I have a MySQL table with start and end dates.
E.g rows like this:
start | end
2022-03-01 | 2022-04-10
2021-12-01 | 2022-03-11
2022-01-01 | 2022-04-05
I want to count how many of the days in those ranges (all rows) were in April 2022 for instance.
The first record has 10 days in April, the third record has 5 days in April, so the result should be 15.
So what ideas have you considered so far?
As you have not shared your attempt at solving this for yourself, nor responded to Craig, I am only going to give you hints to a possible solution. For my test data I used this
declare @demo table (startdate date, enddate date)
insert into @demo (startdate, enddate) values
('2022-03-01', '2022-04-10'),
('2021-12-01', '2022-03-11'),
('2022-01-01', '2022-04-05'); I also hard-coded the start and end dates for the month I am interested in
declare @1stDay date = '2022-04-01';
declare @LastDay date = '2022-04-30'; I then wrote some sql that would convert the dates I had on the table to only those that fell into the month I am looking at. E.g. Something like this
select startdate, enddate
,case when startdate < @1stDay then @1stDay
when startdate > @lastDay then @LastDay
else startdate end as AmendedStartDate
,case when enddate < @1stDay then @1stDay
when enddate > @LastDay then @LastDay
else enddate end as AmendedEndDate
from @demo; I then used those Amended dates in a datediff calculation to get the number of days in each range that fell in April 2022.
This approach is flawed - in that I get 9, 0 and 4 as the results instead of 10, 0, 5. I will leave that as an exercise for you to sort out. I also coded this in MSSQL so you may need to make minor syntactical changes
1) Developing a WebService on a DMZ server which will connect back to corporate SQL2019 server.
2) There are lots of other databases on this server, however there will be only one database (DB_X) which these WebServices need to interact.
3) Assume user, WEBAPI_USER, is created.
4) Now, that user cannot see any databases via MS SQL Server Studio, not even the DB_X database which has been granted access
Note: Kind of crazy because if you run the query: SELECT * FROM SYSOBJECTS WHERE XTYPE = 'U', you will get a full list of all the tables. If done some research on this and it appears that WEBAPI_USER would need to become the owner of the databaase to see it in MSSS.
Question: What is everyone else doing to create a limited access MS-SQL user ?
Thank you in advance.
Your description seems to be going backwards.
What you should be doing.
First create the user.
Second give it access to the specific database.
Until you give it access it should not be able to do anything. Which is why your description seems off. Seems to suggest that you created it with access to everything and now you want to restrict that access. So whatever you did to create it in the first place is wrong.
My database tbl_user has the following columns :
| User_id | Upline | Right_id | Left_id |
| 1 | 0 | 4 | 7 |
| 2 | 0 | 6 | 5 |
| 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 4 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
| 5 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
| 6 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
| 7 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
| 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
$user_id = 2;
$user_tree = $this->getAllRec("u.user_id",
"tbl_user u",
"WHERE u.Upline = '".$user_id."'
ORDER BY Right_id ASC");
I want the array `$user_tree` to hold (user_id 5) first, then (user_id 6), how to do that?
I want to print **Left_id** first, then only print **Right_id**. May I know how to do it?
Do I need to use left join or use another query?
modified 3-Apr-22 22:30pm.
Firstly - take note of the previous comment about SQL Injection!
Quote: I want the array `$user_tree` to hold (user_id 5) first, then (user_id 6), how to do that? Then you need to order your results by [user_id] e.g.
select *
from @demo
where upline = 2
order by [User_id]; Quote: I want to print **Left_id** first, then only print **Right_id**. May I know how to do it? I'm not entirely sure what you mean here, but it sounds like you want the columns in a different order in your result. In the example above I used select * - that is not actually good practice. It is much better to list the columns that you want, in the order that you want them - this helps protect any code that is using the results from any subsequent changes to the table schema, such as adding a new column.
However, if you mean you want to sort by one column within the "grouping" of another column then you simply add a list of things to sort by.
This example covers both the scenarios above
select Left_id,Right_id
from @demo
order by Upline, [User_id]; If you meant something else then reply to this solution and I will try to help
I'm writing a function which will join two collections and two filters for each.
public class Teacher
public string Id{ get; set; }
public string Name{ get; set; }
public string TeacherFilter{ get; set; }
public class Student
public string Id{ get; set; }
public string Name{ get; set; }
public string StudentFilter{ get; set; }
public string TeacherId{ get; set; }
public class TeacherStudents
public string Id{ get; set; } -- from teacher
public string Name{ get; set; } -- from teacher
public IEnumerable<Student> Students{get;set;}
public class TeacherStudents
public string Id{ get; set; } -- from teacher
public string Name{ get; set; } -- from teacher
public IEnumerable<Student> Student{get;set;}
public class TeacherStudent
public string Id{ get; set; } -- from teacher
public string Name{ get; set; } -- from teacher
public Student Student{get;set;}
Get(string TeacherFilter,string StudentFilter).
Here is how i implement it
var query = teacherCollection.Aggregate().Match(x => x.TeacherFilter== TeacherFilter);
var query1 = query
.Lookup<Teacher, Student, TeacherStudent>(studentCollection, t => t.Id, s => s.TeacherId, l => l.Student)
.Unwind(x => x.Student, new AggregateUnwindOptions<TeacherStudent>())
.Match(x => x.StudentFilter== StudentFilter)
For the teacher collection, useless data has been filter out which will reduce the data size when doing the lookup(join). But for the student collection, the match stage is appended after the lookup. so does all the data from student will join with teacher behind the scenes? is it possible to filter out some student data before the lookup?
why no one answer it?
modified 10-Mar-22 12:12pm.
You posted it less than 12 hours ago. Half the world won't have woken up and had a chance to to read it yet.
And since questions here are answered by volunteers, nobody is under any obligation to answer it at all, let alone within a defined time limit.
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
i wanna ask.
i forgot my MySQL root password, so i tried to fix it based from this link:
MySQL :: MySQL and Windows :: 4 Resetting the Root Password: Windows Systems[^]
but it still doesn't work and there's few messages, but there's 1 error msg, i.e.:
Failed to set datadir to 'C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\data\' (OS errno: 2 - No such file or directory)
in addition, there's also a warning i.e.:
Can't create test file C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\data\mysqld_tmp_file_case_insensitive_test.lower-test
any1 know how to fix this issue..?
And does the directory 'C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\data\' actually exist?
no. but the questions is:
1. why it make such error..? (e.g. tries to access non-exist folder)
2. why it doesn't create the folder by itself..?
3. should the folder created manually..? since it didn't mentioned anything in the article about that folder or even error-handling if it occurred
chipp_zanuff wrote: the questions is:
1. why it make such error..? (e.g. tries to access non-exist folder)
2. why it doesn't create the folder by itself..?
3. should the folder created manually..? since it didn't mentioned anything in the article about that folder or even error-handling if it occurred
- But why did you set the non-existing folder?
- Why do you think the folder should be created by itself? Well, if you really need such a feature then ask the MySQL developers!
- It looks like the folder should be created manually.
i wasn't
have you read the link that i posted?
i run this command:
mysqld --init-file=C:\\mysql-init.txt
and the error occurred
i've created that "data" folder, and run init command.. there was no problem...
but when testing connection, the problem still the same, i.e. below pic..
error connection[^]
know how to fix it?
The message is self-explanatory: one or more of the IP address, port, userid or password are not valid. Check all your settings.
one or more of the IP address, port, userid or password are not valid.
where did you see this message..? it's not in anything in the picture i shared...
the error msg is:
Failed connect to MySQL bla bla bla...
The message lists all the values it is trying to use to connect. So it is reasonably safe to assume that one or more of them is not correct. That is the only information you have to work with, so you need to investigate further to discover which one it is.
Hello database experts,
In SQL Server is an option to update statistics before detaching a database, both using Transact-SQL and management studio wizard.
The purpose and advantage of updating statistics is clear.
My question is that, why should we update statistics before detaching a database? Is there any performance issue in recovery of database while attaching? or something else?
My query to get a ranked leaderboard works on MYSQL 5.7 but gives me errors now that I upgraded to MYSQL 8.0
mysql> SELECT username,score,level, FIND_IN_SET(score,(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(score ORDER BY score ASC)FROM highscore WHERE game = 0 AND level = 4 AND user = 10 )) AS rank FROM highscore WHERE game = 0 AND level = 4 AND user = 1 ORDER BY rank LIMIT 10;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax
to use near 'rank FROM highscore WHERE game = 0 AND level = 4 AND user = 1 ORDER BY rank LIMI' at line 1
Any ideas?
Thank you Team!