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AnswerRe: How to create a semi-transparent frame in Xamarin (XAML code)? Pin
Gerry Schmitz14-May-21 9:42
mveGerry Schmitz14-May-21 9:42 
QuestionHow do I fire up an Android Emulator in Android Studio? Pin
priyamtheone6-May-21 8:14
priyamtheone6-May-21 8:14 
QuestionRe: How do I fire up an Android Emulator in Android Studio? Pin
David Crow9-May-21 16:23
David Crow9-May-21 16:23 
AnswerRe: How do I fire up an Android Emulator in Android Studio? Pin
priyamtheone11-May-21 9:12
priyamtheone11-May-21 9:12 
AnswerRe: How do I fire up an Android Emulator in Android Studio? Pin
Gerry Schmitz14-May-21 9:53
mveGerry Schmitz14-May-21 9:53 
GeneralRe: How do I fire up an Android Emulator in Android Studio? Pin
priyamtheone15-May-21 5:55
priyamtheone15-May-21 5:55 
AnswerRe: How do I fire up an Android Emulator in Android Studio? Pin
JakeClarke25-May-21 3:19
professionalJakeClarke25-May-21 3:19 
GeneralRe: How do I fire up an Android Emulator in Android Studio? Pin
priyamtheone27-May-21 6:10
priyamtheone27-May-21 6:10 
QuestionHow do I write an application that sends the origin and destination of the user to the Uber app? Pin
Nima Mazaheri 20211-May-21 22:17
Nima Mazaheri 20211-May-21 22:17 
AnswerRe: How do I write an application that sends the origin and destination of the user to the Uber app? Pin
Richard MacCutchan2-May-21 1:04
mveRichard MacCutchan2-May-21 1:04 
QuestionRe: How do I write an application that sends the origin and destination of the user to the Uber app? Pin
David Crow2-May-21 16:42
David Crow2-May-21 16:42 
QuestionAndroid studio Pin
Zainab Hussaini14-Apr-21 0:51
Zainab Hussaini14-Apr-21 0:51 
AnswerRe: Android studio Pin
Richard Deeming14-Apr-21 1:30
mveRichard Deeming14-Apr-21 1:30 
QuestionKotlin Interface Listener inheritance Error Pin
leesungyoen5-Apr-21 18:38
leesungyoen5-Apr-21 18:38 
QuestionRe: Kotlin Interface Listener inheritance Error Pin
Richard MacCutchan5-Apr-21 21:19
mveRichard MacCutchan5-Apr-21 21:19 
AnswerRe: Kotlin Interface Listener inheritance Error Pin
SeanChupas6-Apr-21 2:14
SeanChupas6-Apr-21 2:14 
QuestionRe: Kotlin Interface Listener inheritance Error Pin
David Crow6-Apr-21 2:22
David Crow6-Apr-21 2:22 
QuestionImplement AsyncTask Pin
paradox029-Mar-21 22:02
paradox029-Mar-21 22:02 
QuestionRe: Implement AsyncTask Pin
David Crow8-Apr-21 4:33
David Crow8-Apr-21 4:33 
AnswerRe: Implement AsyncTask Pin
James_Carter42023-May-21 4:14
James_Carter42023-May-21 4:14 
QuestionAndroid Studio oddity Pin
David Crow3-Mar-21 4:08
David Crow3-Mar-21 4:08 
AnswerRe: Android Studio oddity Pin
Richard MacCutchan3-Mar-21 4:52
mveRichard MacCutchan3-Mar-21 4:52 
Questionhow to add a button in one the navigation drawer fragment so that when the user click he is directed to another sub fragment of that previous fragment Pin
George S Mulbah II2-Mar-21 15:55
George S Mulbah II2-Mar-21 15:55 
QuestionRe: how to add a button in one the navigation drawer fragment so that when the user click he is directed to another sub fragment of that previous fragment Pin
David Crow3-Mar-21 2:35
David Crow3-Mar-21 2:35 
QuestionXamarin Forms API - Can't Connect Pin
Kevin Marois16-Feb-21 6:13
professionalKevin Marois16-Feb-21 6:13 

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