You probably need to use a class so you save all the details in in instance of that class. You could then keep all instances in a list and process them from there. However, given the lack of detail in your question it is difficult to be more specific.
Veni, vidi, abiit domum
have you tried identifying the views for this app?? this might help you in achieving what you are going after for the app and create/answer questions to help you further along.
from what I am seeing so far I can envision at least 3 different views. one with the screen containing these two buttons you want and then a view that gets displayed for each button.
since in processing is a collection of orders you will probably have an array of some sort.
does all this information get sent to a server somewhere??
does the server store state of orders??
how do you talk to the server??
you really need to sit down and start asking yourself and your team (if you have one) a lot of questions about the app and what the problem is that you are trying to solve.
you want something inspirational??
I'm fairly new to objective C and I'm just learning how to use functions. In the below function I understand what the first line does but then the statements below have me a bit confused can anyone explain it to me? Its the "theBudget->budget" bit I dont understand.
void spendDollars (budget* theBudget, double dollars) {
theBudget->budget -= dollars;
Thanks for your help in advance
This is standard C notation, and a fundamental construct of the language. If you don't understand it, then you really need to go back to basics and get yourself an introductory book. The first parameter (theBudget ) in the function declaration is a pointer to a budget object (Class or Structure). In the first line of the function the program is subtracting the value of the dollars item from the budget member of the object. A rather poor use of names calling a member of the object by the same name as the object type. In fact I'm not sure that that would not produce a compiler error or warning.
Veni, vidi, abiit domum
Hi Richard,
Thanks for the explanation. I am a beginner and this is an example they are using in an introductory book to explain functions. Going off what you have said this is a pretty poor example which is probably why I'm getting a bit confused.Thanks for the help
ericgahn wrote: I cannot find a proper Mac forum so will ask this q here. Why? Your question has nothing to do with Objective-C. And a quick Google search will find you plenty of sites for Mac users.
Veni, vidi, abiit domum
Marc I know it is not about Objective-C and I did Google but all that comes up is Retina related.
Veni, vidi, abiit domum
I am starting out in Apple dev environments. I have downloaded some pdf's and located some tutorials on the Internet however do not know where to start. There are some on iOS programming, some Objective-C, some Soryboard etc...
Any pointers on how to proceed and sequence will be appreciated. My main interest initially is iPhone.
modified 8-Jan-14 18:05pm.
Start Here[^]
If you want to program for iPhone then that's the best way to start - you'll learn Objective-C in order to do so and look at storyboards too
MVVM # - I did it My Way
Man, you're a god. - walterhevedeich 26/05/2011
(That's an 'M')
I want some basic tutorials for objective C. thanks
don't use recursion also...
This is not a valid question. Go back to your reference books or lecture notes and try to work out a strategy.
Veni, vidi, abiit domum
Richard MacCutchan wrote: This is not a valid question.
Just curious about that. Maybe with qualification it would be clearer. Like it isn't 'valid' because it is a homework question and one should do ones own work? If so then 'valid' might not be the best word.
Or perhaps because it isn't possible to do what the OP asked in Objective-C?
Or perhaps it is just not a valid question.
Veni, vidi, abiit domum
Let me make my previous question more clear - how exactly is the original question not "valid"?
It looks valid to me. I am using the following definition (from google).
valid: (of an argument or point) having a sound basis in logic or fact: reasonable or cogent.