Thank you sir for your kind help and time, I now understand. However I converted the some of the functions in that library to accept std::wstring which I made it easy that way
Thank you for your kind help sir, I have modified the function and now it is working! Thank you once again for your time!
class CBase {
string id;
void show() {
cout << id << endl;
class CDerive1 : public CBase { };
class CDerive2 : public CBase { };
class CSon : public CDerive2, public CDerive1 { };
int main ( )
CSon s;
cout << &s << endl;
cout << "---------" << endl;
CDerive1 *pd1 = &s;
cout << pd1 << " &S: " << &s << endl;
CDerive2 *pd2 = &s;
cout << pd2 << " &S: " << &s << endl;
cout << "---------" << endl;
The output of this code is :
don't know why cout << pd1, and cout << pd2 are different, they are assigned the same value &s.
Your output does not match the code.
Tested the code in QT 5.7 again, output:
The output still does not match your code.
don't know why cout << pd1, and cout << pd2 are different, they are assigned the same value &s.
It is surprise of Multiple Inheritance. CSon consist of 2 blocks: CDerive2 block and CDerive1 block, each of them has own address.
[CDerive2][CDerive1] or
[ C S o n ]
Therefore address of CSon instance is equal to address of CDerive2 part of CSon, but is not equal to address of CDerive1 part of CSon.
With best wishes,
I have tried adding MFC support and calling a modal/modeless dialog from a win32 application
My program is crashing when I do this.
Deekonda Ramesh
Error message? Code?
The question is very less likely to be understood as it stands now.
The sh*t I complain about
It's like there ain't a cloud in the sky and it's raining out - Eminem
~! Firewall !~
I am having an MFC Dialog class called CDataFilesDialog
inheriting from CDialog
I have a global object of this dialog named dlg;
I am doing a dlg.DoModal() from a WMCOMMAND message handled by wndproc of my win32 application. I am trying to mix MFC and WIn32
Deekonda Ramesh
I strongly suspect that your entire application needs to be re-built as MFC in order to do this.
SInce MFC is a wrapper of win32 , why can't I do this?
Deekonda Ramesh
Because the design of MFC means you can use ordinary Win32 calls inside an MFC application but not the other way round.
Under Windows, I try to open file which name contains apostrophe or some letters in language other than English. In these cases fopen or CreateFile (from W32 library) fail to open it. How should I do that task? Wide character type, wfopen or defining UNICODE don't help. The functions say the file doesn't exist.
I just tried a file named "foo'baÇÉØr.txt" and it opened fine. You must have some other issue with yours.
Well, maybe. I read the name of file from another text file which is windows media player list (.wpl). E.g. I can't open file named "Baby,_I’m_Not_Sure_If_This_Is_Love.mp3" but this "05 - Cold Hearts.mp3" can be opened. There may be issue with encoding characters in the list but how it is possible that some files can be opened and others cannot from the same list. Of course, all files are playable by WMP.
Additionally, here is what I see in debugger window as contents of the variable which contains the file name:
That looks like UTF-8. XML files are usually UTF-8 encoded.
So you must convert from UTF-8 to wide characters after reading the file content into memory (e.g. using MultiByteToWideChar function (Windows)[^]).
Afterwards you must still check for entities as noted in my above post. Even when the WPL file does not use entities for non-ASCII characters it uses them for the reserved characters (quot , amp , apos , lt , and gt ).
Definitely, it helped at least in half a problem. The rest lays in XML entities like &_amp_; (without underscore). I think I should treat them manually.
Generally, mbstowcs won't help. I had to use win32 function where I can define more encoding standards.
I just created a file with that name and I was able to open it with another application. As I said before, I suspect the issue is something else. Are you sure that your path is correct when you try to open the file?
Write a C
Program to find the survivor in a "7 up" game.
In the game, a group of people stand in a circle,and start counting from 1 in a clockwise direction.
The person who has to say "7" goes out, and the person next to him starts counting from 1 again.
This goes on until only one person remains, and he is survivor. Your goal is,
given the size of the group find out the place(Index) in which a person has to stand for him to become the survivor
You posted this in the wrong forum. Ask a question[^] or C / C++ / MFC Discussion Boards - CodeProject[^] would be the right places.
But note that you won't get an answer for this kind of request. This is not a code writing service. Try it yourself. If you then get stuck at some point, show what you have tried so far (code snippets), describe the problem, and you might get valuable help.
We do not do your HomeWork.
HomeWork is not set to test your skills at begging other people to do your work, it is set to make you think and to help your teacher to check your understanding of the courses you have taken and also the problems you have at applying them.
Any failure of you will help your teacher spot your weaknesses and set remedial actions.
So, give it a try, reread your lessons and start working. If you are stuck on a specific problem, show your code and explain this exact problem, we might help.
As programmer, your job is to create algorithms that solve specific problems and you can't rely on someone else to eternally do it for you, so there is a time where you will have to learn how to. And the sooner, the better.
When you just ask for the solution, it is like trying to learn to drive a car by having someone else training.
Creating an algorithm is basically finding the maths and make necessary adaptation to fit your actual problem.
“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.” Albert Einstein