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AnswerRe: execute an update  using --> "Exec sp_executesql @Sql1" Pin
David Mujica2-Feb-23 4:31
David Mujica2-Feb-23 4:31 
AnswerRe: execute an update  using --> "Exec sp_executesql @Sql1" Pin
Eddy Vluggen10-Mar-23 12:17
professionalEddy Vluggen10-Mar-23 12:17 
QuestionQuestion On SQL Query Result Pin
crmfghtr20-Jan-23 5:13
crmfghtr20-Jan-23 5:13 
AnswerRe: Question On SQL Query Result Pin
Richard Deeming20-Jan-23 5:33
mveRichard Deeming20-Jan-23 5:33 
PraiseRe: Question On SQL Query Result Pin
crmfghtr20-Jan-23 5:41
crmfghtr20-Jan-23 5:41 
AnswerRe: Question On SQL Query Result Pin
Mycroft Holmes20-Jan-23 11:34
professionalMycroft Holmes20-Jan-23 11:34 
GeneralRe: Question On SQL Query Result Pin
crmfghtr20-Jan-23 12:41
crmfghtr20-Jan-23 12:41 
QuestionEF Core 6 Exclude Columns Pin
Kevin Marois19-Dec-22 8:47
professionalKevin Marois19-Dec-22 8:47 
AnswerRe: EF Core 6 Exclude Columns Pin
Dave Kreskowiak19-Dec-22 15:47
mveDave Kreskowiak19-Dec-22 15:47 
GeneralRe: EF Core 6 Exclude Columns Pin
Kevin Marois23-Dec-22 7:36
professionalKevin Marois23-Dec-22 7:36 
QuestionUsing SQL Native Backup URL, multiple databases to Azure Blob Storage Pin
Jaime Maccou9-Dec-22 1:00
Jaime Maccou9-Dec-22 1:00 
AnswerRe: Using SQL Native Backup URL, multiple databases to Azure Blob Storage Pin
jschell12-Dec-22 10:33
jschell12-Dec-22 10:33 
QuestionEntity Framework Core 6 VARCHAR(MAX) Pin
Kevin Marois8-Dec-22 12:54
professionalKevin Marois8-Dec-22 12:54 
AnswerRe: Entity Framework Core 6 VARCHAR(MAX) Pin
Victor Nijegorodov8-Dec-22 18:24
Victor Nijegorodov8-Dec-22 18:24 
GeneralRe: Entity Framework Core 6 VARCHAR(MAX) Pin
Kevin Marois9-Dec-22 11:47
professionalKevin Marois9-Dec-22 11:47 
GeneralRe: Entity Framework Core 6 VARCHAR(MAX) Pin
jschell12-Dec-22 10:35
jschell12-Dec-22 10:35 
QuestionSOLVED - Pivot a result set Pin
Richard Andrew x6428-Nov-22 5:46
professionalRichard Andrew x6428-Nov-22 5:46 
AnswerRe: SOLVED - Pivot a result set Pin
Richard Deeming28-Nov-22 21:24
mveRichard Deeming28-Nov-22 21:24 
QuestionTSQL - JOIN cancels out my date filter Pin
jkirkerx27-Nov-22 13:53
professionaljkirkerx27-Nov-22 13:53 
AnswerRe: TSQL - JOIN cancels out my date filter Pin
Graham Breach27-Nov-22 21:38
Graham Breach27-Nov-22 21:38 
GeneralRe: TSQL - JOIN cancels out my date filter Pin
jkirkerx28-Nov-22 6:32
professionaljkirkerx28-Nov-22 6:32 
GeneralRe: TSQL - JOIN cancels out my date filter Pin
jschell28-Nov-22 10:44
jschell28-Nov-22 10:44 
QuestionTSQL - Create a JOIN, knowing that it may not exist, but show the initial records at least instead of nothing [bad idea] - abandoned it Pin
jkirkerx21-Nov-22 9:15
professionaljkirkerx21-Nov-22 9:15 
AnswerMaybe this is a bad idea, so I abandoned it. Did a work around instead. Pin
jkirkerx21-Nov-22 9:35
professionaljkirkerx21-Nov-22 9:35 
AnswerRe: TSQL - Create a JOIN, knowing that it may not exist, but show the initial records at least instead of nothing [bad idea] - abandoned it Pin
Graham Breach21-Nov-22 10:29
Graham Breach21-Nov-22 10:29 

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