That question is way too broad.
Can you use libraries - yes.
Which one is best - that is why they hire architects to understand the domain, to design the enterprise, to determine needs, to research existing solutions and then to design features.
Any know of a framework for updating apps? It must meet the following requirements:
- The system must be controllable from the server side.
- The system must allow for mandatory updates (stopping the user from using it until updated).
- The system must allow Line2 to set a grace period for updates (allowing a given amount of time or usage before the update becomes mandatory).
- The system must allow for optional updates.
I have looked at NetSparkle and Windows.Squirrel, and the both don't seem to have any way to force the update. They allow you to check for and trigger an update, but it's not enforced.
One option we're considering is placing a manifest file on the server, downloading that first, then determining the update type based off that.
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.
Everything makes sense in someone's mind.
Ya can't fix stupid.
Kevin Marois wrote: The system must be controllable from the server side
Not sure what that is supposed to mean.
Actually pushing from the server would be possible but only in all of the following is true
1. The client has an addressable IP. From the internet that means a public IP address.
2. The client must be running. So certainly one can never go on vacation and leave the computer off.
3. The client must be on the network. So no taking the computer somewhere with no coverage.
4. The client has software installed and running which is expecting that push request.
All of the above is why the client requests updates from a server rather than the other way around.
This is needs to be supported by the client software which should check with the server and then take the appropriate action, I doubt there is a framework for your client. The server should certainly maintain the state for each client ie. optional, non financial.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity -
I'm old. I know stuff - JSOP
I have a project to develop a classified ads website. A project has already been created but, the technologies used are obsolete.
My question is the following: if you, you deviate to make this project, what technology and what tools will you use for each step?
Knowing that the project will be online on a cloud server infomaniak.
What I have tried:
I already have an idea but, I would like to take different opinions before launching.
Thank you!
My first step would be to ask for more detailed requirements. And also what is the exact market space they are attempting to target.
Pointer to Implementation (PIMPL) pattern can help when working with a dynamic link library as it helps maintain a stable ABI at the cost of an extra indirection in almost every data access.
My question is, do you see any merit to using them in a static link library? My gut feeling is no, but maybe you can sway me.
Mircea Neacsu wrote: when working with a dynamic link library as it helps maintain a stable ABI
Not the only use case but that statement sounds like protectionism intended to defeat other programmers. So basically not trusting them. So not something that I engage in.
Mircea Neacsu wrote: in a static link library
Presuming C++ the library type has nothing to do with it.
Over time and hopefully rarely one comes up with a case where there is a 'lot' of information that is needed to fully declare the functionality that a class needs. The normal idiom for doing this is to put it all in the include file. Even though there is no need for the user of the class to be exposed to all of that.
So one moves most of that extra information either into the class file itself or even uses a secondary include file (if one finds it emotionally difficult to put it in the class file) which is only included in the class file.
Using an actual redirect is not required. It is fluff. And probably only hurts to make maintenance more complicated. A void pointer works as well and then using it is just a cast which has no runtime impact.
And if performance is a problem with the redirect, as in an actual measurable impact rather than something that is hypothetical and unrealistic, then seems likely to me that there is something wrong with the design that lead to the class in the first place.
jschell wrote: Over time and hopefully rarely one comes up with a case where there is a 'lot' of information that is needed to fully declare the functionality that a class needs. The key word here is "rarely" . Yes, I know this "God class" anti-pattern and I agree it is something to avoid, but the situation I ran into is just mindless application of a design principle. Every class, no matter how small, had it's entrails taken out and replaced with PIPMLs.
Also, for good measure, all classes have only private or protected constructors and objects can be created only through static member factories. Of course, that means all objects live on heap, not on stack and this is again, anywhere and everywhere!
What was that saying that to a man with a hammer everything looks like a nail
Mircea Neacsu wrote: is just mindless application of a design principle. Every class, no matter how small, had it's entrails taken out and replaced with PIPMLs.
Which is wrong.
Not a unique event though. Someone, I believe on this site, years ago mentioning an application where every class was required to have an interface and factory.
Fallacy of that of course is that one then could of course insist that the factory must also have an interface and factory and that then recurses.
I have seen multiple times where people suggest that code should be written so code injection can be used at run time to load the various parts of the application. Yet they are unable to explain in realistic terms how that will in any way be cost effective.
A simple question with not that simple answer. Do you bind your dto classes directly to the UI (web page, rest API deserialization etc...), or you use a middle layer of object/properties between the dto and the UI?
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A "DTO" be definition is a (Data Transport) "middle layer" (Object).
"Before entering on an understanding, I have meditated for a long time, and have foreseen what might happen. It is not genius which reveals to me suddenly, secretly, what I have to say or to do in a circumstance unexpected by other people; it is reflection, it is meditation." - Napoleon I
Data transfer objects. It's an architectural pattern in .Net Core, Java etc.
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As always, "it depends".
If the data is simple enough and the view doesn't need any additional data for other UI elements, like filling in options for a dropdown, you could get away with using the DTO's in the UI. If your UI is more complex, you'd be better off building a view model to hold the data and any additional information needed to build out the UI.
Typically, I don't use DTO's to do anything other that talk to the datasources.
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I think the real answer is unfortunately yes it goes in the UI.
What happens is that the start up does it that way because it is quick. And they keep doing it quick even after they have funding.
And even after they start hacking the DTOs into morphed states that make it confusing as to what is going on (or even where the DTOs live in the code stack.)
Then 5 years in when the application becomes large then everyone complains about why the interfaces are not clean but no one, and I mean no one, wants to do the major refactor that would be required to separate the different functional units (and provide appropriate DTOs for each.)
Of course eventually, if the company lasts, then it gets so big that the have to re-write major portions.
...but they want to do that quick.
I have 10 diffrent classes like a,b,c which have diffrent primary keys and structure but every class will b having a button which will be opening a same class like Charges if gets clicked.
I want to save charges class information along with the primary Key of the relevant class(a,b,c) from which it gets called.What would be the best design pattern for it. Thanks
You'll need a "class id and instance key" for the "10 different classes" if you want to relate them to a single source of "Charge classes". (bi-directional parent-child relation).
"Before entering on an understanding, I have meditated for a long time, and have foreseen what might happen. It is not genius which reveals to me suddenly, secretly, what I have to say or to do in a circumstance unexpected by other people; it is reflection, it is meditation." - Napoleon I
The question doesn't make sense.
Presumably "a,b,c" are in fact different classes and not in fact different instances. And in the context of programming (not data) there is no point in having a "primary key". And it is probably a design flaw if you do in fact have 10 different classes and you intend to store then in a single table (for which the 'primary key' would in fact be a type value and not a 'primary key'.)
You do not "save" classes. Instead you save data.
Design patterns apply to programming designs. The term does not apply to data.
Nothing in your description as defines that there is any data at all to save with the "button".
But if you meant the following
1. You do in fact have 10 different classes where the data is the same (guaranteed) but the behavior is different.
2. You have an attribute that differentiates each class. What you are referring to has the "primary key". I will refer to it however as the 'type'.
3. The button has a state of either on or off.
The the persistent storage object (database table) would consist of three columns: Id, Type and ButtonState.
The 'Id' exists because, presumably, you are going to want to store more that one instance of a, and more than one instance of b, etc.
The Reactive Manifesto (https://www.reactivemanifesto.org/) is several paragraphs long and lists a large number of alleged characteristics and advantages of reactive programming; so many in fact, that reactive programming appears to be offered as some sort of panacea that will solve all of our problems forever.
To me it seems that most of the alleged advantages of reactive programming as listed in that manifesto are either false, or non-sequiturs, so despite what the manifesto says, I posit that the sole purpose of existence of reactive programming is performance, in other words saving threads.
Incidentally, this means that in any environment that offers virtual threads (for example, in Java starting from version 19) reactive programming is irrelevant.
Change my mind.
Unfortunately, when people become salespersons for a certain cause, they seem to be never content with just mentioning the one game-changing advantage of their product over the competition; they seem to always want to throw as much as possible at the customer, hoping to make them buy; so, they tend to include a torrent of inconsequential or even entirely fictitious advantages, which often has the effect of drowning the one important advantage in the noise. For example I have seen this with microservices, whose lists of advantages are often twenty items long; most of them are preposterous, and almost all of them are nothing but filler, because in fact microservices only have one game-changing advantage, which is scalability, or two if we want to also count resilience.
Sorry, I'm not familiar with reactive systems but the reference you gave is just a bunch of gobbledygook. Platitudes and truisms not a design method make.
I spent many years in real-time data acquisition world and all the stuff mentioned in the "manifesto' was so obvious that no one would even bother to mention it:
- Responsive: show me a real time system that is not responsive
- Resilient: nah, we'll just let our system crash at the first bad input
- Elastic: we had to wait for 2014 for someone to bring up the subject because we never heard of the code 1201 and 1202 errors in '69[^]
- Message driven: another novelty... who would have thought?!
It's Version 2 and published over eight years ago. The world has moved on ...
My apps reflect all the characteristics refered to as "reactive" though I never though of labeling them as such:
- Responsive: sub 100ms response time
- Resilient: graceful degradation in the face of system issues
- Elastic: a frame rate that accomodates an increased load
- Message driven: all operations that need to be async are so
So, "reactive" seems to be a new word to describe what should have been taken for granted in any worthwhile app.
"Before entering on an understanding, I have meditated for a long time, and have foreseen what might happen. It is not genius which reveals to me suddenly, secretly, what I have to say or to do in a circumstance unexpected by other people; it is reflection, it is meditation." - Napoleon I
Mike Nakis wrote: reactive programming appears to be offered as some sort of panacea that will solve all of our problems forever.
Of course. Not much of an evangelical if one has a new idea and then says 'but this solves almost nothing so you should almost never use it. And especially not when considering long term maintenance costs.'
Mike Nakis wrote: become salespersons for a certain cause, they seem to be never content with just mentioning the one game-changing advantage of their product over the competition; they seem to always want to throw as much as possible at the customer,
Also of course. As a salesperson ones income is derived from that. Probably not a good idea for the owner of a McDonald's to tell you that Burger King burgers are cheaper and taste better.
From the link
"Systems built as Reactive Systems are more flexible, loosely-coupled and scalable."<pre>
And with complexity that is significant. And that is by far the most significant factor is any large scale enterprise. No technology will fix that.
<pre>"The system responds in a timely manner if at all possible."<pre>
WTF? What system of any sort does not do that?
<pre>"The system stays responsive in the face of failure."
I doubt that is a given. If the architecture, design and implementation does not specifically do that then there is nothing a specific technology can do to fix that.
"that ensures loose coupling,"<pre>
Which also insures complexity.
Componentizing a system, any system using any methodology, means that the individual component (pick your granularity) is easier to understand but it adds to the complexity of understanding and diagnosing problems that impact the enterprise.
I just wish all of the difficult problems that I have worked on for the last 20 years could have been easily solved by looking at one component. The problems that were caused by a single component often could be diagnosed and fixed in less than a day.
<pre>"The largest systems in the world rely upon architectures based on these properties"
The largest systems in the world have been built over decades and have been based on many false starts and trial and error solutions to meet the specific business needs (and that is a very big plural) of the companies which hold those systems.
Small start ups cannot start with the assumption that they will need to support 1 billion users in 20 years because right now they are not even sure they have enough money to even run for 3 years. So they need something that works quickly no matter how it might fare in 20 years.
It's a raging tech sea. Many want anchors.
If you want a quick ride to the bottom just beeline to the nearest lighthouse looking thing like this while pretending it's a silver bullet. Sell it to management as such too.
It worked for agile! Even though that manifestos creators have basically since gone, "WTF, people? We weren't meaning to found a religion."
Not to say I think agile is even "bad". But snake oil, silver bullets, and fascist purists sure tend to be.