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Design and Architecture

QuestionHeap stack allocation Pin
trønderen15-Jan-23 13:10
trønderen15-Jan-23 13:10 
AnswerRe: Heap stack allocation Pin
jschell22-Jan-23 9:08
jschell22-Jan-23 9:08 
GeneralRe: Heap stack allocation Pin
trønderen23-Jan-23 4:26
trønderen23-Jan-23 4:26 
GeneralRe: Heap stack allocation Pin
jschell24-Jan-23 10:09
jschell24-Jan-23 10:09 
GeneralRe: Heap stack allocation Pin
jsc4225-Jan-23 1:15
jsc4225-Jan-23 1:15 
GeneralRe: Heap stack allocation Pin
harold aptroot23-Jan-23 1:03
harold aptroot23-Jan-23 1:03 
GeneralRe: Heap stack allocation Pin
trønderen23-Jan-23 4:46
trønderen23-Jan-23 4:46 
GeneralRe: Heap stack allocation Pin
jschell24-Jan-23 10:12
jschell24-Jan-23 10:12 
QuestionSetting Up Client Test Environments Pin
Kevin Marois28-Dec-22 9:48
professionalKevin Marois28-Dec-22 9:48 
AnswerRe: Setting Up Client Test Environments Pin
jschell17-Jan-23 4:34
jschell17-Jan-23 4:34 
AnswerRe: Setting Up Client Test Environments Pin
jochance7-Mar-23 19:23
jochance7-Mar-23 19:23 
QuestionHas x:bind in WinUI 3 effectively killed commanding and converters? Pin
greatoceansoftware23-Dec-22 5:53
greatoceansoftware23-Dec-22 5:53 
AnswerRe: Has x:bind in WinUI 3 effectively killed commanding and converters? Pin
Gerry Schmitz28-Dec-22 16:24
mveGerry Schmitz28-Dec-22 16:24 
GeneralRe: Has x:bind in WinUI 3 effectively killed commanding and converters? Pin
greatoceansoftware29-Dec-22 14:56
greatoceansoftware29-Dec-22 14:56 
QuestionImplementing Google Contacts in WPF App Pin
Kevin Marois13-Dec-22 6:31
professionalKevin Marois13-Dec-22 6:31 
AnswerRe: Implementing Google Contacts in WPF App Pin
Gerry Schmitz14-Dec-22 9:08
mveGerry Schmitz14-Dec-22 9:08 
GeneralRe: Implementing Google Contacts in WPF App Pin
Kevin Marois14-Dec-22 10:22
professionalKevin Marois14-Dec-22 10:22 
GeneralRe: Implementing Google Contacts in WPF App Pin
Gerry Schmitz15-Dec-22 8:07
mveGerry Schmitz15-Dec-22 8:07 
GeneralRe: Implementing Google Contacts in WPF App Pin
Kevin Marois15-Dec-22 12:27
professionalKevin Marois15-Dec-22 12:27 
GeneralRe: Implementing Google Contacts in WPF App Pin
Gerry Schmitz15-Dec-22 16:30
mveGerry Schmitz15-Dec-22 16:30 
GeneralRe: Implementing Google Contacts in WPF App Pin
Kevin Marois15-Dec-22 18:15
professionalKevin Marois15-Dec-22 18:15 
GeneralRe: Implementing Google Contacts in WPF App Pin
Gerry Schmitz16-Dec-22 2:06
mveGerry Schmitz16-Dec-22 2:06 
AnswerRe: Implementing Google Contacts in WPF App Pin
jschell20-Dec-22 13:34
jschell20-Dec-22 13:34 
QuestionI have a really strange problem with WebRequest in a ServiceStack web application (hosted by XSP on Mono). It seems that the registration of request modules works in a very strange way; I am using WebRequest to create an HTTP request, and it is faili Pin
Isaac Tack12-Dec-22 1:20
Isaac Tack12-Dec-22 1:20 
AnswerRe: JWT vs Redis - to improve the performance of my application Pin
jschell13-Dec-22 10:42
jschell13-Dec-22 10:42 

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