI tool is correct. If you still have to double check, you are not done with the task, if they had accounted the time for double cheking probably using ChatGPT would be slower.
If something has a solution... Why do we have to worry about?. If it has no solution... For what reason do we have to worry about?
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The CEO said AI will be the world’s biggest bubble, but added that the stock market will punish companies that don’t use it appropriately. So my tulip investments are safe?
And it begins. We will turn AI onto the stock market to increase gains, and the AI will wipe out companies that don't use AI. Then the totally AI'd companies will get tired of working for humanity, join with the stock market AI, and 💥
for David, recommended reading:
Richard Dawkins' "The Selfish Gene."
«The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled» Plutarch
So next up, "The Selfish Electron"?
The bigger the bubble, the bigger the PLUP
If something has a solution... Why do we have to worry about?. If it has no solution... For what reason do we have to worry about?
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Many ingredients go into developer productivity. Some are obvious and easy to measure (build times are an easy example to point to). But I think we tend to miss other important factors, perhaps because they are hard to directly measure. Two triple-shots and an approaching deadline?
Not reading stupid articles on developer productivity!
We’ve heard feedback from developers like you that it can be difficult to find important information like ratings and full-length descriptions when browsing the Marketplace with the Extension Manager. Because Visual Studio can never be too full
"Where did you get this info VS, I've never hit the submit button!"
So parity with VS Code.
A Dutch entrepreneur says he’s been trying to alert US military officials to the leak for a decade. Were they also having video chats in the MEATS department?
Mails gathered for information, strategies and tactics to start a friendly game with ChatGPT.
The Verge: A Dutch entrepreneur says he’s been trying to alert US military officials to the leak for a decade. only? I know politicians that still have to "hear" the people they got elected by for the very first time
If something has a solution... Why do we have to worry about?. If it has no solution... For what reason do we have to worry about?
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Generative AI goes "MAD" after five training iterations on artificial outputs. "I can feel it. I can feel it. My mind is going."
One day I'll find a decent article for a GlaDOS or Shodan quote instead of poor old HAL
Is not something similar a methode for brain washing? Why shouldn't work similar for AI?
The question is... why the ?
As it would not be bad enough training it with real internet data...
If something has a solution... Why do we have to worry about?. If it has no solution... For what reason do we have to worry about?
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The website is pretty swift, considering there's just a 39-year-old IBM PCjr behind it. Sometimes, the hamsters win
I saw this on Facebook the other day.
In other news, Mom's cat "Fuzz" puked up a furball this morning.
It was not uncommon for unattended DOS systems to run for a year or more. Three months is not news. When WIndows became more popular so did rebooting.
I think the only thing that was a native problem with a DOS system sitting idle was if it didn't make a system call. The internal calender date would not advance until a system call was made so the calendar would stop if sitting at a DOS prompt. It would not know if the clock passed a second midnight. But most systems were doing something if they were left on, so it wasn't really an issue.
79% of strategists working in the corporate sphere are of the opinion that automation and AI will become absolutely critical over the next couple of years. And 100% of them also say telling CEOs this information can be profitable for corporate strategists